Are yall okay? Why are they so horrible?????

Not all gen alpha kids/ gen z kids are horrible but like a lot of them are. This is speaking as a gen alpha/ gen z parent and educator. I’ve been working with kids for the last 15 years, typically developing, development delays, juvenile delinquents; you name it I’ve been there. But, I started working at my son’s school and they put me in a preschool classroom. I have NEVER experienced such behaviors. The class is collectively fine with hitting teachers, kicking them and spitting in their faces when the simplest request arises. I see them do this to their parents as well. Like…… are we okay? What the actual DUCK 🦆🤬🦆is going on? How can we support each other? How can we help our babies?
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After working as a lunch monitor for 3 years then working retail security for 3 years…. I agree…. Parents also just as bad, could literally show footage of their kids smashing mall property and the parent will still want to fight you in the parking lot 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I think parents have run out of options on discipline and are burnt tf out! When I was growing up my uncle used to make me stand in the corner until my legs were tired. I hated the corner so much. It was better than a beating.

iPads and screen time.

Well, mine is in preschool and there are no such behaviours. So I don't know where these children are. But seeing the way some parents behave I would say it possibly comes from home.

It all starts at home both mine are well behaved they are 16 and almost 3

It’s the way these new age parents are parenting their kids. My kids know better.

It shows permissive parenting doesn't work.

Many parents aren’t parenting their kids. They have no boundaries and let them do whatever they want for an easy life so then at nursery/preschool/school they don’t know how to handle it when they’re told no 🤷🏻‍♀️

I think it’s a few issues. Parents are on screens and not engaged with their kids, parents use screens to occupy their children instead of engaging. When you’re engaged and don’t allow them to zone out on a screen then you have to parent and deal with different behaviors like tantrums. We all know they are normal, but I think some parents don’t want to deal with it. That in turn just makes the behaviors worse. Being an engaged parent is absolutely exhausting!

I’m certainly not a perfect parent but my kid just isn’t like this. I used to think it was due to the nature of the child, not parenting, but I am noticing strange and alarming behaviors in most children. Most of the time it’s just that the child will not even acknowledge me even if they know me. Unfortunately it’s down to how the parents were parented, the fact that there is little to no support for most parents, abundance of anti child rhetoric (mainly in the US), permissive parenting, and I hate to say it, but iPads. Phones and iPads. iPads forever it’s iPads lol.

I left working with children in 2023. From 2012-2023 especially the last 4 years the behaviour got worse and worse. Baring in mind I worked with 3-5 year olds. I was getting called a cunt, spat at, having little kids throw chairs across the classrooms, having kids pretend to shoot me in the head, biting other kids and scratching them to the point of drawing blood. The parents ALWAYS had an excuse. Up late, didn’t sleep well, hungry, over tired, bored etc. no one ever just said “what do we do to sort this out?” It was always us doing something wrong!

When I was 15 I was afraid of my mother and working outside of school for £3.15/hr because I was afraid I'd need to run away. I think kids at that age should be thinking about how they're going to support themselves and what job they're going to have. My husband was working at 15 too. They seem to be behaving like big kids. If a kid hits a teacher they don't get taught, this should be the solution. If they want to be drop outs and become the dirt of society let them. There have always been these people in life, we just didn't force them to be in school. They ended up in prison or as supermarket checkout people.

@Emilie they put dogs down for biting, but 1 in every 4 kids gets bitten at daycare and in in every 10 bites. Kids can carry blood borne diseases like HIV, Hep B and Hep C. These diseases kill thousands of people in US every year, and dogs kill around 40. Something is very wrong with people that they allow kids like this to attend their schools putting other children at risk of harm. They would take kids away from their parents for exposing them to this harm, but at school it is fine? I am afraid of this

@Stephanie I know! There were two children we had to ask to leave the nursery as we couldn’t physically manage their behaviour. Usually it can be managed through shadowing or having a 1-1 but that’s not always possible with staffing. I was really worried about it too and my daughter has started preschool this year but thankfully she’s only had one incident where a little boy hurt her but it was accidental and she wasn’t upset about it. But the behaviours can be shocking!

@Emilie I work in a 3-5 nursery and couldn’t agree more! The amount of parents that say “well they must be seeing it here cause they don’t do that at home!” is ridiculous 🙄

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@Katrina the “are you keeping them occupied with activities?” One always use to get me!! 🙄

I don't see why parents would allow a child to do whatever they want when it doesn't benefit the parent by doing that. That means they also walk all over the parents too! It's sad some parents take that route. Lazy parenting I guess.

Parents are too soft on their kids, want to be their friend first and not their parent.

Sadly I’ve been seeing a lot of YouTube videos of teachers saying the same thing. They are saying that students have been hitting them and being disrespectful. I do think parenting has shifted. Most people don’t hit kids these days and they shouldn’t but something has to replace that. Letting kids do whatever they want has bad consequences in life. Boundaries need to be set and sometimes it takes time that parents probably don’t have. Eveyone has to work and has other things to do these days.

That’s not happening where I’m from. My kids know better.

It's the parents.

When I did my teaching degree over a decade ago now. I had one kid sharpen their pencil and then stab me in my side. Watched another kid kick, bite and scream at their mum then shout what you going to do about it? I will just tell someone you beat me if you don't do what I say. They are 7 in both cases. I remember thinking what on earth am I getting myself into. So I have a degree without qualified teachers status and I feel like I dodged a bullet with that one. Some parents just need to parent and some kids are just on another level of bad

I’m pretty sure it’s a new parenting style. I worked in a preschool for a long time and we’d literally have parents say “we don’t tell them no about anything, so please don’t say no to them here” like no.. kids need to learn what no means. I think some people take “gentle parenting” as letting their kids just do whatever and they don’t step up to tell them it’s wrong. Where in fact it’s just being calm, stern and following through with consequences for actions.

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