With the second baby, unless you threw everything out - you don’t really need to buy much. Mainly nappies, cream and wipes. Clothes if your previous baby’s clothes don’t fit the new baby. Post partum items for yourself - lots of cooling pads, ibuprofen, peri bottle. New underwear - personally I went up a size so my pre pregnancy underwear doesn’t fit anymore. That’s really all I can think of what I got for my second
I had my 2nd baby a week ago.. Diapers and wipes were a top priority with baby #2, making sure we had all the clothes we needed and had them washed ahead of time.. this time we bought cloth diapers for when baby girl is older. Got her a new swing and am using the same bassinet and crib as I did with my first. Making sure the car seat cover was washed and ready for her. Bought over 400 breast milk bags because I plan to store as much as I can and donate to moms in need in my area. Also made sure I had everything for myself postpartum, adult diapers (more comfortable in the beginning), nipple balm, breast pads for leaking, extra breast-pump parts if needed (using the same breast-pump as my first baby). If your worried you don’t have everything you need go look online like TikTok of even Pinterest and see what other moms have purchased as a second time parent for themselves and baby. Honestly bought a lot less with second baby than I did with my first. Didn’t need as much as I thought!😊