Any happy mother-in-law stories?

So I realize hard times are more likely to make people rant, and when everything is good people stay silent. But reading through these forums can be so discouraging! My mother-in-law and I aren't besties, but we get along fine. I'm hoping that continues once the baby is here, but reading these MIL horror stories really scares me. Could some of you ladies please share stories of your awesome, supportive, boundary-obeying MIL? (stock photo)
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I think I might’ve gotten lucky but my MIL is the most amazing woman ever. She knows how to respect boundaries and she never gives me unsolicited advice unless she wants to share something she read about. She is very loving, caring and treats me like her own daughter and always takes my side. She is very supporting and will drop anything she’s doing to help me or babysit whenever we need it. My FIL on the other hand is a whole different story. Very opinionated and strong personality but I’ve learned to ignore him when he’s being annoying lol

I am blessed to have my MIL. Having gone through an unsupportive MIL herself I feel like she knows the importance. She is young so we get along so well. We can sit and talk forever; do facemask , I shave her face lol, I do her makeup. Having being so young when she had my husband she couldn't buy him everything he needed/wanted and she's definitely spoiling my son. She even spoils me regularly with candles, makeup , house things. Almost anything my son's ever worn was because she bought them. But most importantly, she reminds my husband to be good to me and our son. To always stay loyal and respectful otherwise she's going to kick his butt. I'm soooooo blessed to have my mother in LOVE .

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I'm sorry that's not your case ! I'm sure that when your babygirl has her husband, you'll be as loving and supportive as you wish your MIL was

I love my MIL she is sweet and caring and sometimes annoying but has the best of intentions. Only thinks of others. Barely gets to hold her first grandchild because she wants to make sure everyone else gets a turn.

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That is sooo sweet lol. My MIL is willing to argue with someone who tries to take the baby away too quickly . My Sister In law and her will bicker until the next gets dibs 😂😂❤️

I’ve been blessed with an amazing mother in law. She knows her son can be a handful so she’s always trying to make sure that I’m well taken care of (her son, my husband is wonderful too). She is so close to both of her grandchildren, she makes sure that she has one on one time with them and whenever I need help with them she’s the first one to step in. When I had the baby she made sure I came home to a house fully stocked with groceries and volunteered to stay up at nights with the baby so I could rest. We have spa days together and get pampered while she has the guys watch the kids.

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That sounds amazing. My family and close friends are all hours away, so having help with food and night shifts would be so nice

My husband treats me like a queen because my mother in law taught him how to treat a lady. I love her and words can never express how grateful I am to have her.

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I get so sad for some of these women that excuse bad behavior with "thats just how men are" - I often want to tell them otherwise, but its too easy to get caight up in the drama posts

My MIL and I are not besties by any stretch of the imagination but she is very supportive and loving. She helped me plan my entire wedding and celebrated every aspect of my pregnancy. Sometimes she tries too hard not to over step her boundaries though. I ended up having 2 baby showers for my son because she didn't want to ask me to invite those closest to her to mine.

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Boozy for everyone but me, of course 🥂

Mine is also throwing a separate shower, but i think it works out because the one my sis is throwing is probably going to be more like a boozy brunch 😄

My MIL is my BEST FRIEND! since meeting her and becoming close, i realized how toxic my own mother actually is and I completely look up to and admire my mil in every sense of the word! Sure, we bicker and aren't perfect but who is? Sometimes, A relationship can always be nurtured over time as well! If you both want one, don't be discouraged(: But I know it's rare but having a great relationship with my mother in law is a God send for me bc I don't think I could mother without her

My MIL is wonderful! One of my closest friends! She does absolutely everything she possibly can to support me and her son to be happy with our little girl. We stay with her often because she’s a lovely woman and we just love hanging out with her and when my partner is away at uni, herself and I will go out, go shopping, have coffee and we will often see other members of her family that are also wonderful people. She has a lovely relationship with my family too, especially my grandmother! So yeah we’ve managed to make two separate families into one giant family and it’s really lovely as my family is so small! :)

Lovely stories! Thank you for sharing

Both my MIL and FIL are seriously awesome! They do so much for my husband and I, and now my son too. They are both very careful not to step on my toes, but have always extremely welcoming. I’m grateful for them!

After the birth of our first daughter things went sideways fast and my MIL came and stayed for 4 days and 3 nights. She also refrained from saying "I told you so." Since ahead of the birth we had declined her offer to come stay and help the first week. My MIL and her longtime partner took care of our eldest for 3 days and 2 nights a week for 6 weeks while I recovered from a complicated c section with our second daughter. They also took both of them overnight recently so my husband and I could go out for his birthday. My MIL also came over one day after we moved and helped unpack and look after the girls. Then she and my SIL came over for a day and evening and looked after both girls, did all our laundry, and cleaned the downstairs while I was upstairs finishing my visa renewal application. There were a few bumps along the road after having our first but that's a normal transition phase especially if it's her first grandchild like ours was hers.

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That's beautiful. I love when my family gathers together to help one of help. That's what its about!

She also got the wedding gown of my choice for free for me! All my in-laws are great tbh. I'm really lucky.

I got lucky with my MIL and FIL. They treat me like their own, more than my own parents. They help out when they can and have such a strong relationship with our kiddos because of it. We've had our ups and downs and still remain really close. It took me 2 years to get comfortable with them (I suffer from anxiety/social anxiety so it's hard for me to talk/get close to people) thankfully they didn't view me as stuck up or anything 😂 now my MIL and I do gardening, canning, work on houses, binge watch TV, etc together all the time. She has become my best friend!

I adore my MIL! She’s such a blessing. Seriously. She flies back and forth from Hawaii about once a month just to be with me and my daughter because my husband works a lot. She FaceTimes like 10x a day. She always calls to tell me and loves me and my daughter. She just such a light. She cares so much about her son and me and our baby. It’s amazing. Sometimes I wish we lived in Hawaii so we were closer to her. She’s a nurse at the veterans hospital, runs a care home, takes care of everyone. She’s just amazing. I’ve never had to set any boundaries or ever tell her any way to be with my daughter because she’s always just so loving and not over bearing. My daughter just loves her.

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She sounds amazing... wouldn't mind more reasons to go to Hawaii myself 😄 Only been once, but it was magical

My MIL Is amazing we couldnt be anymore different but we love and respect each other and value what each other has to say. She's a dear friend and a person I can receive counsel from without fear of judgement.

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"Without fear of judgment." Thats so important!

We get along. She’s cool, I guess lol she’s not terrible.

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Hey, sounds a lot better than some of these MIL horror stories 😨

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My mother in law is amazing. She is so selfless and supportive. Example: when my son was four months old I got food poisoning and my husband was doing a double. She came at 5am, cleaned, made me soup, brought me water, and held the baby all day until my husband got home. She only disturbed me to nurse the baby, and even though I was better by the end of the night she came the rest of the week and made me dinner.

My boyfriends mom is amazing. Since I started dating my bf (we we’re 16) she has always been so happy to give any advice or be there for anything I needed. My mother is great, don’t get me wrong, but she focused more on trying to be my friend than being a mother. So if I need a friends advice I go to my mom, but if I need motherly advice I go to my MIL. I feel like it’s the best of both worlds

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That does sound like a great combo. Hey, i love that pic of you two with the van. We roadtripped from California to North Carolina in a Vanagon. Good times

I am beyond blessed with my in-laws. My husbands mom passed away 3 weeks before we met and I moved in 2 months later. Fast forward a few years later and my FIL marries one of his best friends 3 weeks after our wedding. My MIL had known my husband and his family for basically his entire life. Interestingly enough, there is a picture with my FIL with his arms around my husbands mom and his stepmom(my MIL). Back to the point of this, I am so blessed to have both my IL, but my MIL is basically my best friend. They treat me like their daughter, loves us all unconditionally, supports us, has been there through thick and thin. I have an awful relationship with my own mother, but having such an amazing MIL has made the pain disappear. She was also the only one braids my husband who was allowed to visit/feed/hold my twins in the NICU for 3 months. She even slept with my daughter in their room when my son came hom from the hospital 3 weeks after my daughter came home. My son was on O2

My boyfriend's mom is great! She's always buying the LO clothes and toys and offering to buy the carseat and crib, etc... she works 6 days a week but she would be here at the drop of a dime if we needed her. She's here on her days off to spend time with the LO and also to give me and the bf some alone time. And on top of everything if i give her instructions she actually follows them.

My mother and I get along very well! She’s very helpful and encouraging in my decisions as a mother. We do have some disagreements but there are never hard feelings, we just leave it at “this is how I feel so that’s what I think is the right thing to do” and that’s it!

My mother in law Is amazing! I love her so much. And she is the best grandma ever. She is actually the only person I trust to babysit my son. She is also “daycare” for me awhile my husband and I are at work. She is always happy to help us out and sometimes I tease my husband she likes me more then him lol

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Haha thats so funny my boyfriend thinks his mom likes me more too because she responds to my texts and calls before his lol

I absolutely love my In laws. They are so supportive in every way. I always hear these horrible stories about people not getting along with their in laws and I am so grateful that is not the case w me. My MIL even flys out when we need help w the baby since we have no babysitter. If you have any qualms Just be honesty, keep a clear open line of communication, mutual respect and set boundaries.

My MIL and I are definitely not besties, but there has only been one time where she didn't respect my wishes for my upset baby. But because we aren't best friends, I feel like she doesn't press any issues or cross any boundaries. I know that my babe will be safe and cared for when alone with her. The only thing she MIGHT do if I'm not with her is take the baby to her church... sounds fine, but I'm not too keen on her cult-like church. Even my husband says so! But overall, the relationship has stayed the same with the addition of happiness for the new baby. Don't worry or stress about it! That might make your worst nightmare come true😬

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The religion part is one thing we're a little worried about from both sides of our families. But you're right - best not to speak bad things into existence!

My husband's mom is amazing! We really didn't like each other at first, now she has taken the place of my mom. (My mom is not around). My grandma raised me. Now both of our families are one and I couldn't be happier. She even includes my grandma in family outings. She took on everything my mom should have done for the wedding. She helped us buy a home and has just generally been an amazing woman role model for me. My grandma was also an amazing role model and I love them both dearly.

I’m totally with you on your post how people tend to post more about the negative things they experience but it is kinda nice to see positivity on this platform too. I too am not besties with my MIL but she is 10000% selfless and is always doing whatever she can to help even when not needed. She is very supportive and very loving. She spoils all the grand babies rotten and even us all as grown ass adults. I would say I got kind of lucky 🍀 and so grateful as there are so many horror stories. I dont think you need to worry too much about your relationship changing after baby comes, if you find yourself getting annoyed with advice and or thinks that she knows what’s best for baby it’s probably hormones, lol. Don’t stress and enjoy your growing family 💘💘

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I have a feeling this is how MIL will be. She's always been eager to help but never pushy or nosey. She's very excited to be having her first grand but gives us our space!

My MIL came to visit when our LO was just a couple weeks old. We were beyond exhausted. In the middle of the first or second night, after I had fed her, my MIL rocked my fussy little babe for a couple hours while I got just a little sleep. I was so grateful I almost cried. And that’s just one instance of all the love and care she shows!

I love my MIL. I have found that once you put healthy boundaries in place a lot of issues resolve themselves. I was quite passive before having my daughter and then didn't know how to express myself to family members that seemed a little...pushy. Once I spoke up, things got a lot easier. I think older generations did things a lot differently than we do now and their "help" or "advice" can sometimes be off-putting. If we don't say how that makes us feel or if it's inappropriate, then we can't really blame them, can we? :-) I think if your MIL hasn't been an issue in your marriage then it won't be an issue with your baby. I'm SURE there will be unsolicited advice but take it with a grain of salt. I was VERY overprotective, easily offended, and a big bag of emotions after I had my daughter so I think I may have been too quick to get my feelings hurt. :)

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Hey neighbor! 😄

You can also remind yourself that she raised the man you love.... :) :)

I have been blessed with two MILs. They are both very supportive my fiancé’s real mom watch’s both our kids 5 days a week and I’m so grateful for this because I couldn’t afford to pay for a babysitter. She’s always willing to help with dinner and what not she’s a true god sent! His step mom is also very nice but sometimes she doesn’t understand what it’s like having two kids and no help from another person because my fiancé is a trucker and farmer so it’s tough sometimes. I know I should be more understanding so we are working on things. But she and my father in law are always down for taking our oldest daughter for a day on weekend or even over night on Fridays because she works full time. Things were tough at first but we have come to an understanding just keep the communication open! Best of luck with your growing family ❤️

I love my MIL! She is a godsend and I actually get along better with her than my own mother haha. We were in the middle of moving across the country when I was pregnant but I didn’t want to change doctors and everything at the end. So I ended up living with her when we sold our house and she was amazing. I stayed there until I could fly out with my new baby and she was so helpful during those first few weeks because I didn’t have my husband with me as he was already moved and working his new job. She just offered help if I needed it, never forced herself in or her ideas. I felt completely comfortable leaving the baby with her for a little bit to get a little rest or whatever I needed. The only thing I would ever “worry” about would be her spoiling my kids. But hey that’s what grandparents are for right!?

Mine was the one holding my hand while delivering

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My MIL is amazing! I couldn’t ask for a better one. My mother lives in Alberta and wasn’t here for the birth of my twins. Since I knew that she wasn’t going to be here I asked my MIL to be in the room with my husband and I durning part of delivery. She was amazing and so encouraging and supportive. When the twins came home she was at our house almost everyday and coordinated with other members of the family to be here, when she couldn’t be, to help me with the babies. She comes over once a week, helps with bedtime, tidying up, whatever we need. She’s the best.

No can do with my now ex-MIL, BUT for half the rounds the the chemo treatments I’m finishing up, the mom of my college boyfriend drove & stayed with me, and occasionally took me to lunch. If I’d ended up with her son I would most definitely have some good MIL stories.

I absolutely adore my MIL, she treats me like her own daughter which is extremely comforting as my mom is states away. My MIL will come over during the day if I ask her to hang out with the babe so I can shower or get some house chores done, she’s always super respectful in not overstaying her welcome and constantly reminds me I can tell her when to leave and it’s not weird at all. My husband is HUGE on setting personal boundaries, although it does not come natural to me to voice those boundaries especially to in laws, I’m getting really good at being comfortable voicing what I’m comfortable and what I’m not and she 10000% never questions me in a negative way, she might genuinely have a question about why I want something done a certain way, ex:BLW vs purées. I absolutely love having her 10 mins away from us and having her so involved in our lives. I feel so bad for women who have such negative experiences with their in laws

My MIL is very sweet. I love how close my husband is to her also, I'm glad he loves his mom and has a strong relationship with her. There are generational differences with what doctors recommend, but once I explain that, everyone's always been understanding. Sometimes I'll say, "I'm sure in 30 years they'll have another set of rules" just to show that I know that things change, it's not that they're wrong and I'm right. But it's been great. In my book, the more people that love my baby the better, I welcome the relationships. I hope my son is close to me someday and that his future spouse gives me a chance.

My MIL and I started off kinda rocky and then we moved in with her, I could not stand the constant stream of advice not only about the baby but also our marriage but eventually we became very close and now she is my best friend. We also have our own place now so I don’t have to listen to the advice all day. 😋

I love her! She’s a woman I can vent to...especially about her son driving me nuts 🤣 we text almost every day. She was in the delivery room when I had our second daughter this past December (my mom was for our first 5 years ago). She’s supportive and at times actually kept me grounded

My MILs (step and reg) are amazing My step MIL has been so supportive and helpful thru my diagnosis of depression and anxiety. We had to go to the er in the night bc of it and she came up there knowing my mom has never experienced it and she has. My MIL has just been simply wonderful in helping watch my son for anything I need and sending me positive messages on days that are rough for me!

I love my mother in law we connect. And we have the same bday

My MIL is normal, she lives in nor cal and I live in so cal. I text her photos of her grandchild and she calls me probably like once a month to see how I’m doing.

I adore my MIL 😍 she is my go to. Unfortunately my mother and I don't get along, there have literally been times I showed up on my MIL's door step crying over fights I've had with my actual mother. We spend every holiday with my MIL and I wouldn't have it any other way ❤️ I couldn't do it without her.

My mil is great. I probably get on better with her than my husband does 🤣. Before I had my second child she helped out with childcare and had my eldest on a Thursday each week so I could work. We go round every friday for dinner to give me a break from cooking. If shes not working I often pop round for a cuppa and a change of four walls. Now I'm on mat leave with my second child she will offer to have my eldest for a few hours and often takes her to the park or the seaside so she has time with her one to one and it means my daughter can still get out as she loves being outside in all weathers but lately it's been too cold to take my newborn out.

My kids grandma is very supportive of me and my kids our relationship is pretty decent . She is jus stupid and has a mental block 🤦🏾‍♀️ . She’s a big help far as baby sitting financially and materialistically. She never complains about watching my kids doin anything for them she seems to b a better grandma then she was parent.

Me and my mother in law get on so well! Before we lived together me and my partner would spend a nights together at her house each week. One time my partner had to go to work so it was me and his mum. We sat in the kitchen for hours chatting and drinking Malibu, and by the time my partner came home we were both hammered 😂

I've had my differences with my mother in law but she really wanted to be a part of our sons life so we drew a line in the sand. Shes been great, next to me she's bought my son the most things, clothes and toys and shes always keen to see him and spend time with him. Just really loving and genuine. I think I send her more pics and videos of my son than my fiance does 😂 Sometimes babies just bring people together in such an amazing way 😊

I am so blessed to have the MIL that I do. She is an amazing woman who I consider to be one of my best friends. She respects me as a wife, mom, and human being.

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I love my MIL like she my own mother she treats me like am her own daughter and that’s what I love🥰 about her and she love her grandchildren’s and treat them all the same but my mother in law the best she supports me and her son and she is always there when we needs her😘

My MIL is great. We’re not bffs by any means, but she treats me and my family just like her own. She’s pushy in all the ways you see in tv, but it’s all from a place of love and never so over the top that it’s worth arguing about. She annoys me in the same ways my own mom does lol

I get along really well with my MIL which is good, cuz we live together. But she's very much non confrontational (as am I) and doesn't feel it's her job to tell her kids how to raise their kids. She gives me ideas on how to teach them stuff and learning activities that are really helpful. She's generous with willing to watch them while I have appointments and such. She respects that I'm the mom and checks with me most times before giving out goodies and such. The kids adore her and she's been really a lot of help through this last year especially. Not saying we don't have disagreements, but I definitely couldn't have asked for an easier one to get along with

I have the best MIL☺️ I absolutely adore her ❤️. I might even like her more than I like my own mother 🤔 She is always so supportive of me and our little family me and her son have together. She gives advice but is never pushy with her opinions. She’s like my best friend I can talk to her about absolutely anything on this earth. I even let her in the birthing room over my own mother when I had my kids😳 Not all MIL’s are horrid but the good ones are rare. I think a lot of mums find it hard to let go of their sons ‘giving’ them up to another woman? I feel sorry for my other half because my mother isn’t one of the good ones 🙊🙊

My MIL has been a lifesaver through my transition as a new mom. Though she and my FIL live across the country, she makes an effort to always remind me of how much she loves me and how great of a job im6doing as a new mom. She was the mother who I needed on our wedding day and has been emotionally and mentally supportive. When we or they visit, she always offers to help out with the LO without being imposing. She has raised 6 kids herself but never flaunts "mother know best" knowledge of "you should do this" or "you should do that" like other moms I know who've only had a kid recently + act like they're experts. She makes me feel like I can ask her for help and she'll be there to encourage and help. I love my MIL.

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