Yikes, that's big! 😳. My baby was estimated at 8lb 13 at 39+6, she was born a week later at 9lb 9!
he’s consistently been measuring large so i’d rather him out so he has less chance of getting “stuck” and hopefully they can find a solution because OUCH!🫣xx
My first was measuring big … they said around 8lb 12 at my 38 week scan , to be honest I chose there and then for a c-section instead of induction, 3 days later he was born 9lb 1 via c-section. I know people say scans can be way off with sizing but both mine have been pretty bang on! Stick to your guns and try and be heard about your concerns … good luck! :) x
My baby was 5lb 12oz at 38 +4 and still got completely stuck ended up in emergency c section . My sister in law gave birth to a 9lb 9oz baby at 40 weeks he was big all the pregnancy but the last few weeks he didn't grow as much, she was told he be about 11lb and he wasn't after having a sweep and induction and ended up with an episotomy go with your gut and keep telling them they shouldnt be able to refuse
Hi! My baby was measuring at about the same as yours, I was induced at 39 weeks and my boy came out 6lbs 11oz
I was told my baby was measuring big, I was admitted at 37 weeks during to pre eclampsia and was induced. I had my little boy at 37+4 expecting a big baby and he was 6lb 15oz so he wasn't actually that big (my partner had to go and buy the smaller sizes) but like others have said their babies have measured big and have been big when born so it really is luck of the draw I suppose x
It’s all just guess work, there’s a huge margin for error when it comes to measuring babies size whilst they’re still in the womb.
I had a c-section but was told my baby was measuring big throughout my whole pregnancy. At my 36 week growth scan they told me he measured on the 92 centile and was already 8+lbs. My baby was born at 39w5d and weighed 8lbs2oz and measured on the 50th centile - definitely take their measurements with a pinch of salt as they’re not always spot on!
I had a 9lb 14oz baby via induction and he just wanted out, pessary 7pm was born 9:03am the next day, he was so much easier than my first who was 8lb 4oz and forcep delivery.
I was warned about big baby all pregnancy, didn't take it serious cause of the "error" etc. born on due date 9lbs 5oz, she was past the centile towards the end of the pregnancy, and made her own line on the chart 🤣Started naturally, ended up in forceps with 4th degree tear and episiotomy, followed by 5 courses of antibiotics as the cut got infected. Wish I'd honestly gone for a C-section in hindsight. But really up to you, as people said it could be error etc x
My daughter was 9 lbs 6 oz born at 40+1 without induction. She got stuck and they used the “vacuum”. I was lucky with a talented doctor.
I didn’t take them too seriously with my baby that jumped from 56th percentile at 33 weeks to 86th by 39 weeks and they wanted to induce due to the rapid weight gain. I’d seen a lot of inaccuracies posted on here and I held off as I wanted a natural birth but ended up being induced as she didn’t want to come out. After 2 and a half days, reaching 9cm dilated, I had to have an emergency c-section. She weighed 9lbs 4 oz and would have been extremely difficult to have birthed without major intervention vaginally. I wish I’d opted for the c-section without induction. The induction process was traumatic, and healing from a c-section was simple/sounds a lot easier than episiotomies!
Mine was only 5lb at birth and he was messuring 8th percentile and I had to have a c section
I gave birth exactly 2 weeks ago today to my little girl. I was told on the Monday on my growth scan she was weighing 9lb6oz… induced on the Tuesday and she was born on the Wednesday morning weighing 7lb5oz. I was petrified of giving birth to a huge baby but the scans aren’t accurate at all. I was so shocked to see a tiny baby put on me when she was born, so tiny that none of her clothes fitted🤣
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My baby was 7lb 7oz at 38 weeks and ended up being 9lb 6oz at delivery, I was refused induction until 40 + 5 and ended up having emc x
I was told my bump was measuring “too small” at 39 weeks, they sent me for a growth scan and then decided baby is now measuring “big”, in their words “will likely be over 9/10lbs”. Went into labour 40 weeks + 5 days and he was 7lbs 7oz Don’t worry yourself too much x
I was refused any growth scans because I was measuring big and not small- which is all they worry about apparently! My boy was a week late and 11lb 9oz 🤣 he came so fast I had no choice but to have him naturally and I had a 2nd degree tear when his shoulder got stuck!!
Studies show half of all shoulder dystocia cases are in babies who are not "big"! So it's not an increased risk
My auntie was told she was having the biggest baby the country had ever seen, rushed her to have a c-section and gave her all these scary stats about his shoulders getting stuck and all that...... he was 7lbs and tiny.
This happened to a friend of mine where she was constantly told her baby was ‘big’ and got induced early. her daughter was 6lb when born