I read a research article that children will avoid foods they have an intolerance or an allergy to. It may be unlikely but could be upsetting her tummy so she’s biologically choosing to avoid them. Or she just doesn’t like the taste of them 😂 Maybe try French toast/eggy bread instead?
It could be a sensory thing or she may not like the flavor. I'm an adult and I still avoid eggs unless they're made exactly right because I can't stand the taste and have sensory issues with them if not made right. You could try some different seasonings and scramble them with a little extra milk so they're not as stiff and then spread em on some toast. That's the only way I'm able to eat them 😅
My son doesn’t like egg he is 22 months and has never liked them. So I stopped offering them. I never liked eggs as a child either.
@Kayla I'm going to try this in a week. Thank you
@Sophie you might be right. When she was about 7 or 8 months old, we gave her pancake and eggs for the first time. We also gave her maple.syrup with the pancakes. After a couple of hours she started vomiting non stop. This lasted a couple of hours. I chucked it up to car sickness or the maple syrup, as I later found out they're not supposed to have syrup until they're one. Maybe it was the eggs
@Salem I'm going to try that on the toast. The sensory thing def crossed my mind by the face she makes
@Dianna my daughter is the same way! When I first gave her egg strips she didn't even like holding it but once I tried giving it to her the way I eat them she was IN LOVE with it
If it isn't down to an intolerance or allergy could you make an omelette but put veg and cheese in it?
@Lauren I'm going to try that. Thank you!
I also add cheese to scrambled egg and you can make savoury egg muffins too?
In all fairness, I’m 25 and don’t like eggs either in any way shape or form 🤢🤣x
My toddler is 2 and has pretty much never eaten eggs unless it’s cooked into foods like pancakes 😂🙃 I’ve tried a hundred times in different forms. He ate a boiled egg once and that was it
Same with my LO. She doesn’t like eggs. Spit them out right away.
I mixed guacamole or just plain avacado into my son’s eggs to get him to eat them lol.