Thank you Jess 🩷 My daughter is only 1 and we are not in a relationship and haven’t been since I was 4 months pregnant. But there was a time during visitation where he has started shouting at me in public while I was holding my child and threatened to kidnap her from me. I reported it to the domestic abuse line. Would that be seen as danger towards my daughter
Unfortunately the courts won’tikely be interested in anything he’s done to you ☹️ only if he’s a threat to the child but definitely worth mentioning anyway, and as for threatening to kidnap her you could ask for a specific issues order that he can’t remove her from your care (except for any court ordered contact)
Unless there was abuse to the child or he had put her in danger in some way the courts will still allow visits but will likely say to have 3rd party/app contact, and use public places for drop offs. I would bring up the behaviour but say about how it will negatively affect the child if he continues acting that way, and you want them to have a good bond so he needs to figure out how to communicate with you peacefully or something
It's a fact finding session really, so they will want to know why dad's not allowed contact, so if you have evidence of anything regarding this like safeguarding concerns raised with professionals etc then you need to gather all this and make available. If there isn't anything they will try and resolve the issue with contact and likely move towards giving contact in a suitable way depending on the circumstances.
If you dont find solicitor find a professional McKenzie friend much cheaper. Have you prepared a position statement? Also, courts will only acknowledge if dad has been abusive to the child and not towards you to prevent contact but most of the time they still get some sort of contact to begin with. Expect him to have at least supervised or supported contact given from this hearing
@Nicole no what’s a position statement
You can do a position statement to outline what you hope to achieve for contact -supervised and how long for, where? etc and a brief outline of any abuse/attempted abduction etc towards the child. Always keep it brief and child focused. Ideally you need to send to the court and ex around a week in advance for them to read
Has dad been abusive to the child? If so obviously mention that and that you’re concerned for child’s safety etc. Unless he is a proven risk to the child he’ll almost certainly get some contact regardless of whether you like it or not. First hearing is usually quick though, they may order a section 7 if there’s concerns which takes months and dad may or may not get some form of contact in the interim. All you can do is stay child focused and be honest about whatever concerns you have, good luck!