How long is it okay to let my son see me naked

At what age do I stop letting him see me naked? let's just get it clear I'm not running around the house like it's the 70s,,, but everyone seems to need mommy when I'm in the shower and or getting dressed.. At what age do I put a stop to it and is there any reason why don't get me wrong I don't expect my son to see me butthole naked at like the age of 12 or something I'm just wondering when and why.... so I guess how soon? He's 4 btw
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There will come a time when he feels uncomfortable seeing you naked. You will know because he will start knocking before entering, will not follow you into the bathroom or your bedroom, etc. Until then, don’t worry about it. 🙂

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Exactly. I firmly believe kids naturally draw their own boundaries! It’s part of their growing process 😊

Thank you so much that was so well said very comforting I appreciate it

I think around when he starts making accidentally rude observations aloud. “Your bum is wiggly, Mommy.” 😫

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This is the most hilariously accurate thing I have seen all day!!! Lol my daughter asks if I'm going to wear my "parachute panties" nearly every morning btw 😂

I am from Europe and grew up open minded. So we don't have this thought at all. I don't want to raise my son to become prude, but to understand it is natural. Just like we are made. And I agree, the awkward stage comes by itself. And it is important too, and I would totally respect and anticipate that as part of growing up.

Around 5 my son would walk into my room while I was changing...like I was still wearin a bra...but would yell and cover his eyes. Now that was when I decided that we should talk about...you have to knock if you don’t wanna see mommy’s boobies lol

Like everybody said, it'll come naturally on its own. Meanwhile I think it's amazing that my children get to see REAL people naked, so they'll know what normal people look like

Once you or him start feeling uncomfortable, that’s when you should stop. Until then, be free and comfortable in your own skin/home. Being confidently naked sets a great example for your kids.

When they start to cover up and want to get dressed alone and understand nudity I think is the ideal time to start privacy until then, I would let it be as is, naked is natural.

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I agree

Somewhere around 4 or so depending on you and your child. It's good to set up boundaries based on your relationship, Every one is different

I say until around age 2-3 . The reason being is that their memory starts to get in gear ages 3-4 . I have images of my dad burned into my skull ... no bueno .

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I laughed too hard at this 😂😂😂💀

Uggghhh same!! I remember being in the men’s showers when it was dads turn to take me swimming, I must have been around 4ish. Hairy cocks everywhere at eye level. Grim!!!!!!!

My older boy is 24 now. I own 2 robes- a summer one and a winter one. In the bathroom and my room I’ll be butt naked but I always wore a robe outside of those areas. I think o made sure I hade a robe on about 4.

For my daughter, when she could draw , ehem correctly if you feel me I stopped letting her see me unclothed. It's not bad or unnatural it's just society.

My son is 11. While I breast fed last summer my tits were all kinds of out. I’m not sure I started worrying about him seeing me naked at any point, I think he got old enough to not be attached at the hip. If he walked in without knocking, I wasn’t about to freak out. Our bodies are private, yes but we also shouldn’t be ashamed of them. They also don’t have to be seen as sex objects either. Last summer my son gained a lot of respect for women, because I didn’t hide away. We also don’t have a weirdness when it comes to talking about our health or sexual because I never attached Shame to our body.

It does come naturally....I think for me it was all three times around the age of 8. They were just asking too many questions and it made THEM uncomfortable.

My 6 & 8 yr old stopped at about 4, they knock before entering rooms. However I breastfeed so they see breast and it’s completely 2nd nature to them. Which I love because whenever they see other women nursing they say oh look she’s feeding her baby too. I also don’t cover so their new question is well why does she put a cover on the babies head? I don’t eat with a cover... #normalizebreastfeeding #babiesgottaeattoo

I plan on walking around naked until my daughter shows she's uncomfortable or I become uncomfortable. My fiance is already uncomfortable so he always wears clothes. It's all about the people involved

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Growing up I wasn’t affected in my body image around my family. I was comfortable as a child. Until high school and that all that hormonal joyride. I raise my daughter like I was raised, to be comfortable in her own skin. Of course weve had the privacy talk, after 6 years old. But I still walk around in my underwear nonchalantly. We take privacy very serious in my household, like door knocking, and computer privacy. The road goes both ways and the best thing we’ve built together with her is trust. Personally I think a lot of it stems from what you remember as a child and it really portrays how you would raise your kids.

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Hadn’t thought about this one. I let the kids come in when I’m in the bath or shower but have started to draw the line at when I’m on the loo. I guess go with what you’re comfortable with. Many cultures don’t have any probs with teens being around their families naked. I used to go to Sweden with my ex and it was the done thing to all semi naked in the lake. Nothing sexual just family together time. Not sure I’d be comfortable with that now tho

Whenever either of you decide you're not comfortable with it. No reason to place an arbitrary time limit on it.

It just stop now Haha he might have a expectation for nudity in the house and a keen interest in the female body. (From experience)

As long as you both are comfortable. If/when he starts trying to hide his body from you (asking you to leave so he can change etc..) Or he starts seeming embarrassed when he sees you naked. Until then just don't say anything. Let him know that human bodies are nothing to be ashamed of, use correct words for your anatomy if he asks, and don't act like it's some big taboo subject. As he grows into adult hood it will give him more self confidence and a deeper respect for his partners.

I will say im 23 years old and i just saw my mom naked today and it didn't faze me one bit. If you raise them to see a body as something completely natural they won't be traumatized when they accidentally walk in on you. Yes bodies are private so they can't stare or touch but to see them is not a bad thing

when it starts to feel weird or uncomfortable . lol. i feel like we can usually just tell when they are becoming too aware

My dad raised me with the mindset that my body is anatomy and shouldn’t be sexualized so I was never just walking around naked but in highschool I’d be in a sports bra and shorts around my dad a lot and it was never weird he’d also come out of the shower in just his underwear and then get dressed in the living room where he’d laid his clothes out for work it was never weird

When your son starts asking what is that? (Pointing at your vagina) or how come you dont have what I have?

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