
Hey momma’s! At first I was holding onto my little ones clothes for the sake of if I had another baby. Then I realized there are so many precious babies that need right this moment. I decided to keep a few sentimental onsies and donate the rest, along side formula and spare diapers. Please consider doing the same and brining whatever you could to your local church, I promise you there is another baby that could use it🙏🏼
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Thank you for the encouragement because I felt the same way ❤

I think this is so amazing! I actually recently donated a bunch of unused baby food to our local shelter and gave away a bunch of our old baby stuff to a couple of women expecting and in need!

3 replies

That’s so wonderful! It’s a warm feeling in your heart knowing we are able to help other mama’s and babes💜

It definitely felt nice giving to other in need! Plus it felt nice getting a bunch of unused stuff out of the house lol

We have a local women's and kids shelter that has been asking for donations. That's our plan. Donate as she outgrows stuff and anything extra.

This is such a lovely idea, I was already telling myself that I will do the same thing at some point!!

👏🏻 good for you! Such a great idea

That is a very sweet way to look at it. Hospitals need clothes. My little man was in the NICU and I had nothing to bring him home in. He was so much tinier than we expected. The nurses were nice enough to bring out the cutest little dinosaur onsie for him to come home in. 💙💙💙

2 replies

Do they take used clothes? I have a few preemie outfits that are basically perfect condition but I’ve never heard of the NICU taking clothes! I’ll have to look into that!

I have a bunch of stuff, mostly clothes that I've been thinking of donating that were never used. Seeing as I went into labor early, was not home, fiance was hospitalized, mom was picking up my older two and very rarely able to get over to me. I didn't have any clothes or anything with me. I had been wondering if I could donate to hospitals. But haven't been able to reach anyone who could tell me. If you know how to go about it or who to reachout to please share. 💗

I donated a lot of my sons older stuff to a local shelter for families who have fallen on hard times.

We are part of a local buy nothing group and I donate basically everything my babies outgrow so other mamas can use it for their babies for free! I’ve gotten a bunch from those groups so giving back is awesome and keeps things out of the landfill as well!

2 replies

I do the same. Love the Buy Nothing project. Such a great idea!

What group is this?i have plenty to donate.

Here in the UK (and apologies if you have them in the USA) many schools have family liaison officers who work with disadvantaged families. I’ve started donating bits to the one at our school. She’s found homes for toys, baby grows and sleeping bags. One family didn’t have any bedding so we donated a duvet as well.

1 reply

That’s a great idea! The one at my sons school offered us sneakers!

I recycle 😂😂😂right after my first was born I found out I was prego again with twins so I kept them all and right after having my twins my husbands friend and his wife had a baby so I just give everything to them

I've got lots of stuff new and not new. I have lots of nappies, bed mats, nappy cream etc I am donating to the women in Africa who dont have much

For the mammas that are donating to local shelters, that’s so awesome but most shelters don’t need that much! My sister works at a local DV home and they actually ending up sending most of the donations to goodwill! Or the workers bring it home.

2 replies

Wow! Good to know.

Wow - I was literally about to donate my things to a women’s shelter 😭

Where do you donate?

God bless you.

This is a great idea! I was having such a hard time parting with my baby's things he's outgrown, but for this reason I think I'm gonna do it! Thank you for sharing and spreading kindness to others 💕

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Where are you located girl?! I’m in Greenville and desperately looking for baby stuff. My baby was originally due October 23rd. I’m currently at the hospital in Greenville for premature labor. Only 31 weeks and totally thought I had more time. I’m in need of clothes toys diapers, the only thing I do have is a stroller car seat and bassinet! So thank god for that at least! Trying our best to keep him in. But contractions and 6cm dilated it’s not looking to good! Just keep me in mind if your close by! Thank you 💞

1 reply

Oh love!! I so wish I was(Boston, MA). 🥺 I wish you and baby the best.

I have some stuff to donate how can I do that. I'm living in Maryland.

1 reply

Dalia- I donated mine via OfferUp

Just did this! So glad another family could use everything.

Omg in mommies in Georgia willing to donate baby boy clothes. Due sept 28 and I'm single mommy out of work due to covid 19

2 replies

Hi omg really and a baby boy 💙

I'm in Canada but I will actually mail you some things if you tell me where to send it. Are you having a boy or a girl?

Anything will help.

Happy to donate

1 reply

But I live in London England.

Am in London and in need of baby boy cloths due in December a single mum

2 replies

I wish I had a way to pay to ship them I'm about to get rid of all my 0-3 & 3 months

Hi Goldie, I can help with baby boy clothes Message me on private

That’s beautiful I did the same about two months ago it was hard but just thinking about other babies actually needing them instead of them just being hidden God bless you

Donate at Good will

Hi if anyone live in london and not far from harrow wealdstone there is a baby bank on fridays 10/12 everything free nappies wips baby milk buggies u name it and i have a nice double buggy if anyone need

I live in California if anyone is need of baby boy clothes please message me directly

I will want to give stuff out too. Where.

I live in GA!! I have some things swing bassinet.. contact me

Hi I’m due may 9th and having a girl , anything will help

My son is in 0-3 months he is three months 29th im poor and haven't been able to get him anything that fits properly 😢 California is probably to far

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