Back to work

My little one is almost 15 months and I’m due to go back to work and she’s been with me pretty much everyday since she was born! She’ll be with family whilst I’m at work so I know she’ll be fine and happy. But I keep seeing posts and other mums saying they don’t want to go back to work and deep down I’m actually quite excited and looking forward to it. I love the idea of speaking to other adults, using my brain and having a bit of a break from having a toddler - does this make me a bad mum? I feel as though I should be much more upset at the idea of going back to work!
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No you’re not a bad mum at all. Having balance in your life is a really good thing and you should always think about what’s best for you as well as your kids. You’ll be a better mum for thinking about what you need too and making sure you get that. I liked going to work as it makes the time you have together more special and I think it’s also good for the child to have time away from parents x

Nope not at all, I think it depends on the person at the end of the day other besides financial side of things. I think for some of the mums that go back to work they do it for themselves and/or for their mental health and they can be a better parent and wife. I went back to work only for a few nights a week for about 6 months and I enjoyed having that time to do a adult thing but all I could think about was my daughter and did she go to sleep okay for her dad. I actually enjoy being a sahm I like that I can get a break with sending them to daycare 2 days a week for me time as I get can the house in order and do something for me or something that is easier without having kids around.

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