Me too! And we sleep a lot, so that increases mu fear, i just try to do a los of tummy time. If you are really worrien you can massage her head to shape it (softly though) thats what they did woth my brother that was born with a weird head
Just make sure to do tummy time and she will be fine
4 replies
At what age do you start tummy time?
If its flat it will round out My sons did with lots of tummy time whilst awake
1 reply
Thank you ☺️
Cutie pie
1 reply
Thank you 😊💗
Her pediatrician will bring up to you if she’s starting to get a flat spot and if it’s something to be concerned about! Yes tummy time helps but I disagree with some of the other comments. No it isn’t guaranteed she’ll be fine if she does tummy time. And not all flats spots round out by themselves, many don’t. Just make all the necessary precautions that you can and don’t stress too much about it! If she happens to start getting a flat spot just talk to her pedi and they’ll put you at ease with what to do and what it could be. My daughter had a flat spot that started out small and the cause was nothing related to tummy time or her being on her back too much! Btw your little girl is adorable😍
1 reply
Thank you ❤️ I appreciate the advice , like I know she doesn't have a flat head but sometimes I freak out 🤣 and thank you 💗💗
The doctor would have mentioned it if it looked like it was flattening
1 reply
Yeah she hasn't so Im probably okay then 😅 probably just me freaking out
Too cute!!
1 reply
Thank you💗
My son had flat head but once he was sitting up and could sit on the floor and play it sooned went normal, but health visitor or midwife or whoever would pick it up if she had it x
2 replies
Thank you💗
No problem 😊 i didnt even realise that he had flat head, i just thought that was his head 🤣 x
Awww what a gorgeous bubbah! A lot of tummy time indeed!
What a beauty!
There's other things besides tummy time you can do to help ease your worries. Wearing baby helps to prevent it as well as alternating baby's sleep direction in her crib at night. Like one night she faces east the next she faces west.
Girl, I was so worried about that too. Every time we saw her doctor I asked about her head and she would tell me it would shape out. Once baby starts sleeping and rolling in all sorts of positions it’ll shape out!
Flat head is back of the head. Ir happens unfortunately to kids that didnt get tummy time and able to move when they wanted. I'm not saying keep her always on her belly bc then that well have adverse side effects. Just as she grows start with 5 mins tummy time a couple times of day, and then gradually increase after several days or weeks. You'll know when she's ready for more, she'll move more. and has she gets more familiar. You'll be be fine luv
My baby had the FLATTEST little head for several months and I was SO stressed out about it. Her doctor assured me that it was fine and that her head would be perfectly normal once she started rolling over in her sleep, but I was SO PARANOID about it - I didn’t think it was ever going to go away. It developed around 2.5-3 months and kept getting worse, and I was convinced that we would have to buy her a helmet, but her doctor was right! Once she started rolling over in her sleep and sleeping on her stomach, it completely went away, and now she has a perfectly round little noggin. Don’t worry!
1 reply
What age did it improve??
I don't have any input, as I haven't had my baby yet. Just wanted to say that your little one is so incredibly adorable 😍
1 reply
Awe thank you 🥰
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Lots of tummy time. Try to restrict the amount of time the baby lies on her back, on the back of her head. Even baby in a sling would help
As long as your baby isnt just laying or sitting down all day you should be fine
1 reply
Thank you ☺️ 💖 and yeah she doesn't she does her tummy time also sits up with someone. And some one is usually always holding her if she isn't sleeping
Perfect, beautiful noggin she has there :)
1 reply
Thank you 😊💗💗
Such a beautiful little baby!
My little one had a flat head. I found a pillow that helps with flat heads.
Yes , she actually enjoys tummy time so I definitely will continue ☺️