Natural/Unmedicated Birth

36 weeks with our rainbow baby and planning to have an unmedicated hospital birth. Looking for any tips/advice/experiences you mamas may have! ✨
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Ohhh good for you!! I'm also planning a natural birth (still at hospital) so I'm following your post :) I've been reading alot about positions/ exercise ball/squatting bars/gravity. Also breathing, massage, heat/cold to help with contractions. Feel free to message me!

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Ah so exciting!! You’ve got this! Totally with you on reading and watching videos about everythinggg. Such great tips!

I want the same and it drives me crazy the responses ppl have when I talk about it. In my opinion, people have been giving birth forever. Women used to have a baby in a field then get back to work. Yes I know it will hurt. It’s supposed to. But the pain ends and there the brightest light at the end of the tunnel. We can do it sis! I think it’s the most beautiful natural bad ass thing a woman can do.

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Yes!! Our bodies are experts on growing and delivering babies, they know what to do. Love that mindset, you’ve got this!

I totally agree with you Shell and let me tell you that attitude will help you out a lottt during labor. I truly believe that it is a modern construct to kind of make women "fear" birth and think that they can't do it. Of course you can do it.. it's the most natural thing you can do and your body will surprise you you just simply have to believe it ❤

I tried to have an unmedicated hospital birth. I labored for 27 hours with nothing...and only dilated .5cm. 😫 Because broken water brought me into the hospital not only was I working hard to get my baby out, I was also fighting doctors tooth and nail who wanted me to deliver faster. 24 hours of broken water is pretty much their max. I ended up being induced and 3 hours later my baby was born I had a doula which made a huge difference. I had planned to use the tubs at the hospital but because my water broke, they wouldn’t let me labor in it. I begged them for every last minute in the shower they would allow me. It was the only thing that made a huge difference- I should note it was back labor so even more intense. I knew it would hurt- but wow. Also, because of the intensity, the only people I wanted in the room were my fiancé and the doula. Having any other friends or family (who I love dearly) felt like a chore. Most importantly, be flexible. You never know what may happen

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Love how you did what you needed to meet baby safely, such a strong story! You’re right on never knowing what’s going to happen. Doing my best to keep an open mind :)

This was also a rainbow baby for us. My fiancé also lost a daughter in infancy in the past. So we were maybe a little more cautious than others. Looking back- I would have labored at home for much longer. This would have allowed me to have the birth I wanted. But all said and done- we have a beautiful baby girl! 😊 Wishing you a safe and easy delivery!

I didn't have completely unmedicated In the end I had an hour of gas and air as i needed it (turns out he was stuck). I used a tens machine for a while which was really good, being in the water and visualisation and breathing techniques really helped. All I will say is please dont be upset if you need anything more. Hope you get the birth you are looking for x

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You did what you needed to for baby! I’ve read tens is good!! Glad to hear it worked for you :) thanks girl!

I had an unmedicated/natural birth. BEST DECISION EVER!!! I gave birth in a hospital that also had a birth center so I delivered in the birth center and had a midwife and doula. I would recommend if you can have a midwife at the hospital you plan to give birth at she will be your biggest supporter as well as a doula. I was very open and upfront about my birth plan and my husband knew how much it meant for me to not have a medicated birth. We also took parenting clases. I would recommend hypnobirthing which is what we did and I am so glad we did it. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Don’t let people scare you from doing this!! Our bodies are bad ass!! I felt so empowered after my birth and plan on doing the same when it’s time for baby #2!

Try sleeping through the early contractions. Once the start getting more frequent and painful you probably won’t be able to rest much. If you’re like a lot of moms you’ll have a slow labor and will need rest. After that pick a really good name to call your husband 😂 I used warm compresses and massages to help also. Moving around helps if you’re able. Good luck ❤️

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Love that 😂😂 I’m anticipating things to be slow but curious to see! Thank you!! 🤍🤍

No problem I labored for 12 hours unmedicated and it was intense but you’ll do great! Good luck!!

As you thought about a water birth as natural pain relief

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Definitely planning to use water for relief! The hospital I will be at has a whirlpool tub but it’s only for pain management, not the actual birth. So I think I’ll try that :)

I set the record at the hospital staying in tub for 12 hours ... I only got out to pee

The relief you feel after the baby is out and the pain is over is amazing.

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Cannot wait!! ❤️

Doulas are the best🥰

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Ashley, it might be worth looking into doulas that are studying still. They generally have a really reduced rate because they aren't yet certified but still have knowledge to be your doula. Unless you have other reasons. :) then just disregard this message. Lol

I would’ve loved to be able to hire a doula I’ve heard such great things! Unfortunately didn’t pan out for us this time but such great advice! :) hopefully with our next 🤞🏼

I was unmedicated with both my babies 15 months apart. you just have to make the decision not to get an epidural and learn to breathe. Breathing is the most important part of giving birth, the deeper the breaths during a contraction the better the baby moves during labor. Moms who don't have epidurals typically have shorter labors because they can feel each contraction. Some don't hurt as bad as others, the ones that hurt the most are LITERALLY THE Baby moving through you. The last push before you bring them in, is memorable, the whole thing feels like magic and you feel light and empty when they are out

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I am 23 and I went natural. I was so against an epidural. I didn’t take any birthing classes or anything I just winged it! But I read so many blogs that emphasized breathing, so all I did was focus on breathing and I had the perfect labor. It will be so rewarding. There were a few times I almost gave into an epidural but I am glad I stuck to going natural. Although I did get fentanyl so I wasn’t completely unmedicated, but the fentanyl helped me to sleep in between contractions. Good luck!

Love how you describe it! I’ve been trying to keep that mindset and not give myself the option (unless baby is in distress of course). I’m glad you had such positive experiences! ❤️

I tried doing the unmed Route. I went in because my water broke at 2:06am was only at 1cm. By 7:30pm I was at a 7cm during those hours I was walking around going up and down stairs. I used the bath which helped so much ! It was a game changer. I also used the yoga ball. During contract depending what position I was in my husband would rock with me and breath with me and encourage me to take bigger breath which helped a lot. By the 24th hour of my water breaking I was stuck at a 7 and was told since it hit the 24th hour they need to deliver him and started to prep me for c section which was a bummer because I really wanted a natural birth. I cried when they told me c section was needed since I wouldn’t keep dilating. gave me the epidural but checked to see my progress before they took me to OR and was able to push. Pushed for 2hours and had him next day at 5:51am. I did have a birth plan printed out and it said on there natural birth wanted don’t offer and med options unless asked

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So sorry your birth didn’t go as planned, but I’m glad you could avoid a cesarean! And it sounds like you had awesome support :). Definitely never know what’s going to happen!

Sorry if others have said this in the post before me...I didn't read them all. I've now had 2 totally unmedicated births. For me getting in the tub at the hospital helped a lot. I also started to listen to music (I really like music) when my contractions got really intense and focused on the words and that helped. I'm also very close to my family so I had my husband, twin sister and mom in the room to help talk to me and encourage me. I would also tell myself I was just able to get through that contraction I can get through this one. Good luck I hope you have the birth that you want.

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It’s good to hear those things helped you!! I think I’ll be trying those things as well. Music, aromatherapy, gate control therapy, water, movement, breathing, massage, birth ball, peanut ball, meditation, positive self talk. Everything I can think of! Hahah

So....my friends always tell me I was a pregnancy unicorn. I had natural birth and my active labor was....3 pushes. I started having contractions during a well check appointment. They told me to go home for a few hour before going to hospital. By the time I went and got triage I was ready. I walked to our room at dilation of 7 and was at 10 when I got in the bed. I was at TGH and I could see the bay...I just watched the horizon and sunset. It truly was not a bad experience. 3 pushes and the doctor almost not getting their smock on in time and my little one was here. I can say if you have bad period cramps it will help give you an idea of the labor pains....it literally just felt like I had to poo really bad(sorry about description) just know it won't kill you and they will monitor your baby and let you know if you need to change your method.

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You go!! So crazy how different birth is for everyone!

I did an unmedicated natural birth with my second. For me, it was a “breeze”. I woke up around 5am thinking I had to poop but I was actually in labor. I labored are home from that time until after noon when I made it to the birth center (one hour away). I labored on all fours in the back of the car lol. While at home I still did my usual routine (make food for my toddler, clean up, etc). I did have to stop a few times during the contractions to breath through them. Also labored in the shower. The pain was tolerable. Breathing is literally a necessity in this situation so learn a few methods and take advantage. Also, LOTS of walking/movement helped too. Work with gravity, not against it. My baby arrived less than 15 minutes after we got to the birth center 🙌🏾

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Amazing! Definitely looking into breathing techniques and keeping my IV capped if I can for movement in hospital!

Yess! This video shows some great techniques- I share it with my doula families all the time https://youtu.be/7tJdCOxmFkE

I recommend looking into hypnobirthing it made my labour so my easier even though in the end had to have an emergency csection I was so relaxed and only used gas and air up until that point x

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Definitely will! Thanks for the tip! :)

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Congrats on your rainbow baby! So exciting. We are hoping for ours this year too. Our goal is an unmedicated totally natural home water birth and I would like to do hypnobirthing. Ive been practicing using breathing to deal with pain (period, headaches etc) so my body gets used to it until I can take the course. Breathing in to the pain is helpful, putting the breath in to it is very powerful. I understand I'll never know the pain until I labour but am hoping with determination and research I can and will get through it all natural. Water has been a popular answer as a natural pain reliever- if you can watch youtube videos of water births you will resonate with positions and styles and I find that sticks with me. Im looking to have a doula too and from what Ive heard having affirmations stuck up around the room is hugely helpful 'I have the power to birth my baby' etc. So excited for you- you got this

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Love everything you’ve said! Such a good idea to practice breathing through other pains. Eventually you won’t even have to think it’ll be habit. Wishing the absolute best for you!! I really hope you’ll be blessed with your rainbow baby soon. I’m so sorry you’ve been through that pain ❤️

I've had 2 natural home birth. I set my mind to what I wanted & reminded myself that woman have been giving birth since the beginning of time. I would definitely recommend reading Ina May Gaskin's "Guide to Childbirth" and hiring a doula if it's in your budget. My second was a water birth and if I have a third it will definitely be another water birth. See if you hospital has tubs, though I'm pretty sure most will not allow you to deliver in the tub.

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I’ll definitely look into reading that! I would’ve loved to have the budget for a doula this go around but our next for sure. And you’re right, unfortunately the hospital doesn’t allow deliveries in the tub but it’s there for pain management.

I had a natural / no medicated birth but not by choice and I can say 100% I would never ever do it again. Take the painkillers - until you’ve done it you don’t realise how bad it actually is and trust me, if you don’t need to be in that pain don’t put yourself through it. I’m allergic to most medications and that is why I had to have natural. But the stress do it on the baby was too much as I was in so much distress that she stopped breathing! Medicines calm you down to an extent and that’s not a bad thing. Good luck whatever you decide :) and congrats

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Ohh I’m sorry you couldn’t have had a better experience! I can only image how intense it is having never been through it, keeping my mind open as much as possible and will definitely do what it takes to keep baby safe, # 1 priority!

I studied hypnobirthing and had an unmedicated birth! Hypnobirthing really helped! I bought an audio book and listed through it a few times and joined a fb group for tips.

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I’ve heard really good things about hynobirthing! I haven’t thought of a Facebook group, what a good idea thank you!

I follow @badassmotherbirther and @empoweredbirthproject and I can honestly say it helped me prepare for what I was going to go through. They share birth videos and they are both so so real on their feed. I suggest following them and you learn so much about things you didn't even think would learn about. It truly helped me ease my worries about an unmedicated birth with my daughter. Good luck momma!!

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Thanks lovely!! I’ll for sure check them out! :)

I was induced and went without epidural. Got pretty bad tearing but overall was amazingly happy to have done it on me own. My only recommendation is hire a good doula. For me she was the lifesaver!:)

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Good for you!! Heard so many good things about Doulas!

Congrats on the baby, you’ve got this! I’m a first time mom and did natural/intervention free birth last year. Just listen to your body. Do what ever movement or position feels right. Get a doula if you can, it’s not too late! Do most of your labor at home. Also, I used nitrous at the hospital during transition phase. I highly recommend! It doesn’t help with the pain, but it does help you relax and get ready for the next contraction. Also start drinking Raspberry leaf tea as much as possible. It’ll help prepare your uterus for strong efficient contractions. I’d drink warm in the morning then Sip iced all day.I labored for less than 4 hours and my doula thinks it was due to the Raspberry leaf tea!

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@Sandra when in pregnancy should you start with raspberry leaf tea? X

You can start early in the third trimester, but you should only drink once a day until 38 weeks. After drink as much as you can!

Listen to your body and do what feels comfortable, breathe through it. Make sure your partner is on board with knowing what you want 100%. That way they can encourage you in whatever way you need to stay on that path. I have several peers who's husbands were squeamish and at the first sign of an intense contraction encouraged meds and those moms changed their birth plans in a snap. Focus on the big picture of your wants and breathe through the smaller moments that get you there.

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Such a good point! He knows my plan and I’ve told him he needs to be my advocate but of course is going to hate seeing me in pain. It’s gotta be tough for dads too I couldn’t imagine having to be in his shoes! Thanks for the tips!! :)

I agree yes, be prepared for your birth plan to change, things don't always go as planned (I wanted a water birth, the hot water didnt work and the midwives also weren't on duty for the shift I delivered) I think if you are in a healthy delivery state and have your heart set on something and whoever is in there with you shares and supports that goal you can definitely do it. And if you change your mind and want/need meds, that's also something that totally works too! But if your person in there with you can help be your rock and support during the fleeting moments of doubts/intensity they will be just that.. fleeting. With everything said and done to put the "pain" piece in to perspective, at least for me. I had to stop in the middle of pushing/baby crowning because I had a leg cramp. Like the pain from that was enough to take my entire body and mind away from a babys head coming out of my business...

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So crazy! But love how you put it, having the right support sounds so important! I’m determined but know there’s no guarantees and will do whatever baby needs!

Like most of the ladies have said LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.. it is made for birthing. I had my daughter at a birth center no medication. Most of the labor happened at my house. I had my then fiancé and my mon helping out. Once contractions started I would look at my mom and she would start timing them, then I would look at my fiancé who would massage my lower back with a huge baseball. Once contractions would pass I’d look at my mom so she could stop timing and my fiancé so he could relax. I walked, laid down, got in a hot shower, walked some more until my body told me you need to push and I did. It’s painful, you’re not just going to magically have the baby out when you blink, BUT you have to keep telling yourself you’ve got it. Breathe.Be prepared for it to NOT be anything of what you imagine. I had planned for a water birth but my midwives dropped the ball on it and it didn’t happen. It didn’t matter much to me when I saw my daughter. Yes raspberry tea helps, for me a warm bath helped

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What a good system, just taking it one contraction at a time knowing your sweet baby is the end result. Hoping to have the patience to work through everything as it comes!

TENS MACHINE! 💪🏻 you can do it!! all the best to you and your baby!! ♥️♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰

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Thank you so much!! ❤️☺️ yess picking one up this week!!

It's not as bad as you think so don't stress and try to relax 😊 breathe. You can do it! I had an all natural birth and only pushed for 45mins and my rainbow was here🌈💗

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Aw congratulations!! Love the positive energy! ☺️

Highly recommend a water birth! I loved it. Have some lucozade as the ready and straw for energy. You will need it for a natural birth. 100% agree with the raspberry leaf tea xxx

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Once in hospital I’ll only be allowed a clear liquid diet so that’s a great idea anything that will provide energy and I’ll bring electrolytes too! ❤️

I used Hypnobabies with both off my kids. Found it very helpful

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Oh that’s awesome! I’ll check it out! :)

Hypnobirthing helped me a lot. I used the positive birth company 😊

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Oh good! Thank you for the tip!! ☺️

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My biggest advice is to stay home as long as you can ! Breath moan yake a bath as long as your water isnt broken ! And time your contractions so you kno when to go to the hospital! I went to the hospital just to push i had the best experience during my birth ! If you go to the hope to soon the kinda try to rush the process try to remain confident in your decision!

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Love this advice (I'm in same situation as poster, so piggybacking her comments lol)

Being in the comfort of you own home was the best for me the light was off i went from my tocking chair couch edge, toilet which was most comfortable, birthing ball ! The only think was i waited to late so as soon as i got to the hospital 3 push and my baby was here! That is why you have to time and check heart beat if yu have a doppler.. nothing annoyed me at the hospital everything will annoy you beeping other mom screaming! Lights ! But if yu have to go to the hospital i would, Def take a shower to let water run on your back they dont allow baths ! Def have a birthing ball and have the bed propped up and stay on all fours dim lights and if u like white noise bring it i was annoyed by all sounds so my house was quiet lol

I used hypnobirthing. Took an online class through hypnobubs. They have guided meditation soundtracks you can play during labor that I found really helpful. I ended up having a very fast home birth and while it wasn’t exactly my plan, it was a very empowering experience.

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I want to try this! Been watching videos and need to sign up for a class.

A lot of good tips in regards to hypnobirthing! Love the idea of a guided soundtracks to help bring you through labour.

Yes, that is the trick to an unmedicated birth, stay home as long as possible. By the time i was admitted it was too late for me to even get an epidural if i wanted one. Also i recommend prenatal yoga, specifically squatting positions and just taking walks as much as you can in the next few weeks. My active labor lasted less than half an hour and i could not be happier that i did it naturally!

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Good for you!! I’ve heard that when you get to the point where you feel as if you can’t do it any longer it’s almost over. Sitting on my birthing ball lots and staying active, we just moved this past weekend and have been in the gym at least 3 times a week training for labour haha!

The best advice I got was to focus on keeping your hands open during contractions. It helps you breath through and keep from tending up and fighting them. The more you allow your body to do what it knows how without fighting it the faster the process and less painful it will be. I dilated from 4 to 10cm in less then 3 hours.

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Oh wow! There have been a bunch of comments on keeping hands open which I would never have thought of. Thank you!!

Doula, tens machine, open jaw open hands, constant back pressure and WILL POWER!! Our bodies were made for this. There is no amount of pain that our body will put us through that we can’t handle. Pain = progress. Each contraction gets you one step closer to holding your baby. I just kept reminding myself that it gets way worse before it gets better. Ride the wave. My water broke at 8 cm and I was in transition ready to push within minutes. Very fast, very very intense, but the most beautiful, raw experience I’ve ever been through. I’d do it a million times over. They say you have a “birth high” right after you deliver and I didn’t believe it until I experienced it myself. You feel on top of the world. You’ve got this mama!

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Yes to everything you’ve said! It’s a huge mental battle as it is physical. I used to compete in track and field through university and I keep relating everything back to what got me through the tough workouts haha. It all has a purpose, the pain is temporary, and the rewards from the hard work are worth it!

Doulas are amazing I would have went all natural if my baby boy wouldnt have moved and was ready to come out when i was induced

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Doulas have been a huge tip!!

Absolutely stick to your plan, but know if you need to be medicated you didn't fail! Either way.. Your body will surprise you. You can do this!

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Such a good point! So many mamas feel like they weren’t enough in that moment and it’s such an injustice. You grew that baby and being able to do whatever it takes for them makes you stronger than anything!

I had a unmedicated hospital birth at 37 weeks. I didn’t think my sweet boy would come two and half weeks early since it was my first. But I had mentally prepared myself prior and knew I wanted to labor at home as long as I could tolerate so I would be in control of the atmosphere. Things that worked for me were reading and learning as much as I could about breathing techniques, early versus active labor, writing out my birth plan, timing my contractions, deep breathing during every contraction and walking lots and squats in the weeks leading up to my due date. I was able to labor at home until my contractions were 2-3 mins apart. But I would definitely recommend going around 5 mins apart because when I got to the hospital I was already 9.5 cm. I pushed my baby out within 15-20 mins of arriving to the hospital.

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Our bodies are soo impressive! Thanks for the great tips, mama. I’m with you on trying to feel as prepared as possible!

Do you have a doula?

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No unfortunately we weren’t sure if we’d be moving states last minute and ended up not being in our budget! 😩 definitely planning to for next baby, have heard such good things!

Listen to your body. Stay home as long as you can and trust your body. You got this mama!

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Yess!! Thank you! ☺️

I had mine naturally without medication and I can let you know it was the best experience, with my first I had meds through the iv and an epidural and labor + pushing took so long. On top of that once I was recovering I felt like it was more painful. With the baby I had today I stayed home and labored as much as I was able to handle, I was In my bath tub for a few hours it really helped, once I felt ready I asked my LO to take me to the hospital, with in 15 minutes of being in the delivery room I felt the urge to push and in 3 pushes I had her. My body naturally started pushing. My tips are try to stay hydrated, focus on your breathing, if you have someone in the room with you have them squeeze your feet with every contraction that helped me get a bit distracted from the contraction. Best of luck 💕💕💕💕

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So crazy how different every birth is! I really feel like distractions will help me, thanks for the awesome tip! ☺️

I read a hypnobirthing book. I also listened to hypnobirthing affirmations up until I was ready to push. I had my husband apply pressure on my lower back when the contractions started getting more intense. Stay home as long as possible! Listen to your body. Also move around (if you and baby are doing well and they allow you to) I found that standing up and rocking back and forth helped me.

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I love the idea of positive affirmations and self talk too! Movement has been a super common suggestion, I’m glad it helped you. I’ll do my best and hopefully works for me too! Haha

Hire a good doula, and let her be your brain and listen to her. I did it and I had a great, drug free all natural birth experience. All the best...

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Thanks lovely!!

Bradley method..you can order it on amazon. Easy read for you and your partner. I had 3 unmedicated. First, I felt like I labored bad, pushed good (1 hour of pushing tho). Second, I felt like good labor and bad pushing (20 min of pushing). 3rd, I did good labor and good pushing (1 actual push). And honestly I wish I could go thru labor and delivery again. It's such a great, and empowering moment/time...its absolutely amazing! My 3rd, I labored by myself for 10 hours by myself. Then woke my husband up that it's time to go. I was able to stay calm. No screaming at all...screaming tightens you up. Restricting you from what your body is naturally doing. If you can squat down or get on all fours and breathe, and relax your pelvic floor, it's really not that bad (still painful) but if you can relax your body fully, and let your body do what it wants to do (open up for the baby to come out) and not fight it! It's an amazing experience

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See if you can find a pelvic floor physical therapist. I was hooked up and they could see what position relaxed my pelvic floor the most for labor. It was really interesting

Relaxation sounds huge! Moaning over screaming seems like it would be a more effective way of coping if you feel like that’s what your body needs. I also love that you mentioned the pelvic floor! I hear so many people advising kegels when its actually counterproductive. Being able to relax your pelvic floor is what should happen during labour. Kegels and other exercises are important after to restrengthen. Thanks for mentioning this!

No meds allows you to remember everything I think. For me, help was gained by fixating on an object in the room to help with the contractions (the slogans on the wall in our birth centre). Birth is so amazing that you just seem to get this focus and if you have the luxury of your partner being with you, ensure you listen to them as blocking out everyone but him helped me. X

1 reply

Aw love that. I’ve heard focal points can be super helpful!

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I was planning to have a pool birth at the hospital, but had ti be induced(sigh). Nonetheless I persisted only with Gas and Air, no Epidural. And had vaginal birth, which i dreamt of! We all do have burth plans but sometimes circumstances might change and we have to be open to them.

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Totally! So glad you were able to at least have part of the birth you were looking for! Adapting to those changes I think makes every laboring mama powerful!

I gave birth at 36 weeks due to GBS. I basically was in labor for 30 min lol. The only thing that hurt to me was the contractions coming back to back. But I would give birth naturally all over again.

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So crazy! Glad you had a speedy positive birth!

Thank you! 🤍

I had my child at home unmedicated. I found comfort in kneeling on the floor, hunched over on my bed, showering with hot water, and then giving birth in the bath tub which was not my plan lol

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Hahah always good to have a plan, and always good to know that it probably won’t happen! What a good story!

Definitely would go with midwife! With my first baby I had regular OB and the hospital just wasn’t “natural” friendly. As soon as I got to the hospital I didn’t hear anything else than if I like an epidural! Soooo disappointing! Didn’t want to go through it again so with my second I found a midwives group and hospital that was mother/baby friendly and it was just great! Definitely recommend to use a bath tub in the hospital because those intense pains were really manageable in the tub :-) and husband massaging my back! And anytime I had a contraction I just try to think that the baby will be soon out and all the pain will be forgiven! And it worked ! Such a great experience ! Painful but worth it! Good luck!!! It’s really great feeling to know I was able to do it without any meds and honestly ?! I felt sooo much better the second time without the epidural in my spine.

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Oh that’s so disappointing to hear! The hospital I’ll be going to seems pretty flexible, and my OB is on board too which I’m super thankful for. So glad you were able to find what worked best for you! Love your tips!!

You’re welcome! Good luck! Yeah! I just wished I knew somebody back then to really pushed me to do what I did with my second one:-) well we learn with our mistakes right?!😊

I mentally prepared myself for a natural birth and my body just followed. It’s totally possible, go for it!

1 reply

So amazing! Mind and body are totally connected I’m so glad it worked out for you!

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