
So mamas, what do you think? Do you “dress like a mom”?

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Unfortunately I am now a jeans,tees and hoodies mom. I hate my lack of style. I tried before kids and it's just worse post babies. I wish there were a way to upgrade without breaking the bank.

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Thanks!! I'm a budget conscious momma with one income so I have to be wise. Clearance racks are my best friend but I don't get time to shop like i used to. Guess I'll add it to my list.

Shorts with tank top and no bra person 😂 I’m a stay at home mom when I go out I wear leggings and a shirt if it’s cold just a tank top and a jacket I get to bad of Hot flashes to stay in leggings and a shirt all day. Right now I’m in a tank top and shorts and I feel like I ran a marathon sweating so bad 😂

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I am experiencing hot flashes as well as it is extremely uncomfortable! Makes u want no clothes on!

I’m 9 months pp and I’ve always had hot flashes they just got 100x worse after having my baby 😩😩😩😩

What is a mamas style please???

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Mama style is pretty much put something on and don’t care what people think at least that’s what it is for me

Oh ! I know it is hard work having a child but I don't want to let myself go, so I do put some effort in my appearance . It is a good feeling when someone/ other mother give you a compliment.

I used to dress in just nursing tops but have come to realize that any outfit can be a nursing outfit when you stop caring. 😂 I still dress comfortably, but I try to dress it up with accesories and clean brows. ☺️

I’m in the comfort team as well! I don’t think my style really has changed THAT much, but I do know that it would seem a lot of my footwear don’t have laces anymore and my hair somehow always seem to find itself in a bun...haha.

No, I don't think I do. My style has not changed. I dress the way that I am comfortable with, not the way the world thinks I should dress.

I love fashion. Having a baby hasn’t changed that. I do find myself leaning towards more comfy shoes though.

It depends on where I am going because last night I went on a target run and I was in momma mode lol

Finally feeling good about fashion and clothing again, especially in my early 40s, it's wonderful!! it feels very good to feel good about yourself & Clothing can make that super easy❣️

You don't need to sacrifice style for comfort. They can coexist.

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Tell me more... I find it tough!

As long as I can get Baby to breast I'll basically dress like I did before. Some clothes are getting worn more often and a few dresses have to be set aside for awhile until he is weaned.

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Same. I’ve put a halt on dresses, but i’m over exclusively wearing nursing tops just cause i’m nursing. Any top can be a nursing top really lol

I feel like I dressed like a mom before sooo 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😂👏🏻 #bubblevestsarelife

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I Hope not My to go outfit is a black tang top, black leggings, a jacket to put over my waist and a black hat. Lol I’m out

I dressed like a mom before lol


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If leggings and a band t shirt is dressing like a mom... then absolutely I wear my uniform lol

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I don’t intend to change how I dress when my baby comes along, obviously the silk/delicate/dry clean only items will have to take a rest for a while!

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I didn’t either but all my preferences changed lol

And I guess it depends what you can still fit into! Some of my pre pregnancy clothes look so small to me now!

Athleisure all day, everyday !

All day, Everyday! Lol

Lol well i wear leggings just about every day of my life lol but i dress up when we go out as a family lol

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That’s where I’m at. Leggings and yoga pants! Sooo comfortable and easy to move around in! And my husband also thinks it looks really good on me. Winner!

No unless athletic pants and tanks are dressing like a mom lol

I’ve been told I dress like a mom long before I became one.

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Same! Haa😂

Im so cmfortable in leggings and a tshirt. With all the spit up, poopy diapers, and teething, nothing else compare. However, mama knows how to get sexy for the hubby. 😂

Leggings and maxi dresses! 😍 my best allies!

Um yes. Sweatpants, no makeup, don’t remember the last time I brushed my hair you know the usual

I definitely dress like a mom now I live in leggings,sweaters, and nursing bras now I use to wear jeans, dresses, rompers, push up bras! crop tops alll the timeee, pregnancy just changed my body so much I can’t wear those types of clothes anymore plus I’m too tired with a newborn and toddler to dress up😅😅 if I had the body/energy I would def wear the clothes I use to wear though! I would curl and straighten my hair all the time too now it’s up all the time, same with make up now mascara is good enough for me when I leave the house that is haha most the time I’m not even wearing any aaah my style has changed so much aaaahh my poor husband is probably like this is not the person I married 😅

I wear jeans less often as they are not as comfy, also wear longer tops due to mum tum, but everything else is same really.

My style has evolved, more trainers and less accessories but still current. I do get less enjoyment out of getting lots of new stuff and prefer better quality and fit, just have less time and space 😅

I use to be told “you don’t look like a mom” because of the way I dressed. When my daughter was an infant it was a little more challenging to look put together, but I make an effort to get dressed up every day now that she’s older. I also work from home so it helps me feel like I’m ready to take the day on! I believe it’s important to take care of yourself too!

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This is such a hard one for me! I look 16 so the ‘mom uniform’ of leggings and a t shirt makes me look even younger. I try to wear put together outfits while I’m out that don’t look overly young but because I live in a really hot climate it’s hard! How do I look like a mom in shorts? 23 but i always like 12.

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Dude, I’m almost 23 and hardcore relate. I look like I’m a teen in leggings. 😭

100% agree. Im 30 but still look young, but I still love leggings so I try to wear a cute comfy top.

No. The only thing that’s changed now that my baby bump is gone is nursing bras (since my bras won’t fit till I’m done nursing) and I don’t wear earrings, just in case my baby girl decides to grab those instead of my hair. But honestly, I see a lot of non-moms wear what used to be deemed “mom clothes” so eh. Wear what you like!

I live in Tunic dresses and leggings along with a nursing bra and mom undies lol. Before I was completely slinny jeans, bikini, crop tops and mini skirts. Also went to the hairdresser once a month. Now I can’t tell you when the last time I combed my hair or went clothes shopping for me.

Hell yeah. The hair gets brushed every couple days, its always in a messy bun at the top of my head just out of reach of the baby, if I'm not wear basketball shorts and a tank top or t-shirt then I'm wear sweats and a t-shirt. I only wear make up to go out in public which isn't that often since I chose to be a stay at home mom, but hey, I get to spend every day with my kid and I'm great with that. Luckily I get to shower regularly thanks to my husband and baby having a strong bond. But once in awhile I do dress up and do make up and I feel great.

I’m still all beanies and flannels and the mascara + concealer makeup look. I love my hightop vans and toms. I adore high waisted jeans still (though appreciate them more after having a baby 😂). The only thing that’s changed is I babywear a lot and struggle wearing my blanket scarves and vests with my baby 😫

I did at the beginning, i lost all my style during the 9 months and afterwards nothing fit right 😑. She's 7 months now and I JUST starting to get my swag back 😎

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Same for me. It usually take me about 9 months to feel right in anything other than leggings and long cardigans.

Good to know, I’m at 7 months too and while I am making an effort it is frustrating that things don’t fit like before.

I'd say Heck No I don't

Haha my daughter has reflux she throws up on whatever I where. I do like to make an effort though xx

My style now that I'm a mom is boob's out, unhooked nursing bra. 😂💁‍♀️

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I am constantly being mistaken for a teen Mum! And if I'm being honest I don't think the way that I dress helps.😂😳

I used to wear normal clothes (I literally didn’t even own any full length shirts, crop tops and high waisted bottoms all the way) but now that I’m a SAHM I live in leggings and t shirts🤷🏼‍♀️ so I guess this is my “style” now😂 you can’t be uncomfortable in scrub clothes though so not complaining 😂

I dress like me 😂 i love track pants always have and leggings and yoga pants there comfy. I have a few jeans but meh 🙄 i never really had style LOL. Im trying to look like a mom but than again how does amom really dress 🙄🙄

Sometimes I dress like a mom and other times I dress like ms. Frizzle from magic school bus.

I just wear whatever I want!!!! Usually that’s jeans and a T-shirt. Or sweats and a T-shirt. Or leggings...& you guessed it! A T-shirt lol. I’ve always been a tomboy sooo nothing’s changed since I’ve had a baby. Except now I don’t bother with makeup because I AINT GOT TIME FOR THAT! I’d rather have an extra cup of coffee.... plus my baby’s just gonna rub my eyebrows off anyway 😂😂😂😂

I have my days

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Nope. Most people think I’m my kids older sister. I mean I’m just wearing jeans and T-shirt’s, sneakers and hoodies. maybe it’s my face. 😛

I still wear my maternity clothes even though I weigh less now than when I got pregnant 😂

I dress the same way as I did before becoming a mom, soo 🤷

No I think I trust like a teenager but that's what's comfortable for me leggings and a t-shirt

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