Im right there with you!! I think their sweet little brains are just growing so much that it’s causing them to wake up too!
My girl is 10 months and walking and still wakes up at night too 😭 She's formula and solid fed but I'm 28 weeks pregnant and her waking up at all odd hours is not helping my sleep ahahaha 🙃
I might be the odd one out for saying this but we sleep trained to prevent this around 6-7 months. Only the occasional wake up due to her teething or a regression.
@Jennifer How did you guys do it? I'm so out of the loop on how to sleep train, especially since due to certain circumstances I've been living with my parents since she was 5 months so it's been different 🤔
@Jennifer we sleep trained to but he still wakes 3 times
@Jennifer we sleep trained too. She falls asleep great, but works herself up when she wakes. We give her ten minutes until we get her, but we still need to sooth her back down about half the time.
@Mya So any method is going to involve some extent of crying. But our baby was persistent so CIO didn’t work for us. So we did Ferber method (checking on her each time at longer intervals) comforting but not pick up. combined with Bedtime Fading (reducing rocking or feeding gradually until she falls asleep independently). What helped most was doing all this consistently with her naps and her sleep space being the same place like her crib. So she associated her crib with sleep time. Other than that eating more and more solids allowed her to not be hungry at night.
I think some babies are just good sleepers, and some aren't. My first kid slept through the night at 6 weeks and never looked back. This second one is just a totally different baby.
@Jennifer Thank you!! I'll definitely attempt this!
@Laura My daughter was sleeping through the night since 3 weeks old, but she's since regressed 🥲 It may be due to her environment changing, but yeah ahaha
My baby has been sleeping through the night since 7 weeks 🫣🫣 I was complete surprised that during the 4 month sleep regression she was still sleeping through the night even tho all her naps were only 30 minutes. She wakes up once a night and stays awake for 2 hours usually due to a regression or teething, or if she doesn’t eat enough during the day. She is combo fed breast milk and formula.
My baby is EBF and either sleeps through the night (7-7) or wakes once around 3. It’s so hard with all the wake ups! We only recently got to where we are now with her sleeping
My baby will be 11mo next week. She still wakes up every night at least once, usually 3 times. She is also mastering walking and starting to talk, so at least there's a reason for it!