I had an epidural the first three babies. It did prolong my labor though and with all 3 I was in labor for over a day. I ended up with a c-section with my first baby but it wasn’t because of the epidural. My body never really responded well to the medication because each time with an epidural I somehow ended up with a fever afterwards. With my 4th baby I decided to do it naturally and even though it was extremely difficult pain wise, I was only in labor for 4 1/2 hours and the recovery was much better.
I just gave birth a few weeks ago with no medication. I’ve always been a big baby when it comes to anything painful so I wasn’t sure if I could do it, but giving birth was a whole different kind of feeling for me. I only pushed for about 20-30 minutes and I didn’t tear (my dr said a lot of times with the epidural women push to hard or “wrong” bc they can’t feel it as much and end up tearing that way). It was painful but I looked into hypnobirthing and that made it more bearable for me. I’m personally glad mine went the way it did. My friend on the other hand had to be induced & got the epidural and everything went fine for her (although she did tear a little) and she’s had no lasting pain from hers. Everyone’s labor is different!
I have a low pain tolerance and the epidural was amazing for me. Was scared of the needle but you never see it and they numb the area so you don’t feel it. I went as long as I could. Will get the epidural again with the my second if it works out that way! It’s normal to be nervous, but do what is best for you.
I just had my baby two days ago! I was labor for over 40 hours and got the epidural around my 12th hour. Thank god I did because I don’t think I would have survived the other 28 hours without it, it turns out my baby was too big and my frame too small (I’m really petite and short) and that he never would have come out naturally ): if I had to do it again, I would get an epidural definitely, it doesn’t hurt at all getting it and I didn’t have any negative side effects. My back is sore now days later however it’s probably because I’ve been in a hospital bed from Saturday to Wednesday...
My pain threshold is awful. I told my partner before I went into labour that I didn’t want an epidural but when I was in labour I begged for one! My partner told the midwives that I didn’t really want one and they gave me pethidine instead. This done wonders and it’s nowhere near as risky as an epidural. It just knocks the contraction pain and makes it easier to handle. I definitely recommend looking at other options rather than jumping for an epidural straight away - good luck!
Do your research! I’ve been listening to a fantastic podcast called Fear Free Childbirth (the also have a FB page) and the number one thing they drive home constantly is to find out everything you can about the things you fear about childbirth so that it’s no longer scary. Also, if you’re going natural, you need to look into alternative options for pain management be in breathing techniques or whatever. Women have literally been doing this for thousands of years and long before modern medicine would allow for pain medications. You can do this. Trust that you body knows what to do!
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I went in with an open mind about an epidural. I was gonna try and wait as long as I could! Ended up getting the epidural at 4cm because I was having front and back contractions at the same time and I couldn’t take it. Progressed 2cm every two hours until I hit 8, then I stopped. I could feel contractions in my lower left back to hip every 1.5 hours like clock work. They thought my epidural was placed incorrectly. So after about 12 hours we decided to redo the epidural. That didn’t help. What worked was laying me on my right side and inverting me. We think my daughter was stuck on my left hip bone. Once we did that, she was born in the next two hours 🙌🏻
There's no way I could have done it without. I was induced and the contractions were so painful I would have had no energy to push in the end.
Get an epidural! I didn't want to but so worth it. It only worked on half of my body so on the left side I felt pain but still worth it to me.
Try not to put so much pressure on yourself as the due date gets closer. See how it goes and know that you always have it for backup. I had a plan and well, nothing went as planned. If you’re nervous about the epidural, talk to your nurse. Most labor and delivery are so kind and caring and mine helped me in so many ways. You got this mama, epidural or not!
I put off the epidural until right before I couldn’t sit still through my contractions. They redid my epidural twice because it was only numbing my right side and not my left. Once they got it fixed the epidural helped a TON. I actually slept through my contractions until it was time for me to push (which helped cause I got some rest before I had to push). I’ve seen some people say that epidurals can slow down your dilation, but I don’t think it’s entirely true. I dilated from 6cm to 10cm in an hour while having the epidural. Really, the pain you feel getting the epidural is when they put the numbing stuff in your spine. After that it just feels uncomfortable!
I’m petrified of needles... I had an epidural and everything went fine. If you want it, depending on the hospital they may limit you to when you can and can’t get one so be clear on your hospitals rules. I had no complications with mine whatsoever.
Most of the mamas that I have talked to told me “Girrrrl, get that epidural!” Lol.. so I did all my research and everything and ultimately decided to go with an epidural. When I got the epidural, I didn’t know that there was a little button that we could push for the pain meds to be released, so while I was in labor and when it got closer for me to start pushing, I was REALLY feeling those contractions... basically to the point of my story, I was happy to have that epidural..
I was the same as you with my first. I dont have a high pain threshold at all. I was freaking how much my greatest fear was actually about to happen. We went in at 41weeks. I was induced, 4 hrs later I asked for an epidural, got that within a few hours(complications with the anaesthetist who did it) we laboured all night long, 7am came and they did midwife change over, my new midwife was monitoring me, my baby didn’t like the inducing drug they use and was going back up instead of down, she was also posterior, we then decided it was time for an emergency c section. Don’t worry if you get the epidural, it doesn’t hurt and it helps sooooo much! Goodluck mumma
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Haha yes! Same as my girl! Stubborn. Didn’t want to give up the womb service 😂😂
We have a very similar birth story, my little one also didn’t not respond to the pitocin and she moved up and my cervix started swelling back shut so we ended up with a c section as well. I always say she was thinking, if you want me, you’re going to have to come in and get me! 😂
Oh I was the same way!! I actually had a spinal done when I was 11 weeks pregnant because they thought I had meningitis and that went soo horribly I was terrified of having an epidural. I also have a very low pain tolerance. When I was laboring I was induced which is much harder. My contractions weren’t normal and they never actually stopped. The ball, walking, sitting on the toilet, swaying my hips while in a supported squat helped. Eventually though I was stuck in bed due to medication they had me on. Then I was having BP issues, So my midwife convinced me to at least consider an epidural. Up until then I was so dead set against it due to fear. I ended up doing it and it was done in less than 5 minutes. It only hurt when they numbed it for a second and then when they shoot the medicine the first time you feel it a little down one leg and that’s it! Afterwards you feel nothing at all! I didn’t have any negative effects and wish I had done it hours earlier when offered it.
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This was my situation though. Weigh your pros and cons, if you get it you’re stuck in bed with a cathedral and everything. I was already on that so I couldn’t move to keep my pain down naturally. I was induced as well and that makes things a whole different beast.Keep in mind your other options too, like the gas. No matter what happens just go with it. If you have to get an epidural then do it. If you end up like me with your entire birth plan out the window and eventually an emergency c section well then go with it lol either way as long as you and your baby are healthy is all that matters in the end. 💜
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I never even felt the epidural needle go in and I’m a WIMP about pain. The anesthesiologist won’t show you the needle if you don’t wanna see it too. I could barely handle getting an IV if that puts it in perspective for you. Then they wait for the epidural to kick in before doing your catheter or at least they did for me so that part doesn’t hurt. You won’t even feel it. You won’t feel it being taken out either because of the epidural and you really won’t be sore from it or have trouble using the restroom either.
Definitely get epidural. A few min of pain and then you get to relax.
There was never a doubt in my mind. I was getting that epidural. Best idea ever.
If u cant handle pain well itll prob slow down ur dialating i tried to go natural but i wasnt dialating fast enough as soon as i got the epidural i dialated to 9.5 and she was born in the next hour
Epidural is amazing. No need to be a hero!
I got an epidural and I couldnt do anything till it wore off because it wasnt doing any good. You'll be fine mama you wont be focused on the pain.
You know what I learnt from my OB? It depends in what state your body is in when you take the epidural. I personally had a bad experience. In fact my epidural was the reason for some of my birth complications. I later learnt that you rather take it when your still in a controlled state or don’t take it all (easier said then done) Still able to talk etc. the risks of complications are apparently greater because your body is going through what’s called transition (baby will arrive soon) the epidural can over relax the body in some cases leaving the outcome to be other birthing choices a lot of us mums would prefer we don’t go through! Saying that my sister took the epidural at 8cm and it wore if by the time baby was born. I truly believe every woman and labour is different. If you have a low pain tolerance you could start with a dia-morphene and see how you go. I would seriously recommend learning about hypno-birthing (amazing) and also water birth! Good luck hun
I got an epidural. Mostly because there was lots of pressure and I couldn't push against it... not to mention the butt cramps. I figured it was best to get it earlier so I would be rested to push. And there was time between contractions to breathe and have it placed without me seizing up. I slept for a bit after and was awake and feeling things enough to push after a bolus dose.
Yes I was scared but with my first honestly labored until 5cm slowly but was in SSOOO much pain that I didn’t even worry about the epidural. A little back pain afterwards where I could feel where I got poked but nothing bad. And I had a 22 hour labor so I don’t regret it expect that it did slow my labor down I stalled at 7cm for a couple hours maybe 2.5/3 I can’t remember that was 4 years ago lol! My second cake fast though I wanted the epidural got to the hospital and less than 2 hours later I barely made it to a room didn’t get any pain meds not even my IV in and my daughter made her grand appearance!! Good luck mama!!😍❤️ So exciting! I miss being pregnant so much! Enjoy it while you still can!❤️❤️
I knew from the beginning that I was getting an epidural. I have a very low pain tolerance, so I knew what I needed. I held off for about an hour after my water broke, but then I couldn't wait any longer. My epidural was in use for 16 hours and no complications arose. Its all about knowing your body and listening to it. Don't let others rule the decision for you. You do what is best for you. Good luck!!
I was afraid of getting my epidural bc I was told it hurts bad! I didnt feel a thing when they gave me mine for both of my babies. Once it started kicking in it was heaven! I've had 2 kids and no horror story for me. I say get it as soon as docs say you can! Good luck!
I did get an epidural it sucks I didnt go natural. It went fine and the worse part was being anxious about it.
Getting an epidural was the best thing I did. If we have another I will 100% have one again.
I know it sounds ridiculous but try to read up and prepare yourself for birth and it will help. I did perianal massage and read a hypnobirthinh book, and I honestly believe this is why my partly birth went so smoothly (of course I wouldn't be able to affect baby position or dangerous factors, I just mean why she came out so quickly!), because amongst all of the pain and fear I knew medically what stage I was at and what would be coming next, and so was able to calm myself. It was the hardest thing I've ever done but I did it drug free and had no tearing (although Im not at all judging or against epidural!) So I think preparation is key. I read up on all different scenarios incase I did want epidural or needed an emergency c section, so I could l ow what was going on :) good luck!
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I completely agree! I think the most important part is to educate yourself and learn as much as you can because then it's a lot less scary.
100% educate yourself! You’ll feel more at ease!
I got an epidural and I’m glad I did! It helps a lot, you still would have a lot of work to due right but at least you don’t have to do it with the worst pain you’ll ever feel. Just a recommendation you can’t opt for an epidural at the last moment because they have to prep you for it because if you don’t and it’s too late you will go through it naturally and im not saying that you can’t do it naturally but if you have a low pain tolerance it will be twice as hard.
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I had a epidural because I had to have emergency c section when I was planning a waterbirth! I was having contraction but wasn’t opening up, but my waters had already broken. Childbirth is drama! NGL I wish I had natural childbirth for the experience and because now I get a very tired back and can’t stand for more than 20 mins. Just firm it sis..it such a bitter sweet situation.
That drug was life for me... I have no complaints
My epidural was perfectly executed and I had no issues.
I got an epidural and it wore off by the time I was 10cm and then I was told not to push and had an emergency c section because the baby was not I. Position to come out! And even with the c section I felt ever pull and tug was so horrible. I also have a low pain tolerance!
With my first I wanted to try and do it naturally, but I went ahead and signed all the forms to administer it if I changed my mind. I went without for 5 hours. I had to be induced as well. After I contracted on my own I couldn't breathe through the contractions so I asked for the epidural. I didnt feel anything. I had my other baby same thing had to be induced and got the epidural. It didn't hurt. It relaxed me so I was able to rest before I had to deliver
Girl you got this! I did natural (not against drugs but just wanted to see if I could do it and trust me when I say I do not have a high pain tolerance either!) and it went as good as I had hoped for, I was up and dancing to Christmas music in between contractions until 9.5 ! I’m definitely planning natural again for our next. The mind is an amazing thing, if you can read about hypnobirthing and some positive birth stories, download iHypnobirth free and listen to the positive birth affirmations while relaxing in a bath and before you go to sleep or even as you sleep and look up positive birth stories on YouTube it’ll help calm you down. I didn’t even FULLY believe in the affirmations cause they seem a little silly but apparently your conscious mind is like the tip of the iceberg and the unconscious is everything underneath so even if you think it’s silly if you repeatedly listen and learn you’re unconscious mind takes over in the moment and you don’t even think about drugs because you KNOW you can do this!
Preparation is key! I wanted a natural birth and achieved it. Honestly you have to trust yourself and also you’re baby. Be positive! You are both doing this together. I exercised during my pregnancy and read books in order to educate myself about what my body would be going through as well as what babies feel during the process of birthing. The following 3 books were wonderful! Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way, and Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds. Although my baby was coming in occiput posterior fetal position and the pain in my sciatica was brutal I was able to achieve what I dreamed of. I have no regrets and if we go for a second I’ll aim for a natural birth as well. You can do this! Wish you the best!
I've had 2 epidurals and they helped me calm down and relieved the pain of contractions. I didn't have to have a csection with either child nor did it slow down my labors. Good luck!
I had two and it went just fine with both. I will say with my second it was slightly off (I think we confused our lefts and rights) so one side was extremely numb and the other I could still feel a bit on. That being said I’d do it again in a heartbeat if I have another.
I did, and kind of late in the game..because I was going to not get one and I changed my mind after hours in labor...everything went fine...
Epidural worked for me!! Just relax and try not to overthink it. Cross that bridge when you get to it.
I did natural not by choice! The Docs screwed around way too much and by the time they gave it to me. Baby was ready to come out !!!!!
I had a 100% natural birth, I did hypnobirthing which got me through my contractions and the pushing stage. I got a book on it around 5 weeks before I was due, and just practised relaxation techniques. I would recommend giving this a go, it doesn't stop the pain but gives you a great way of dealing with it. X
I went in just going with the flow, I was gonna decide to get it if I really get like i needed it. And boy did I, it was a game changer once I got the epidural. The contractions for me personally were too much to handle the by the time I got the epidural it didn’t hurt one bit and i was so relieved and was able to rest and read before I had to start pushing. When I was pushing all I felt was pressure as if I were going to the bathroom LOL. But no pain whatsoever and only soreness afterwards. I will say the injection site was sore and tender for about 2 days after. But I would get it again in a heartbeat if I had another baby. I was lucky my anesthesiologist was very informative and comforting when performing the procedure and I had a really good nurse with me helping me sit still between contractions.
With my son it worked perfect. With my daughter it was horrible I don't think it really took very well the guy was really rude And I was not going to have him come back and deal with his attitude again. My legs never went numb with my daughter and I was able to walk right after. I know I didn't feel all of the pain there was quite a bit of some.
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A quote that really helped me go natural was, "your contractions and birth cannot be stronger than you because they are you." That being said, I also prepared myself mentally for needing an epidural or c section just in case! I have had two unmedicated births and both went well! But there is no shame in any kind of birth. You are amazing and don't forget that!!
For me they tried three separate times and it didn’t work. But that’s just what happened to me. Everyone’s different. But there’s nothing wrong with wanting an epidural.
I had an epidural with my little one after 6 days of natural labor. It was a God send, mine might not have been placed right as I had full use of my legs but I dulled all the pain till the pushing and even then it wasnt that bad.
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Sounds like they gave you a walking epidural.
I can not take pain at all. I am literally the biggest baby. I knew from day 1 that I was going to get the epidural as soon as I could. I know myself and I know I can’t handle pain. I didn’t feel the needle at all and I had no side effects during or after!!
I went into labor at 36 weeks + 1 day. I had an epidural, it was amazing... I felt no pain at all!!!! My water broke before I started having painful contractions so by the time they gave me the epidural it was right after contractions started getting bad.... I have NO idea how I would’ve gotten through those awful contractions for more than I had to!!!!
This was definitely true for me. The more I found out about childbirth, the less scared I was. I ended up doing it natural and honestly once you learn about it and use other pain management techniques, its not that bad.