Emergency C-Section premi

At 4:26am today my beautiful daughter made it into the world at 27 weeks +6 days emergancy c section she weighed 575 grams and measuring 24 weeks sadly as my placenta failed ❤😭
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Omg are you ok? Congratulations on her arrival. Prayers for baby girl 🙏🏼💕

Congratulations!! Shes beautiful.🥰🤗 Sending positive energy, love and strength to you both. Namasté ❤🙏🏾🙂

Congratulations my darling for delivering this baby fighter to the world . Wishing you all the strength 💕💕 praying for a smooth recovery my dear . From a section mom to another 😞♥️

So gorgeous, sending you both love! How did you know your placenta was failing, what signs did you have? It’s a big worry of mine 😭

1 reply

So I had loss of movements, along with pre eclampsia so I've always been high risk they wanted a growth scan asap just to make sure we were expecting something small not this especially xx

congratulations 🎉 sending love and prayers for you all xxx

Ahh from one preemie mum to another, this'll be the hardest journey you'll ever be on but it will so be worth it in the end, I had a 24 weeker 2 years ago and you'd never know how prem he was, take one day at a time, or one hour at a time if it's easier. Try and write a journal each night so you can look back on better days when you're having a rough point. There are a couple of really good preemie groups on Facebook who are so supportive if you were interested x

Congratulations 👏 .. lots of love and prayers for her speedy recovery. Can I ask you one question? How did you know your placenta failed? And how did you rush to the hospital? Was there any symptoms?

3 replies

I stopped feeling her move, they then requested a growth scan and the blood was just traviling though to her x

I also have pre eclampsia which is why they acted fast to lost of movements x

Congratulations! 💕 Sending love and strength xx

Awww she’s so small . Be strong momma you have a beautiful blessing . Do they know why tour placenta failed ? Sending xoxo

First congradulations. Bridie i kmow what you felling i still having my baby inside buy everytime i go to the hospital they told maybe she gonna be a premature baby. Yours its so angelic i hope you and her are ok. With love Isabel

Congratulations 💓💓I pray you and her take it easy and day by day. You are both so strong already🙌🏼

Congratulations 💞 This reminds me so much of my brother when he was born. He came at 30weeks and was so tiny then lost weight. I remember helping out a lot with feeding and changing. I can tell you right now you will have incredibly hard days with a preemie, but you have more strength than you think 💞I hope your doing okay, make sure you look after yourself so you can be the best mumma to your little bundle of joy xx

Congratulations on your little girl, I wish her well

Congratulations what an angel! I’m sure the NICU will take great care of her ❤️

Congratulations! She’s so tiny bless her❤️

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Congratulations she is beautiful, she is the best hands!!! Stay strong she wanted to meet her mummy early xxx

Congratulations 💗 All the best to you

Congrats! Please keep us updated on her progress 💖

Congratulations. I hope you and your princess get strong and stay healthy

My son is a premie. He’s 2 and almost an ex premie. Your daughter got this!!

God bless her

Look at that strong fist! She's clearly a fighter, all the best wishes for her continued growth and your strength xx

Sending prayers to you and your beautiful baby that she grows and gets stronger every day!

Congratulations, I was born 3 months early due to mum having pre eclampsia over 30 years ago. It’s amazing what they can these day. I have no health issues and just had my own healthy little boy xx your baby is a fighter x

3 replies

I had that too and feel nervous about having another 1

Did ur mom have anymore kods after u?

She’s beautiful congratulations

You created a beautiful daughter. She looks like a fighter. Prayers are being sent to help you as well as this must be tough. But you got this!

Beautiful baby girl ❤ She's a fighter. Sending you and your family positive vibes. I was also born at 28 weeks. & My mom had my brother 2 years later and he was full term. (She was young and didn't know she was pregnant with me until she was already 20weeks.)

Sending prayers your way xx

Your little fighter gonna be okay 🙏

Congrats 🎉🎈🎊 sending you and you baby lots of positive vibes 🍀😍

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Fight on mama..I see you're 💪

Don't worry mama.. Having faith does miraculous things. Will pray for your baby to grow strong and healthy. Hospital nowadays have the tools and resources to get NICU babies out of there healthy as can be. Just keep on pumping so your baby can have what it needs to grow too ad you have your freezer stach ready by the time it comes home too

beautiful baby girl💖 she will fight through this!! congratulations mama

sending all the love xx

Our lord Jesus is stepping in n taking over already ,so just relax n trust in him my dear,it's well n know dat nothing is too difficult for God to do.

She is gorgeous!! Hang in there mama! NICU babies can be so hard, but she is so strong and so are you!! My baby was here too . Your baby really is beautiful!! Way to go!!!💕💕💕💕 if you Need someone to talk to, I’m here!!


Congratulations! Thinking of you and your family. I live near Melton please let me know if you need anything! X

Sending you patience, strength and courage. This would be so unbelievably difficult.

Massive congrats. Beautiful little dot 😍 x

Hey please give me a message if you need to talk my little girl was also born at 27+4

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