
I had to stop breastfeeding my baby the other day because I couldn’t cope with everything being on me all the time he’s 6 weeks old should feel guilty that I had to stop?😩
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Never feel guilty, your baby is fed and your health and mental health is so important too. Be proud of yourself for achieving 6 weeks not everyone gets that far

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Nope, i wish i stopped when i could 🤣 got to 4 months and he wouldn't take a bottle so got stuck with it until he was 22months ! Wouldn't do it again 💁‍♀️

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Oh no! 😩and don’t think I would it’s to hard and demanding and I couldn’t cope with it x

Well done you for doing it for as long as you have though, the first 6-8 weeks was gruelling for me as i couldn't get the latch right and he was always hungry! If i can get atleast the first 3 weeks with the next one ill be surprised! Not going to put myself through it again though its not worth it imo! You need this time to be happy while theyre so little 💕

Good for you. I want to quit most the time and only 2 weeks in!

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I honestly kept feeling like that but people told me it would get easier but I honestly never felt it did and it just got on top of me eventually xx

It’s a lot. The only way it’s easy is if your kid sleeps. What baby actually sleeps a ton? The pressure to BF is just too much.

No never! I had the same guilty feeling but now I would never go back! I love how my family gets involved in feeding my son and same with his dad! And it gives you a chance to take a breather and do something for you ❤️

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Yes exactly! Your mental health matters just as much! 🥰

No I don’t think I would ever go back I only did it to give him the best start I could I held out for as long as I could and it is nicer when everyone can help xx

Absolutely not! 6 weeks is a long time when every day feels even longer! You’ve done what’s right for you and your baby. Your mental health is so important and shouldn’t be pushed to the bottom of the priority list, as it can so easily do.

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Thankyou so much!x

Look at his hair 😍

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I no🙈🙈

It's definitely okay! You cannot give your baby the best care unless you're taking care of yourself. I had to stop before I wanted to because it was too much and it was making me miserable. I wasn't able to enjoy my time with my baby because I was tired, stressed, and irritable. The time goes by so fast every moment you spend with them needs to be cherished not just passed over because you're just trying to make it. There are always other options, exclusively pumping, pumping only when you can do it and supplementing with formula, or just formula.

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That’s exactly how I felt and everyone else got him when he was lovely and asleep and I got handed him when he needed feeding so I didn’t enjoy it and I’m doing half formula and half breast milk until my milk stops xx

I felt guilty after 3 weeks of constant trying to get my lo to latch, and even though I was pumping so he was still getting some breast milk. It was putting me down even more. So I decided just to stop, and formula feed. I felt so guilty for a couple weeks and cried about it nearly every day. But now I see he is thriving of formula and I'm not stressing about him latching. X

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That’s what I’m doing formula feed now just using the last of my frozen breast milk and it’s so horrible and my boy is so much happier now!x

Only you know what is best for you and your lo, you both come as a team so you both have to be happy. That feeling will soon go and you can just enjoy being a mum xx

I need a lot of personal space, and I need sleep. Nursing was not the right choice for me, and I feel no guilt for it.

Not at all! Erase the guilt. As long as you’re feeding your baby when they’re hungry then you couldn’t possibly be doing anything wrong.

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Not at all! I stopped with my first at 5 weeks because it was hellish. I'm glad I did! The only thing is change is that I would do more of the feeds, because I felt guilty o had a tendency to give him to other people to feed him as i felt so bad. But that meant I struggled to bond at first. But I bloody loved bottle feeding him and knowing how much he was getting. It's so stressful breastfeeding my daughter! My son is happy and healthy, wouldn't change him zx

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Then you've made the right decision!! Xx

See my little boy used to scream from 8-12 every night and nothing would calm him down where as now he’s settled and asleep by 10 which is good for him so I do feel better bottle feeding him and I absolutely love giving him a bottle now!xx

I stopped at a month

It’s up to you and if it’s what you want good that you made the decision. Breastfeeding can be challenging, especially those first weeks as cluster feeding is a nightmare. I started expressing after 6 weeks and it helped me get some time to myself etc then introduced some formula at 14 weeks and feel like I have a healthy balance of both. But remember fed baby is best!

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Like they always say, fed is best!! Never put yourself down because you don’t feel like continuing. He’s gotten all the nutrients he needs up till this point, and starting formula means he will continue getting nutrients. You’re doing what’s best for you and your baby, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says ❤️

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of course not!! whatever keeps you sane! im so sick of mothers being shamed about breast feeding. do what is best for you and your baby! :)

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Thankyou! X

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Looks like a very happy babe however you’re feeding! 🥰

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Aw thankyou!🥰

You should never feel guilty, you did want works best for you and your family

5 replies

Aw thankyou!

Of course! I felt so guilty because breastfeeding didnt come naturally to me and I had to give it up for mental health. It isn't easy as people make you think it is, and there's no shame in doing what's best for you. As long as your baby is fed and happy then they can't ask for better ❤

Breastfeeding is so hard!! Especially those first months. Well done for making it that far mumma 🙂

1 reply

Thankyou so much!! X

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