Baby in Posterior position

I’m currently 38+4 and had a midwife appt today, she told me the baby is in a posterior position (back to back). Apparently this can slow down labour and make it more painful as well as increasing the risk of interventions😫 has anyone else had this experience and had any luck turning the baby?
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Mine was back to back at 37w, having my next appt on Friday to see if he has moved. My midwife said to do the exercises from spinning babies website and a lot of cat/cows, basically being on all four as it allows for the baby to move more. Fingers crossed!

Look up spinning babies & miles circuit. Both will help turn baby. Also, a chiropractor can help.

Thank you both! She did reccomend spinning babies so I’ve had a look at the exercises on there, hopefully that can get things moving!!

Yep, this happened to me. Labour gave me two different types of contractions that came at different times, so I didn’t have a break. I couldn’t sit, stand, kneel - nothing. Because I was in so much distress, it slowed down the labour and baby wouldn’t come on his own. I ended up having an epidural and baby’s heart rate dropped a couple of times resulting in an emergency c section. I tried for a couple of weeks to turn baby by being on hands and knees and doing different exercises, and unfortunately it didn’t work. I was told that it’s lucky I had a c section, because a natural labour would have likely meant instruments would be needed to help him out. Definitely don’t want to scare you, but it’s very difficult and can be dangerous and painful. Babies can turn at the last minute, even during labour, but I’m pregnant with my second and if this happens again, I’ll be requesting a c section as soon as I go into labour (if I do because I was late 10+ days and needed to be induced) x

@Parris oh gosh that sounds awful! Fingers crossed the exercises work then😫

My 2nd was back to back, I didn't realise for a while but could feel the contractions so much more in my back, after it not progressing for a long time they realised he was back to back, in the end after choosing an epidural as I was knackered I did have an assisted forceps delivery, but he was quite big at 8lbs9oz at 38+3 aswell! They did try turning him during labour but he was having none of it! If it helps he wasn't in any distress during the labour if anything was too comfy, it was more me getting tired and just wanting him out that we went for the assisted delivery! X

@Charlotte Thank you for sharing your story! This doesn’t sound too bad, fingers crossed everything will be okay!🤞🏻 xx

Take it with a pinch of salt. Every time I see this one midwife she tells me baby’s back to back, but every other midwife I’ve seen and scan I’ve had have said different! I saw that midwife yesterday and she said she’s definitely b2b but the scan today said she’s not. Babies can turn up to and during labour so try not to stress! X

Hoping baby turns round for you 🤍 if not, definitely ask your midwife’s what options are available to you and id personally recommend increased monitoring from my past experience. Sending lots of love and my dms are open if needed! X

Mine was back to back two weeks ago at my 36w appointment and now I got told she's turned around again. But also my midwife said it's ok as they do turn up to when we give birth, so try not to stress over it x

Thank you everyone! This has been super helpful🥰

My last baby was back to back yes contractions felt more painful but I had him at home in just under 2 hours and birthed him myself as midwife’s were not ready Good luck x

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