@Naomi Hi, how do they manage it? If you don't mind me asking.
This is what happens for me (I guess depends on hospital). I got given my glucose monitoring kit at a group appointment where they talk you through how to monitor your blood sugar levels (and you have to add them to an app that you download load in the meeting) Then I had an appt (virtual) with a dietician. I am booked in for an extra scan at 32 weeks and will see a DR after my 36 week scan to discuss birth. Last time (and this time so far) I’ve managed mine with a diet change (no sugar low carb) and haven’t needed medication. I was told (with baby number 1 - 3 years ago) that they don’t want you to go past 40 weeks so will suggest an induction. My Baby came naturally at 39 weeks, I should also had that he wasn’t measuring big etc. I had a really uncomplicated birth (albeit long). The most annoying thing is they test your blood sugar hourly whilst in labour (like you don’t have enough going on!) Baby’s blood sugar is also tested a few hours after birth to make sure that’s ok too.
@Naomi thank you for sharing. Everything just feels very daunting this time around. Maybe I'm feeling it more coz I'm older.
Honestly - it’s not been too bad for me at all (not eating the odd biscuit has been hardest) Once you are set up with the glucose monitoring you can see what your body is struggling with (for me it was pasta and potato’s and any unrefined sugar) Rice and bread were fine and you can get it under control quite quickly.
Have you had your test yet? And is it the same partner? Usually of same partner you’re less likely to get it second time as it’s somet to do with dads sperm that can contribute to cause.
@Jess No not yet just date came for appointment. No different my eldest and 2nd have different dads.
I was diagnosed at 24 weeks. My blood sugar levels always spiked at fasting tests, regardless of what I consumed, so I was put on metformin tablets until I was induced at 39 weeks because she was so small. I had to test my own blood sugar levels in labour. I was supposed to have an insulin drip as my blood sugar spiked, but baby girl was ready to come out before the doctor signed it off. Baby girl had to have a heel prick test an hour after every feed for 24 hours to check her blood sugar. One of her tests was low, so she was given glucose. She was underweight at birth, only 1.5 percentile, so we had to stay in 3 nights to make sure she didn't lose too much birth weight. She only lost 3% and is now 9lb 2oz on the 25th percentile.
@Lauren thanks for sharing. Metformin helps with weightless, did you find this or think this is why baby was small? Are you still having to take metformin or just a pregnancy thing? Sorry for questions x
Me but at 24 weeks. Also had it with last pregnancy.. 🙄