
Nighttime Breastfeeding

My son is 4 months old and he only sleeps through the night if he is attached to my breast or has easy access to it, I don’t really mind it right now but eventually I would like to have my bed back and be able to have some cuddle time with my husband lol. I’m just wondering if anyone else had this deal with their babies and if/when it changed lol. I don’t know if he just isn’t getting full enough or what but it’s like he is constantly attached and will suck for a bit and fall asleep and if he comes unattached he instantly wakes up and gets upset trying to find it again
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Mama my son is 14 months and still does this! 😫

My daughter does the saaaame thing !!!! Lucky enough I manage to get her in bed ( my bed) by 8pm by feeding her to sleep and then she will stay sleeping until about 11:30pm when she will start rolling about looking for my boob and as soon as I get into bed she will suck for two seconds and fall back asleep and I may be lucky to be able to go back downstairs to my husband to have us time or I’m stuck with her in bed because if I move she wakes up.... during the night it’s the same hing constantly attached and my poor husband just sleeps on the other side all alone and I feel so sad because somtimes I want cuddles. So I’m hoping she will grow out of this and sleep alone in her bed but I don’t know when to start doing this. When I do put her in her bed she gets all irritated and annoyed it’s like she knows the difference from our bed to hers even with the same covers on it .... any tips will be grateful....

Mine would LOVE to do this and for a while would wake up 6+ times to nurse back to sleep. At first I didn't mind but got to a point for us that we weren't getting enough sleep. For him, he didn't want the food he just wanted to pacify, be close, and couldn't figure out how to go to sleep without it (because that is what we always did). If it's not a problem for you, then it's not a problem! For me it became a problem and I had to work to break that sleep association. It's not perfect but we are both getting more sleep now.

4 replies

How did you break the sleep association? I think that’s what it is because he’s gotten to the point now where that’s the only way he’ll go to sleep

How did you break the sleep association? I think that’s what it is because he’s gotten to the point now where that’s the only way he’ll go to sleep

Are you using Wubba (passie) once s/he is asleep? After feeding I know my daughter still need to suck to fall asleep. Good luck!

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He won’t take a pacifier 😩 he just plays with the animals lol

Mine fights the passie too. But we hold it in her mouth until she starts to suckle. Sometimes that’s 10 seconds and sometimes it’s 60 seconds.

I would wake up in the middle of the night and my daughter has my boob in her mouth, she would go to sleep on it all the time, she’s 4 months now and I’ve completely took her off the boob at 3 months. At times she still goes for it but now she’s getting to a point where she wants to feed herself

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My son did the same thing. I stoped it by having his dad feed him after I latched him on before bed an he gave him a bottle as well an put him bed an finally he started to go to bed with the boob

This was my baby. Around 6 months we started transitioning into his own sleep space and it’s actually going really well :) There’s hope! Will he take a bottle? That way he still gets the calories, but it’s less rewarding than nursing to sleep. Maybe try that before bed instead to break the sleep association.

Started my son in his own crib in his room from day one! So happy we did this. When he was a new born I would set a timer to get up every two hours and nurse him. He got used to it quickly. He’s now 11 months and is sleeping through the night on a regular basis in his own room. He falls asleep with a bottle now but likes his bed time routine

My son is 13 months, sleeps with me and still wakes up once or twice at night. While he’s used to going to bed nursing, i made sure that he was capable of not depending on it to sleep. (I don’t mind nursing to put him to bed.) When his father is over around bedtime I’ll nurse him but before he’s fully asleep i give him to his dad and he’ll put him to sleep (sometimes there’s tears but only for a minute). Then once we had that down I’d give him to his dad without nursing. He can go to sleep without nursing now but still prefers to do it. And it’s not a problem for me so it’s not a problem lol But at 4 months your baby is probably going through a growth spurt and just needs momma. Or he just wants you. 4 months is still pretty young so he’s just wanting mom, nothing wrong with that, enjoy it ☺️

My daughter was like that till I wean her off at the age of 2

We ended up sleep training at this age because of this exact issue and I was pretty uncomfortable with co-sleeping based on the paediatrics recommendations about it and sids. My doc basically said it’s like a big chocolate cake hanging over baby and expecting them not to eat it. She recommended moving baby to their own room to see if they wake less, and sending dad in when a feeding wasn’t required (so like every 3-4h I’d go I’in, otherwise it was dad). She didn’t really and was unable to self soothe- we were up hourly and spent 20+ mins trying to get her back to sleep each time. It was really hard on everyone, but so was sleep training. There’s no right answer here- you have to do what’s best for your family. There are lots of options and none of them are easy. Good luck!

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We ended up sleep training at 6 months, I hated the process but it’s a lot better now, he sleeps in his crib and wakes every 4 hours to eat and goes right back to sleep in his crib. Unless he’s going through a growth spurt like he is right now lol

Have you tried a pacifier. I've tried one with my little one and it doesn't work but maybe you'll have better luck.

It does get better. Every child is different though so never compare yours to someone else’s..

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