I fear it’s coming to an end 😭 BF mumma

My baby has started to reject the boob which he hasn’t done… ever! I’m not ready to give up, I wanted to do it until he was one and I’m at a complete loss. He will take small amounts of formula (3-4oz here and there) from a bottle and loves his purees but will often scream or only suckle to initiate a let down when at the boob. This has been going on for 2 days and I worry about my supply being affected. He has got a cold and is teething … could this be it?
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Breast refusal is very common and usually temporary at this age. Are you on ant breastfeeding fb groups or have access to a local group to ask for some help? For now I would keep offering as regularly as you would normally. Then I would hand express or pump to try and keep your supply up.

Cold reduces their desire. Mine stops feeding as much whenever he has a cold. Google it and you’ll see so keep the faith! But I’d be tempted to drop the bottles if you’re enjoying BF and worried, if it continues.

@Isabella thanks 🙏 we had a bit of a better day today but he’s still a bit unpredictable with when he’ll take it !

@Mee yeah I’m going to keep the morning bottle because I want him to be used to formula for when I’m not there but the rest of the day I’ll BF

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