I should be using a bottle here and there but to be honest I just can’t be bothered pumping lol and I’m worried the transition will upset his belly and I’m already not getting much sleep but I wanna start weaning around 6 months cos I feel like the longer you wait, the harder it is to wean. I wanna be completely done BF by 1 year.
I breastfed my first to a few days after her first birthday when I went back to work. I started to wean from breastfeeds from around 10.5 months was she was eating more, and then at 11 months I substituted day feeds for cows milk as didn’t see the point introducing formula by then and just kept night feeds, then was fully done just after 12 months. Will probably do the same again. I’d love her to take a bottle but she started refusing at 9 weeks x
Ideally a year x
I'm aiming for 6 months too, I introduced formula early though as my eldest would never take a bottle or formula, when I went back to work it was awful as he still needed milk but wouldnt take anything other than boob, I stopped feeding him at 1 year but he didn't want to stop so it was an awful experience. My second couldn't breast feed so had bottles from early on and this time I made sure to get bottles and formula in early so we could mix and match! Shes had formula from around 8 weeks and I try to make sure to do one bottle a day. I'm going to start upping her to 2/3 bottles a day next week then hopefully wean her off the boob fully by the time she is 6 months 🤞 xx
I breastfed my first until she was three which was longer than intended but she loved it so much I didn’t want to take it away! Still going at four months with this one and would like to feed for at least a year but will follow his lead.
@Katherine this might be a stupid question (this is my first baby) - how could you tell your little one enjoyed it? Obviously at that age they can start to communicate but just curious what she would say
@Jade she would say ‘I love milkie’ and when she got a bit older she would say ‘it’s my favourite thing in the world’ and that it tasted like strawberry milkshake 😂 x x
@Katherine aw that’s too cute
I only breastfed baby for 3w. I wanted to do 6 but I wasn’t getting any nutrients and my breastmilk was giving him really bad tummy aches. When I knew I had to stop I was really sad about It but after all I felt better mentally