Latching problems

Hi all. My baby girl struggled to latch in the first week so I have been expressing through the day and feeding her formula at night time (two feeds), she is now 3 weeks old. Has anyone managed to get a successful latch after this long? I really really wanted to breastfeed and she always vomits from formula so want to stop giving it to her but I can’t express enough to feed her breast milk all day and night. Any advice welcome please! Thanks in advance :)
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Oh it’s definitely still possible at 3 weeks! I would suggest getting some one on one support though. Can you connect with a La Leche League leader near you? Or a lactation consultant if that’s available? In the meantime make sure you’re pace feeding her bottles so she doesn’t get a flow preference (more info

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I completely forgot I posted this and how weird that you’ve commented today - we’ve managed to get a successful latch TODAY! And she has now had 4 nursing feeds. I couldn’t be happier 💗 thank you so much for your message x

YAYYY that’s so wonderful to hear😊

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