
What are people doing about water out and about? Baby girl has refused a bottle since she was 2 weeks old so we've gone straight to weighted straw cup and open cup (it ends up everywhere). She's still very much on the boob and more into dinner than food at lunch or breakfast, but we do put her in a highchair if we go out for coffee and lunch etc and do offer snacks (hand held like pancakes, and emergency baby stick food). When we go out though we don't take water with us, are people taking water sippy cups with them ? She's only just started to learn to use the straw and will drink max of i'd say a teaspoon or tablespoon max at dinner. I guess as she gets bigger she'll drink more and more, i can't remember what we did with my eldest, but i do remember he was way into an open cup a d we had to persevere with the straw
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My little girl only drinks water from this cup https://amzn.eu/d/5Hhgqe8 She hated the open cup and the tommee tipper sippy cup, so we just fill this up with water before we leave and take it with us in her bag and she drinks from it as the day goes by. She now pretty much finishes the water hey the end of the day.

I just give her tap water out of whatever we have to hand. We went out for dinner last weekend and she was drinking tap water out of a Guinness glass 😂

In all honesty i drink everything at home from a beer festival plastic pint glass. Because of this my LO constantly wants whatever I have so when we are out he just drinks out of a normal glass. Normally a couple of sips here and there. Have tried all types of cups but he hates them all. Just loves a proper open cup. 🙄 Pros and cons to him doing this quite early on xx

Take the sippy cup out all the time x

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