CMPA synptoms??

My LO is 8 weeks now and gaining weight beautifully. But recently he’s started being sick after every feed and he sounds very congested. Almost like he’s snoring when sleeping!! He’s on omperazole daily for reflux that are causing apneas (which is terrifying). He’s hasn’t got any rashes or anything but I’m wondering if it’s cmpa rather than reflux 🤷‍♀️ Anyone else’s LO misdiagnosed with reflux and it turned out to be cmpa? My eldest had cmpa (he’s now 25 yrs old) but it wasn’t picked up until he was 16 months. Kept getting told “he has a cold” So overly cautious momma is concerned
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I was told mine originally had reflux but it turned out to be CMPA. Symptoms were excess wind with swollen tummy, blood in stools, rash on cheeks&chest and always sounded congested when feeding and laying down!

Hi hun. I've been told my 16 week old had reflux from the start, he's on omeprozole. By apneas do you mean he stops breathing for few seconds? Mine does this but tbh but I thought it was a normal baby thing 🙈 Anyway.. mines symptoms were reflux from birth, terrible wind and sharts in nappy, nappy explosions+++++, watery stools with mucus (didn't happen until a few weeks ago), congestion, wet throat after feeds, wheezing, blotchy red patches around eyes and mouth, swollen eyelids (only twice), visible discomfort before opening bowels, appearing relieved and in better spirits after, sneezing after feeds, bumpy red rash with little white heads, also an eczema rash on tummy, elbows and face, unable to sleep independently. As far as I'm aware, an infant can have all or just a few of those symptoms. My friends LO only had bad wind and couldn't be put down, she struggled through and 8 months later symptoms sky rocketed and he has cmpa. Hope you get sorted soon 🤍

Have you tried a different medication for reflux If bottle fed you can use carobel or gaviscon It could be colds causing the congestion but it could be cmpa You can use the above along side omerprazle too Unfortunately if formula fed 9 out of 10of the time with allergy formula reflux will most likely be much worse If breastfeeding there's no harm in cutting milk from your diet to see I'd personally try another method for reflux alongside omerprazle and if that doesn't help request an allergy milk but keep up with the reflux meds

We were told reflux and it ended up cmpa but we had weight issues and refusal to feed too. We were on gaviscon then omeprazole. Also ended up with blood and mucus in poos but not till later (I think due to finally actually drinking milk). Also babies often pause breathing when sleeping etc , they grow out of it. Not sure if it's what you mean or you're experiencing something different.

My youngest was told reflux. Gaviscon and omeprazole prescribed! She then started aptsmil pepti 1 worse!! Then she had nutramigen puramino and came off gaviscon and omeprazole and infacol! Xx

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