Teething baby... Help!

I am desperate to find a way to get my little one to sleep. He has four teeth coming in. He won’t go more than two hours of sleep if that! I need sleep 😫 I work a 4am shift 😭😭 I tried Tylenol like his doctor said but it doesn’t really help pleaaaaase.
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Tylenol won’t help to sleep .. you ever heard of gripe water ?? I never used it for “teething” but I feel like it worked on my son. You can try that 😩😩 good luck to you !!!

1 drop of Copaiba essential oil on the gums or jawline mixed with coconut oil and use lavender essential oil for sleep on the foot or back. And for cooling use frozen breast milk or ice cube in a mesh baby food net

Balm! Baby teething tincture helped us. It’s on Amazon.

My niece is teething & her parents do orajel bc her gums hurt her so I’m sure that may also help

It may be too much... but isn't there orajel for babies? Orajel is a tooth numbing agent. Also maybe putting some teethers in the fridge or freezer will make them more easy to scratch the soft gums.

Be careful with orajel or the amber necklace. Orajel can actually harm your baby more then helping with the teething problem ( look it up online). Amber necklaces are safe to wear while baby is awake but not sleeping as it is a choking hazard. Try a cold compress like a cold frozen wash cloth or teethed before bed. You can also use your finger to massage the gums.

Dampening and then freezing a washcloth for my little girl to chew on has helped us. The teething hand mitts help her with something to chew on.

Get a fillable teether that you can freeze. My baby girl loooooves hers. If your little is 6months or older, fill it with his favorite food (like Apple sauce or yogurt) and freeze until slushie. Give the small human the cold teether to chew until he falls asleep. Good luck! 🤗

My daughter is teething right now and the thing that has worked for her is baby ibuprofen. Any pharmacist (like my mother in law) or dentist (like my grandfather in law) will tell you that. Be careful using essential oils on the gums because it can lead to chemical burns (some babies are more sensitive than others) Baby ibuprofen works better for mouth pain because it reduces pain, fever and inflammation. Tylenol only works for fever and pain but it doesn’t help with the inflammation which causes discomfort.

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Also use baby orajel

Try Camilia from amazon Boiron Camilia, 30 Doses, Homeopathic Medicine for Teething Relief https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005KG7U16/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7N3mFbVPSFNM9

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Another vote for Camilia! It helps!


There’s a teething oil by wellements and it all organic. It works soooo good!

Tylenol and Motrin dance

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So Tylenol at day 3 Motrin at 6. And keep the next doses of each 6 hrs from last. So if he wakes at 9 Tylenol and so forth. But Motrin is contingent on weight so y’all to your pediatric

I take a sippy cup lid and put it in a fridge and right before bed I make a sippy of formula and take the cold top screw it on that's help most of the time

Infant Motrin! It lasts longer and reduces the inflammation.

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I second this! Currently going through the same thing and Motrin’s been all that’s helped

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I've been having the same issue and I've been rotating that with ibuprofen every 4 hours for the doctor and our doctor also stated not to use anything like Orajel because it can um their throat and they can technically choke on their spit so she suggested taking Children's Benadryl and dipping my finger in it and rubbing it on his gums as a topical analgesic and that's been working along with breastmilk popsicles

Try hylands baby oral pain relief tablet they have daytime & nighttime tablets !

1 reply

Yes Hylands products are the best. My 4 months old old is teething and these works!!

When I worked at this preschool, I would give some of the teething babies teething rings you can put in the freezer. That helped soothed them and teething ring toys.

I gave my baby a raw onion ring to chew on and it helped him stay calm every time a new tooth came in.

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Reallly???? How did you know about this? Why does it work?? And please don’t say Magic! Hahah

A coworker recommended it to me. She told me that her mother recommended it to her for her kids and it helped. I don't know why it works, but it did help my son. His teeth were coming in quick, and he wasn't sleeping. I figured since onions are edible, why not give it a try.

My son had amber beads slept though the night

Are you guys talking about avoiding the non medicated orajel for babies?

Copaiba oil works wonders. Using it on my fourth baby now and she barely fusses. I also use amber teething necklaces and that’s a great way to help them out. I hope you find relief for your little one soon! ♥️

Okay, there's Baby Orajel, it's non medicated, Benzocaine free.

Anbesol worked wonders for my babies

I used mommy bliss brand gripe water to help my daughter get to sleep when she was teething. I love the brand mommy's bliss, it was created by moms. And it works great

Ok so I was gonna post this and kept forgetting but I put pacifiers in the freezer and it came in handy last night! My baby sucked on it and she was relieved!! She was like what the heck at first but then kept sucking

Update request! Has anything helped or worked yet? ♡

UPDATE! So obviously tried the Tylenol at night didn’t work we tried Motrin at night and Tylenol during the day seemed to work the first couple of days but it’s hit or miss. Still wakes up screams in pain some days. I don’t want to try oral gel but think next we’re going to try the tablets ! Also anyone know how long this is going to last I see the top right breaking through and top left of following eight behind. Thanks for all the advice !!!

Try offering a bottle as he may be hungry at the time I’ve noticed with my little one teething and doing the same 🙄😢🥰

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I’ve switched to pumping only for him because of teething and he’s still drinking about 25 oz a day give out take plus solids

All good advice thanks

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Dr Talbots teething tablets have helped us a lot especially at night! They are natural. The chamomile in them helps soothe them

I use pure honey. Just a dab. It really does help.

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Honey is very bad for babies. Does more harm than good in the long run.

I thought honey was bad?

I will at times offer a bottle

I would chop up green apples and freeze them and put them in a mesh feeder thing and my son would chew and chew. I think at 6 months we were able to use infant ibuprofen and it helped him sleep

Copaiba essential oil!! It’s the only thing we’ve done for our daughter

@Abby ❤

Ashton and Parsons granules

I used baby Motrin and the baby teeth pills by Hyland and I also had started off with oralb gel until my doctor told me no so I had gotten teethers you freeze and the fruit stuffer thingy where you put frozen fruits or whatever for your baby to suckle & teeth on

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Mine to!! She loves frozen mangoes!

Vanilla helps me

Camilia. All natural.

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Yes I was going to say this too. It works for my son

Ashton and parsons baby teething powders was a absolute miracle for my boy

Copabia oil!! Please don't use the numbing gels they can be dangerous. You can either dilute the oil or use it neat. I like to rub it on the jawline and whatever is left on my finger rub on the inside.

Hylands dissolving tablets, and teethers can help. His doctor said no numbing gels because it can numb their tongue and they can choke. He seems to really enjoy the Matchstick Monkey teething toy

Ashtons and parsons is a god send, they do a gel and a powder. Also 'teetha' powder works well and we put his teethers in the fridge to chomp down on x

Popsicles or a cool rag and gently rub gums

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Try liquid anbesol its amazing stuff ive used it with all 6 of mine xx

Nelsons teetha granules are so good ! Don’t know if it’s only in the UK though

Chamomile granules and frozen breastmilk in a cloth and worst case paracetamol

Infant ibuprofen It will help with inflammation and ease his pain. Tylenol is more for fevers

Say away from oral gel that is the worst stuff. Have you tried frozen fruit? Frozen rag, or even a cold rag? I heard green onions help. I did a lot of frozen toys and rags with my kids

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