Successful breast feeding journey with first, want to combi feed the second.. more to eleviate some pressure off my self because I'll have a toddler this time round, and I would like to think it'd be less stressful 🤣 but where do you start??? How do you know how much to give them and when? Any tips would be grateful X
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I always had to supplement with formula from the beginning, but still pump. I’d give her water breast milk I could first and then make 2 or 4 oz of formula if she was still hungry and let her decide how much she wanted to drink.

I mix fed my first baby. :) she’s nearly 3. I breastfed my second baby for 6months and the mix fed now formula feed him. He’s nearly 8months

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Offer breast first, then second breast and if bub is still hungry offer a small amount of formula.

I have mixed what milk I pumped with formula.. from time lo left nicu.. it took about a month to get her to nurse. Now I nurse her then if still hungry I give her a 4oz bottle of formula.. her first bottles I made where 1ozbm and 1ozformula.. then it was 1ozbm and 2ozformula.. now since she nurses I dont pump. So bottles are all formula.

I would breast feed at night and mornings was bottle, mid days were breast again. Afternoons were bottle and then night was breast again. I co-slept which made everything easier at night.

I pumped a very small amount, so i gave him that each day as sort of like a vitamin, and fed mostly formula throughout the day and night.

I had to combi from very early on so we started with a midday and midnight formula in the ml recommended for the age and that gave two nice windows with dad doing the midnight. It worked well.

I don't know why peanut suggested that I read this thread. While I believe that each mother should choose what's best for her family, I also think beginning with exclusively nursing if possible is important to establish a good supply. Adding formula later on is less likely to undermine your supply than in the beginning.

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Because exclusively nursing isn’t for everyone. And it’s good to have an open mind to the routes others choose to take.

Research inclusive breastfeeding.

As respectfully as possible I do need to point out that starting out combo feeding will do nothing to help your supply. In many cases breastfeeding will be SO much easier with a toddler. No formula and bottle mixing while a toddler is yelling for your attention. No getting up and potentially waking up a toddler to mix a bottle. Starting out with formula will set you up for failure. Baby will stay fuller longer on formula because it’s not made for their virgin gut systems. And since breastfeeding is supply and demand there won’t be a demand to establish a supply.

I have a toddler and hate pumping nor do I have the time. My 7 month old is pretty much anti all bottles sippy cups and formula. She will wait me out and hold out for breastfeeding from the source...she will take formula mixed with oatmeal out of a bowl...might do an ounce occassionally out of a cup but thats it...anyone encounter this???

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Sounds just like my son. He has been anti bottle, sippy cups, formula and pacifier from the very start. He is 12 months now (- year)

Exclusively breastfed my first as she would not take bottles. Second just came and she was big and my milk didn't come in fast enough so had to do formula just to keep her fed. My milk came in just fine, but i still give her formula a few times a week. One cuz it keeps her satisfied longer (hello more sleep at night) and two it's easier when on trips. She switches just fine. We started with 2oz. Enfamil has handy premade lil bottles in that size which was more than enough for those first feedings. Just give her a half ounce at a time, burped, and then offered more until she was full. But each baby is different. That's just what worked for us

With all 3 of my kids ages 16 years 10 years & 18 months I did breast feeding & formula right from the hospital. It was the best decision I made & easier to ween off the breast milk

When my 2nd was born, I found it easier to nurse. No having to mix a bottle, remember to bring bottles and supplies with me. I just wanted to share that, as another mom who has been in a similar situation with balancing the needs of 2 children. Whatever you do, I wouldn’t pump and bottle feed, unless you really want to keep up your supply and exclusively breastfeed. Pumps are the devil and pumping would take time away from sleep and from time away from my kids. I would direct-nurse and then supplement with formula when needed! That’s my 2 cents. Good luck!

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That's a really good point. I'm due with twins this spring and trying to figure out my plan. I exclusively did breast milk for the first 6months my first, even though he had a lip tie we didn't catch until week 10! I had an oversupply and basically pumped a lot... Trying to not be a slave to the pump this time around 🤔

The struggle is real! A good friend of mine nursed twin boys. They were born very early at about 28 weeks gestation, and she pumped/supplemented for the first months of their lives, but when they came home with her she was able to nurse them for over a year. She did nothing else for the first 6 months, really! She had to eat a lot and drink a lot, but she was able to do it. Especially if you are going back to work, be easy on yourself and what is realistic too. 2 babies, what a blessing! Happy for you.

I strictly breastfed my son until he was 3 months then I started to como feed and I just breastfeed when I have I can and formula feed when I am busy or can’t Breast-feed right away. I mainly breastfeeding at night. It is working well for me. He is now 6 months old. I also have a toddler.

I had planned to exclusively breast feed but it was sooo hard at night with him constantly wanting to feed! So at 4 weeks we went to combi feeding. I give him breast from when he wakes, normally about 7/8 am, til 10pm at night and at 10pm my partner gives him a bottle and then give him a bottle at around 1 and then again around 4! This works so much better for us!

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How does this affect ur supply? Mine is 5 weeks and I’m contemplating giving a bottle now and again to get her through the leaps and growth spurts!

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I think you’ll be surprised how easy it is to nurse with a toddler around. Plus you are giving your toddler an invaluable lesson on how babies grow and feed, and teaching how our bodies work, it’s the most wonderful thing you can do ❤️ if you find it difficult down the road then consider combi feeding but I beg you not to start off that way :) x (mother of two, had to combi feed my first for first 8 weeks then EBF. EBF my second.) good luck!

I started right from the get go. (My supply was slow to get established.) Unfortunately, my daughter decided that she hated bottles at 6 weeks, but those were 6 amazing weeks. I didn’t realize how much pressure it took off of me to have formula as an option until it wasn’t anymore.

I breast fed and formula fed from the time I left the hospital, a lot of people made me feel bad for formula feeding but it worked best for me since I work and go to school I try to formula feed more at night because it helps them sleep threw the night, good luck and congratulations 🎈

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Same here! It is working so well for us!

I moved into combination feeding gradually and increased formula as my supply diminished. It helped me not stress about how much I was producing and enabled me to breastfeed longer for that reason!

I wish I could EBF again I hate mixing bottles it’s annoying and I hate the smell

Combo fed from day one due to circumstances. I alternate breast and bottle for feeds but after 10 weeks of doing this my daughter is so versatile I can mix it up between the two as I want! The breast feeding support worker in my are recommended setting yourself a minimum that you do each day (even if it’s one) to ensure your milk supply is regular to suit your needs. My personal recommendation is make the last feed before bed, seems to keep them asleep longer 😉

Mine are 13months apart, I combi with #1st and exclusively bf with second . Strangely it was much easier but do what you feel is best but try it out first and see how you get on :) ( babywearing helped )

I combo feed my daughter since she was born I started with breastfeeding first and I ended up not producing milk right away. I was just making colostrum for about 3 days after she was born so I formula feed her because I knew she was hungry and I wasn't filling her up with my breasts. And she is fine with either. Now I mostly feed her breast during the day and at night formula since it's easier for me or my fiance to feed her. I do pump my milk at night and feed her that as well. But combo feeding is what I think is great because no matter what she is eating she is full and happy and healthy. And that's all what matters to me.

I also did that with my second child. I pumped so that she alternated between both.

As long as your baby is fed and loved, you do what is best for you and your situation! For me, I planned to breastfeed thru my entire pregnancy and purchased all the fancy breastfeeding thingamabobs and doodads available. I was so gung-ho about the idea of feeding my baby with my own body... Low and behold, I went into premature labor at 34 weeks, because I had my baby early my placenta wouldn't detach. It was stuck in place and had to be manually detached by the obgyn. Unfortunately, even though she was an incredible doctor... She didn't get all of the placenta out of me. This caused a condition called retained placenta, your body still thinks it's pregnant and doesn't produce prolactin. Because of this I never produced milk, and much to my disappointment I had to formula feed. Eventually I realized as long as my baby is happy and healthy, WHAT they eat isn't important. The fact that their fed, warm, safe and loved is what is most important! So do whatever you feel is best for you and baby, no guilt or shame

I started combo. My supply took long to come in so I gave him formula until it did. Then is bf all day and give him a bottle at night. It made weaning a lot easier

Before I quit breastfeeding all together recently I was putting her on the boob and when she finished I would give her 2-3oz of formula to wean her. She didn’t mind!

My daughter is 26 months old and she has been mixed feed since 2 weeks. It the beginning i was expressing to let her big brother and daddy feed her and also i knew i be back at work by 6 months and i wanted her to take bottles no probs. We are still mix feeding as i dnt fill her up but she still loves her boobie milk lol

I’ve been doing this from the start (due to having the flu during labor and having to isolate for 2 weeks ) ! It’s no issue and great for over nights - so you can get some actual sleep

How much formula are you recommended to give at a time when combi feeding? My LB is 4 weeks old and a VERY hungry baby - which is why i have decided to combi feed him. But i am unsure how much i should be giving...

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I’m the same! Mine is 4 weeks now and I’m pumping in the day and night to keep up supply and have breast milk for out and about and now formula at night. I want to know if I can drop some of the express sessions now I’m combi feeding?! Might call the infant feeding line xx

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We’ve been combi feeding from the start (she’s 4 weeks now). I’ve been breast feeding her at night I’m now worried I’m not producing enough breast milk as she won’t settle for more than 40 mins before needing feeding again.

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Ur milk will be plenty breastfed babies have no set times that they go between feeds once they hit a milestone or growth spurt they will feel sometimes as if they are constantly feeding but it’s all normal

I saw this post on combi feeding and Iv started to do the same with giving some formula every now and then... did anyone feel super guilty though not giving the breast? 😫

I have been combi feeding since he was 2 weeks as he was tongue tied and I didn't have enough milk coming in. He is now 3 months old and he is mostly on breast milk from BF a couple of times a day and during night time feeds and from pumping every few hours. He has a formula bottle before bed, sometimes one in the morning and also if we are out and about. Seems to work really well and the flexibility makes things much easier.

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