Tired of pumping and it’s only been 6 weeks😩

My fiancé and I both agreed breast milk is best for our baby and we agreed breastfeeding for a year would be the goal. But I’m so over it already😩 lol. it sucks. Any words of encouragement or tips?
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Keep going mama! Lol I know it can be hard. The beginning is really the hardest part as it is painful and seems tedious at first and where you are is where a lot of ppl quit cause it is hard I’m not going to lie it’s tough but it’s so worth it in the end you’ll be happy you did it. I’m 3 months in . Are you just exclusively pumping ? Or breastfeeding as well ?

2 replies

Thanks girl! I’ve been breastfeeding and pumping. I usually pump and freeze to save for when I go back to work. And also so that my fiancé can feed the baby too. I know he likes that bonding moment so that helps to keep me going to😩 thank you so much, I needed that!

I hated pumping and won’t be doing it with my second. I didn’t do it much with my first either. I’d say if you are over it then too bad for your husband, he’ll have to choose formula or lose the bonding. Think of all the time you waste pumping you could be cuddling that baby! But you have to do what’s best for you and your family AND your sanity. Also maternity leave in Canada is 1 year so I didn’t have to make the back to work decision you are talking about.

My little boy is 5 weeks I love breastfeeding the hardest part is finding out what foods hurt his belly. I'm not any good at the whole pumping thing it hurts and my nipples are always sore. Just keep trying for you can't do it there is no shame I almost gave up a few times Good luck

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Thanks Natalie! I use the nipple balms and that helps for the sore nipples. I’m going to keep going, just gotta think positive. Thank you😊

You can do it! I’m in the same boat and sometimes miss a pumping session, but keep going think of it this way it’s free less money to spend 😂 You got this !💪🏽💪🏽

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Hahaha😂😂 you’re so right! Def don’t wanna be spending when I don’t have to. Thanks so much for the encouragement Ann!🙌🏾

It gets a lot easier as you go. Especially once baby starts eating more, and less frequently. I know I about lost my mind in the first few months, but it gets easier, keep going, it’s worth it!

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The fact that he’ll be eating more solid food later slipped my mind! lol Thanks girl, needed that!

Pumping sucks, no sugarcoating the truth there 😂 but breastfeeding is so much easier than dealing with formula and bottles

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Yeah for sure. Definitely don’t wanna pay for formula either😩

I’m 2 months in & my main motivator is I hate pumping & washing everything, baby is reason #2/3. 🤫 It is so easy to pop a FREE boob whenever is needed. No clean up needed. Maybe you can talk to your husband to be - there is so much time needed for your baby: holding, changing, burping, playing, singing, etc. - stop the bottle feeding & start saving every drop. It is great he wants to bond but feeding is moms job only in our house. My husband still spends a lot of time with our daughter. That way you have more options. -stop pumping-I don’t pump unless I’m going to be away more than 4 hours. -build a larger reserve faster-when I do pump it is in the fridge for use or frozen. -it is your decision-everyday is a choice to stick it out. It is great to keep going. It is also great to quit for your sanity. Ps - Get Help! lllusa.org is awesome. Find a group near by. I go to 2 in my area each month. Find an activity/ treat you only get to do while feeding/pumping I’m told it gets better. Good Luck!

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You’re so right. I should def be saving everything I pump. That makes so much sense! Thanks Emily!

The beginning is soooo hard! I nursed my first until he was almost 2 (was not the plan but he was very attached) so when I had my second I thought I was a pro. NOPE it was just as hard as the first time. Every month gets easier and easier by the time he was 3-4 months it was almost easy and now at 7 months it’s second nature. Stick to it you’ve already got through the hardest part!

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2 years old?! Good for you👏🏾 def breastfeeding goals lol. I’m going to stick with it, especially if it gets easier from here. Thanks Nadia!!

My daughter wouldn’t latch so I exclusively pumped and saved up enough to last quite some time. I stopped pumping and started her on formula even though we agreed we wouldn’t do that- I hate using formula personally if you have the strength to keep going- do it! Good luck!

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You’re so right. Thanks for putting it into perspective, Nicole!

It does get easier! Try reading about all the benefits of breastfeeding to motivate you. Sure you know many, but there are some pretty weird ones, too. I remember reading you could go touch all the things in your baby’s day care, then go home and feed and they would have immunity to those germs. I feel like that can’t possibly be true, but what if it is?!

4 replies

Haha no wayy?! I’m going to read up on that ! That’s great

It gets better or should i say you get used to it. Just keep at it!!!

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Hahaha thanks Daniele!

Store your pump parts in the fridge during the day so you dont have to wash it every single time. Washing once a day makes your day easier

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Wow, great tip! Thank you🙌🏾

Just take it day at a time. I’ve been exclusively pumping for over 7 months now and the feeling of being tired never goes away, but it’s so so worth it.

1 reply

lol thanks for the heads up!

It is definitely hard the first few months but it gets better in time hang in there momma I always hated pumping it made me feel nauseaous, sick, dizzy etc. But I kept going for when she would go to my in laws or my parents. If you decide to do formula that's OKAY too. But hang in there it gets easier the more you do it.

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Thankss Jacquelynn! At first pumping made me so exhausted! I would literally be falling asleep while pumping. But my body has gotten better adjusted. I’m going to keep going & read all these comments again when I’m feeling discouraged lol😩😊

Its okay to feel however you want but just know it will get better I pump once in awhile now but not so often as she takes water at my parents and in laws or just out. Hugs to you ❤

It's actually really hard in the beginning. The hormones that are already rampant in your system get even crazier when you pump. So you feel extra depressed. If you need to quit don't feel bad about. Slowly get your baby used to formula so it not too harsh in their young bellies. However, if you want to tough it out know that it really does get better. Eventually you'll just be annoyed at having to pump but you'll be so sufficient with it and you'll learn tricks to get the milk out faster. Good luck mama.

It's actually really hard in the beginning. The hormones that are already rampant in your system get even crazier when you pump. So you feel extra depressed. If you need to quit don't feel bad about. Slowly get your baby used to formula so it not too harsh in their young bellies. However, if you want to tough it out know that it really does get better. Eventually you'll just be annoyed at having to pump but you'll be so sufficient with it and you'll learn tricks to get the milk out faster. Good luck mama.

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It's actually really hard in the beginning. The hormones that are already rampant in your system get even crazier when you pump. So you feel extra depressed. If you need to quit don't feel bad about. Slowly get your baby used to formula so it not too harsh in their young bellies. However, if you want to tough it out know that it really does get better. Eventually you'll just be annoyed at having to pump but you'll be so sufficient with it and you'll learn tricks to get the milk out faster. Good luck mama.

On the same boat 😭 I been trying to build a milk stash but im exhausted ..

1 reply

It’s totally okay to feel like that. Hang in there! I also found it easier to “help out” the pump by pushing on my boobs so the milk came out faster.

girl i know how you feel . i understand how you feel . you’re doing great and everything is gonna be worth it .

Rest mama, eat, breath. Be kind to yourself. When you've done those things you can breastfeed. Try pumping on one side while you feed your LO. Put on a show. Listen to music, get comfortable. Dont think about it as a chore. If you have to go back to work. Think it as your baby getting your milk when you arent there. Or for a family member to feed the baby and give you break. Or if you dont want to pump feed baby breast milk when you are home and formula when you are not. There is no shame in it at all. Dont let someone tell you otherwise.

I hated pumping. Tried it twice. Now I'm regretting it. My son always wants the boob. He won't sleep without nursing and he's almost 11 month old. Don't give up!

I felt the same way... My son couldn't latch so I ended up exclusively pumping my milk every two hours including middle of the night. At first it was exhausting, but after doing it a while it started to get addicting! I started looking forward to it as it was such a relief to empty my boobs. Hope this helps! Plus, breast milk is free. Formula costs a lot so if u are trying to save money it's your best option.

3 replies

I thought exclusively pumping was free until I saw my grocery bill, oh my god 😂

Same^ My husband says, “I thought we were supposed to be saving money by pumping...your online shopping determined that was a lie” 😂

Have you tried Medela’s hydrogel pads? They helped me a lot when the nipple ointment wasn’t enough. This third time around took me two months to not feel the pain anymore.

Yeah it’s pretty exhausting. My recommendation would be to just give it to your best effort. If at the end of that, you choose not to breastfeed then you’ve done the best you could. A fed baby is the best! Just be good and kind to yourself for even making the effort. Breastfeeding is extremely challenging.

Pumping is legitimately so hard so I just wanna honor your commitment for even starting. Every day that you go makes you incredible. I’m curious if it would be easier to remove the pressure of a timeline and just take it Day by day. You’ll know what’s best. :) <3

Honestly I stopped after 9 weeks. I have enough milk in storage for another month. If you WANT to stop, you can. It’s okay. A happy mom is better for baby. If you want to continue then accept that exclusively pumping really doesn’t get easier and you have to come to terms with that. Hugs.

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This!☝️Do what is best for you and your family. Fed is best!

I’ve been pumping for 9 months now and still keep going. I was hospitalized after I gave birth and my daughter got used to the bottle. It was awful in the beginning with engorgement, huge painful breast lumps and mastitis on both sides, but I pushed through and you absolutely can if you want! It does get easier and you get used to it. You go momma!

Just keep with it, you will regret it if you let your milk supply dwindle. I’ve been feeding for 6months and it’s exaughsting but I know it’s best for baby.

I totally get you! I’ve been pumping for 8 1/2 months now!! It’s long and my hands start hurting after abit 😂 but it’s so good your baby and it’s free! Just think that it’s making your little one happy and will appreciate it when he/she has kids if there own! X

Try the haakaa pump. I bought an expensive Medela electric pump and was lucky to get 10-20ml after each feed. Then I heard about the haakaa and all you have to do is sit in on the opposite breast that you’re feeding and I average 30-40ml each feed. There’s no time wasted and no stress as you’re feeding anyway. Plus it only catches your let down so I still feed my baby on that same breast afterwards with no hassles. This has been a lifesaver for me as I have a 4 yr old as well and just couldn’t pump during the day as it was too time consuming for very little result.

Literally pumping as i type this lol. I totally feel this way too. Its just so time consuming and being hooked up to a machine most the day sucks. What helps me feel better about it is having my baby boy in the room with me while i do it so i can still interact with him. Regardless, your doing a great job 🤗

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The same for me and before I knew it 6 months past! I suggest investing on Freemie cups so you can pump while you drive or do other things. You’ll get used to it :-)

Literally going through same thing and am stopping tonight and it’s breaking my heart.. I have pumped for four months.. I have an over active let down so my milk comes out to fast for my baby and he’ll start pulling off or choking and then screams until I give him a bottle I’ve tried nipple shields and maybe got three successful feedings this whole time my LC said by week ten he should be able to handle the flow but it hasn’t gotten any better and between pumping and bottle feeding him I’m wasting quality time with him and my two year old..

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I have the same problem!! My baby coughs and chokes when I nurse. I’ve been playing with the idea of stopping. I’ve been pumping for the past 12 weeks. I was recently told that I need to supplement with formula with my breast milk, it broke my heart but as soon as I mixed formula with the milk and gave it to him he was so happy and satisfied. Just know as long as your baby is fed that’s the best for your baby. I feel like formula gets such a bad rep. Your baby needs you to be happy! You know what’s best for your baby. These months go by so quick, so enjoy your little one and do what is right for you and your baby!

Fed is best! Don’t feel pressured to breastfeed. Unfortunately It isn’t easy or possible for some people. You are great mom trying to feed your baby breast milk but if It isn’t working out there are other options. Many of us were raised on formula and turned out fine. When you apply to college they don’t ask if you are bf or formula fed. Do what feel right for you and you baby. Good luck!!!

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