Why Self-care is so important for us mammas

Self-Care is so important for us. It’s so hard to not feel a burn out from doing the same thing day in and day out. Having your own personal time makes a better mom ❤️ you need that time for yourself to reset and find the things that you enjoy doing! This article gives so many amazing tips and just explains why it’s so important to have self care. What do you ladies think? What do you do for self care? What do you do to get that mini break? https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/on-parenting/in-defense-of-a-parents-day-off/2017/01/23/270ffafc-d8f2-11e6-b8b2-cb5164beba6b_story.html
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I have been trying to do specific things at each feeding (podcast, music/pray, read, watch a show) so that feedings can also be me time! And I’m excited to be cleared to workout in a week. It will be a challenge but so good mentally!

I haven’t done my makeup in Uh.. a long time. So I packed it into a bag and now I sit at the dining room table with a mirror and do it while my daughter plays. We don’t get to get out often so I wasn’t seeing the point in even trying to still feel human. But something so small has helped so much.

I personally have my me time once both kids are in bed, I usually have a bath/shower and then read a book for a bit before bed. I also love listening to podcasts whilst cooking meals. Then occasionally when I get childcare I disappear to gym for an hour

I try to watch a show, or I enjoy a shower until my daughter gets her bath right after. My husband is deployed and when I get the me time is usually when he calls so I don't really get any me time at all.

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Ik how that is

Love this article. Some things I do are: listen to music, read, go get my nails done, go do my hair, shower, watch a movie, sleep or just enjoy the silence.

Going on runs while listening to podcasts!

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Love going for a nice long run while listening to audible, or a podcast! (And Amanda, We just moved from Eugene, too funny!)

Dont have any between my dog and son having no boyfriend or family or anyone i trust to babysit.

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I totally relate.

My friend and I started a fb group for body positivity and self care support 💖 https://www.facebook.com/groups/2326665050777180/ Being easy on ourselves is important 💞

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i love to join

I just answered the two questions to join!

I’m a big believer in filling my cup throughout the day and Reading/Audible is the way I get it done. The small daily deposits we give ourselves truly add up! I try to utilize the time I’m already spending (doing laundry, dishes, cooking, etc) and listen to audible while I work! Amazing what adding a few more minutes of “self care” throughout the day can do for our wellbeing!

Self care is definitely something I have struggled with since becoming a mum. This year I have been more active in giving myself the time to do it more!

I think self care truly depends on the person. For some it’s getting their nails done for others it’s going for a walk or run.

The only thing i can do is go the gym cus they have daycare

I absolutely agree with this post self care allows you to reset. I work full time from home do you working remote from this pandemic but my fiancé offered to watch the baby while I workout because he knows how much it helps my mental. I may be one of the lucky ones but he take the late night shift even though he works all day just to make sure I have 100% energy to handle watching the LO and working (multi tasking) is hard but he makes everything possible for me!

We gotta be ok for our little ones to be ok, it’s all bout finding the balance 🙏

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