Sex on your period yes or no?

My husband and I were discussing this the other day. He doesn't like it and I don't really care because we can have sex whenever but what are other thoughts?
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I could have a penis eating plant growing out of my hot pocket and my husband would still risk it for sex lol. I personally don't like period sex because it's a lot of extra clean up. But I will do it occasionally.

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No I rather wait. Though I’ve heard it reduces cramps .

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I've heard that too. Ironically from my husband.

no. the ONLY time we ever did was years ago before kids 😅 i guess it didnt go so well since it never happened again

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Haha it's the same with me. We used to have period sex on occasion and then it just stopped after the kids came.

Yes. Usually do it when it’s light tho so like the last days! Does help w cramps and feels even better then doing it regular tbh!

Yep! I use menstral disks and they keep the mess at bay!

Define 'sex' - orgasms can be pretty good for period pains and there are lots of ways to have sex without vaginal penetration if the thought of that in particular isn't doing it for you but you want to have some sexy time. But there are so many factors around how you are (both) physically feeling even before you get to what type is sex will be enjoyable for both of us if we are feeling up for (hopefully) mutual orgasm having.

I don’t feel very sexy on my period but if it’s very light and tampering off sometimes we do.

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Yeah I don't either but at the same time I get super horny which is so dumb. I want it but then I don't want to bother acting sexy lol.

I 10000% agree with this

Have a bath and you have a couple hours "mess free" play. Never had any issues or horror stories

I have menstrual disks so it doesn’t get messy, but even if I forget to wear one, my husband will still wanna have sex. It’s usually his idea when I’m on my period cause my cramps gets really bad. And if I’m ever uncomfortable, he’ll just use a toy instead.

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But I also just have a super low sex drive, so we usually jump at the chance whenever I am in the mood 😂

When I got my period we would. Just made sure to lay down an extra towel or have shower sex. Personally, it's really good.

I love it

I do not and I won’t ever have sex on my period. I find it gross and I can’t stand bleeding. Plus I wear tampons all the time when I’m on my period and I don’t really find it sexy to have to remove it for sex. If that’s your thing then you do you but I can’t even consider it. It’s a hard no for me.

Not on the heaviest days unless it’s in the shower otherwise yes

We like shower sex and fooling around with a tampon in- neither of us care so long as there's 1) no mess or 2) it's an easy cleanup

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Me & my OH don't mind it, he says its up to me if i want to. We don't usually do it on my heaviest days as im too uncomfortable with back pain etc however orgasms help as pain relief

Before I was pregnant when I was on my period we’d just lay an extra sheet down x

Shower sex lol I’m horny af on my period and that’s the only time we do it in the shower my hubby is a Germ-a-phob hates blood (he’s an emt/ff go figure) so that’s what works for us

Not when I am bleeding a lot. I would like to do it towards the end when it is barely there. Be doesn't want to do it all. I think in our 16 year's of marriage we've done it maybe twice, there wasn't even any mess but he is still against it.

You can have sex with the Ziggy cup in and avoid all the blood!

My bf says the mess doesn't bother him and he loves that I'm more sensitive its basically easier to make me orgasm 😂 so we do but never on heavier days only when I feel like it which is usually towards the end of my period

Only if I’m in the mood lol. If I’m not I use it as an excuse not to. My husband doesn’t care.

My boyfriend doesn’t mind as long as it my last or first couple days where I’m the lightest or in the shower....

In the shower or with a towel down. Preferably a dark towel... if you can’t see it, doesn’t exist 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

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If im the mood yeah.

A Period doesn’t stop nothing but a sentence.

My period is too uncomfortable and sex makes it worse so we generally avoid period sex.

Not on the firsts days of period when the flow is heavy . Wait to do it when the bleeding is not a lot . Doing it while on period and in the shower is good .

Sex helps my period pain 🤷🏼‍♀️ my partner doesn’t care about the blood because he’s just happy to get sex 🤣

Yes. It’s helps with the cramps and has even made it end sooner before so I’m always down lol

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Ugh I love it!!! It helps my cramps so much lol. We just do shower sex so it’s not hard to clean up and we can both just rinse off lol.

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Yeah that’s how my husband and I do it .

Whatever you are both comfortable with. It's nothing a shower can't clean up. Lol 🤷🏾‍♀️

No; we don’t do it. Mainly because you’re at a higher risk of infection when on your period and I don’t take that risk. I’ve also unexpectedly started my period early during sex a couple times and my partner got such a fright 😂 he wasn’t disgusted or put off, but it just freaks him out hahaha

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I heard this too about having a higher chance of infection!

shower sex!!

All gangsters run red lights 😂😂. Sorry. I heard that on a movie and never had the opportunity to use that quote. It’s too good.

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🤣🤣🤣❤️ I love it lol

Try Flex disc's - they changed my life, allowing mess-free period sex. I've always felt like it relieves cramps as well as battles irritability, makes me feel better all around. Best of luck!

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