Breastfeeding mamas!

I am still breastfeeding my 13 month old and Idk when I'll be ready to stop 🥺 but she recently discovered that there's 2 nipples and while she nurses on one she needs to hold the other, I think it comforts her but it's silly to me! Anyone else?
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I'm still breastfeeding my 19 month old. I enjoy it and so does he. He won't drink cow milk, and won't drink water. I don't know when I will completely ween him off.

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I mean she eats everything, drinks water, almond milk & breastmilk in the bottle I feel like at this point it's just comfort which makes it hard for me to stop 🥺

That’s how my son was I started to realize he is just using them as comfort and not really getting much milk as you should. I finally decided to stop at 16 months. It was sooo hard I cried for like a week! He is 18 and a half months now and he still is a mamas boy and loves to cuddle without the boob. Just do it when you feel like you are ready! I still have like 40 bags of frozen breastmilk so if he ever gets sick etc I can give him some of that!

It’s called twiddling! My second and third babies were both twiddlers. It’s normal, just annoying. LOL

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Ahhh there's a name for it!!! Haha I think it's silly and then there's times she just has her hand over my whole boob 😂

I didn't know there was a name for it! My son is a twiddler!

And what a beautiful photo!

1 reply

Thank you! On her 1st birthday shoot we had a breastfeeding shoot as well & I loved it!!! I look forward to recording and photographing the last feeding ugh my heart breaks just thinking about it 😂

I stopped breastfeeding my son at around 18 months. He wouldn’t mess with my nipple, but he liked sliding his hand onto my other breast. Anytime a women would hold him, he’d try to slip a hand 🖐🏼 on them 🤣 After we stopped breastfeeding that eventually turned into him rubbing my arm. He’s gonna be 6 now, and he likes rubbing his finger on my right arm between my elbow crease. I think it’s comforting to him to feel my vein, he lightly runs his finger over the little bump lol

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That is too cute!!! Yeah my daughter will try to pull my shirt down I mean it doesn't bother me because that's what she's used to and she finds comfort in me. We're amazing!!!

Omg! I nursed my son till he was 17 months he's 20 months now and he still reaches in my shirt I assume its a comfort thing for him but I just really want him to stop 😫

So the nipple twiddling is actually biological. Your baby is basically trying to tell your body that they’re still nursing to continue your supply as you cut down feeds. It also helps to tell your body in some cases that it is still feeding a tiny human so don’t allow another tiny human in the uterus. It’s strange but true!

1 reply

That is so interesting!!! Gosh I love our bodies!!!

I am still breastfeeding my 11 month old & he likes to do the same thing. So I keep one breast covered while I’m nursing & it helps

I breastfed my 20 month old son up until the day I went to the hospital to have my little girl 🤷🏻‍♀️ my son also had to have the other nipple in his hand

My daughter who is 17 months still breastfeeds on demand and she is a twiddler! If I don't let her touch the other nipple she switches to the other side that I moved her hand from! Drives me crazy lol

My daughter does the same thing to me and going to be 3 years old. I have not made an effort to wean her. She is my last so I have delayed doing so. I just love that bonding feeling.

We at at 6 months now, but my goal is at least 2 years because of the health benefits for her🥺 I saw somewhere that the global average is 4-5 years!!! 😮I think it’s just more common in the us to stop earlier

My little guy massaged the other boob while BFing 😅.I did over 2 years! I was planning on letting him self-wean but it never happened

Sweet! My 9 month old likes to hold the other nipple and aggressively pull it towards his mouth while he’s already feeding...

Yes! Mine’s 13 months as well and she just recently started digging around in my bra while she’s nursing haha or she’ll unlatch, look at my other boob, and tap on it to tell me she wants to eat from that side 😂

Go mama x

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My son does that. He Will also just start trying to get my boobs out whenever he fancies - cafes, the park... he's 18 months and pretty handy with undoing buttons now. Quite a few embarrassing moments recently!

Love this photo! 🥰 My 15m old is a twiddler too lol. It doesn’t really bother me most of the time, but it’s pretty hard to discourage him from just reaching his hand down my shirt and doing it when we’re nursing in public 🙈

4 replies

I agree! It doesn't bother me I just thought it was funny and wanted to see if other mamas had experienced it too haha yessss she pulls down my shirt all the time 😂

Haha yes no concept of discretion yet at this point 😂 I’m so glad to see from this post so many other moms experience this too, and it’s also just so nice to see so many other moms nursing “older” babies and toddlers 🥰

My 15 week old squeezes the boob she's feeding from whilst feeding. I find it adorable! Trying to make the most of the time we have nursing as i dont want to go past 1 year, just personal preference xx

I’m stopping at a year

When they get teeth its natures way of saying solid foods please

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Yes she eats tons of solids, but nursing is just comfort now so I will continue for a bit longer

Also babies get teeth way sooner than than the 2 years of nursing AAP recommended

Sorry I personally find it abit odd when people BF for longer than it is nessesary especially with teeth...I mean who wants sore bitten nipples all the nutrients csn come from food when they have teeth. The comfort is usually more for the mother who doesnt want to stop when its no longer required.

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So true! Not to mention the many studies showing how extended breastfeeding leads to better health outcomes for babies (and even mums!). Obviously it’s up to the mother, but it is definitely not “odd” to breastfeed one’s baby past 1 year!

That's not right - a child's main nutrition is still milk until 1. Most kids have teeth before then. And, children need to continue to drink milk to support physical development for years after- some make the switch to cow's milk and some continue to breastfeed. Sometimes my son nips but him having teeth doesn't equal sore nipples. And, I know that he takes a full feed at night instead of having a cup of milk. Obviously everyone can do what they like but there are proven benefits to extended breastfeeding

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