Helpful Toddlers

My kiddo wants to help me with everything which is super adorable and awesome but sometimes challenging. What are some ways you have your 2-3 year olds help with household chores that don’t undo the work you’ve done? 😅 Right now we have her dry off non glass dishes, butter pans when we need it, put clothes in the washer and dryer, and sweep but she always wants to be in thick of the action so to say lol. In other words she’d rather be the one washing or cooking but is too little to do that most the time. We don’t have a dishwasher so can’t have her help load and unload.
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Maybe she can help dust or windex the windows (supervised), teach her how to pair & bundle socks together out of the dryer, use a mini vacuum for crumbs on the floors, help take the bathroom trash out (smaller can), refill pet bowls, lots of little things!

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My oldest is 4 and he helps carry groceries in and put them away, he feeds our dog, picks up toys, puts books away, he tries to help with clothes sometimes, my house gets pretty messy with 3 so he actually helps with alot of stuff when hes in the mood.

She is too cute 😭

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Thanks!! She’s a doll and has sass to boot! ❤️😅

Matching socks from clean laundry, sorting whose clothes is whose into piles for you to fold, a damp rag to wash lower cupboards, dusting baseboards, etc.

Mine helps dust, i have him “scrub” some dishes lol and pick up things. He just loves helping and being w us

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My almost 3 year old it’s the same way! He loves helping. When he sees me vacuuming or swiping moping or loading the dish washer. I always let him sweep right when I’m done. Also I hand him the dirty dishes or utensils and he puts them in the dishwasher! It’s so cute. But never let him help with laundry he does the total opposite lol

My daughter sometimes likes to help. Today I let her stir noodles. It took her several reminders to not put her hand on the top but by the time is was done she was correcting herself. She has her own "cleaning" set with broom/mop/vacuum so she "helps" with those. She sorts the silverware in the drawer. She wipes messes, she also helps with laundry but Im more careful because she trapped the cat in dryer (not being used!). She puts sandwiches together for dad's lunch. And anything I point to and say put back she will (except her own toys).

We taught our 3yo loading the washer/dryer (as a bonus, she fits the easiest, lol), folding washcloths/pillowcases, trash (we have regular trash/city recycle/CRV cans and she knows what goes in each one!), she sweeps (not well), and she picks up dishes to take to the kitchen. Usually doesn't make anything any easier, and usually she will still try to do whatever she can't (she has even offered to change the 3gal jug on the water machine! LOL) I think it's just that age.

We have a vinegar/water mix that I have in a small spray bottle for my three year old to clean with. Windows, shelves, furniture, counters. She does it all!

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Mom win!

When I do the food shop we play a game where he helps fine the food ... With my guidance, and puts it in the trolley for me! Great fun but does make it all take a lot longer haha

My son is three now, but since he was one he has always been a huge part of cleaning. He puts his own clothes in the basket, puts his toys in correct bins before bed or changing rooms. He has his own swifter mop and duster, and a manual vacuum. On Sundays are when we clean. We start in the kitchen and clean the floors, then the windows and then dust. He then helps me wipe down both bathrooms (I use method so it’s safer for him to use) and we clean all the mirrors/windows on the other two floors. When he makes a mess he is in charge of cleaning it up. He helps me put in, switch and take out the laundry. (Not so good at helping me fold or put on hangers yet). He helps me empty the dishwasher (what is safe) and is in charge of pushing the buttons to start the dishwasher/washer/dryer. He throws away all of his own trash, and after he is done with his meals or snacks put his dishes in the sink. Although it does take longer, and a lot of patience it is so worth it to start them early with responsibility.

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He also helps make his snacks, sandwiches and has his own bag for when we grocery shop. He now is in charge of helping with certain tasks (like getting a diaper, and he even chose to help me set up everything when I pump ha!) for the new baby. We have such a routine that he loves and looks forward too, that he reminds me about cleaning if I forget!

She is a cutie😘 I wish my girl can be so helpful, you are lucky mama.

Hey, I'm not sure if anybody has mentioned this in a comment cuz I haven't read them all. Another thing that can be how far is with laundry? And also with cooking LOL simple stuff baking really

My daughter is 18mo and loves to help sweep and unload the dishwasher!

It’s hard when you are trying to multi task and get as much done as possible sometimes you just want to do it all yourself! I try to remind myself that I want my children to be able to take care of themselves when they’re older and be responsible human beings 😆! My kids dust, swiffer, fold/ put away laundry, put away groceries, make school lunches, rinse dishes, and sometimes help with scrubbing toilets 😂. Basically any household chore I’m doing i try to adapt it into a way that they can help...Last night my daughter (3) was super into drying the lettuce in the salad spinner. She was so excited to tell daddy she made the salad!

We have toxic free household cleaner so I let her wipe down counters in the kitchen, bathroom, and scrub the tub. The other day she found the bottle and was spraying it all over the carpet “mommy carpet cween “

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I don't have a toddler yet but just had to say your daughter is so cute! She reminds me of a little Disney princess who should have forest animals scampering around singing with her while she cleans 😂

We give our littles wet wipes and they clean everything

Your little one is adorable! My recently turned 2 year old like to "help" by making mess first. She likes to spill crumbs on the carpet and then go and point to where the vacuum is, or crumbs on the tiles then runs and grabs the broom (must be the full size one, doesn't like the dustpan and broom) She likes to wipe the table after dinner and wipe her hands and face. She also loads/unloads the washing machine, feeds the cats and rabbit with me and feeds the dogs with dad. She is keen to do more but so little so not yet!

We let our daughter help feed the cats! She loves to help! And it’s the least messy thing for her and it helps the cats to like her more!

Everything you are already doing. I have started teaching her how to fold things like towels, blankets and washcloths. Her and her 15 month old sister have started helping put laundry away. Because I am so short I put as much as possible under the counters so lots to help with. They have their own little dust pan and hand held broom. I have two extra swifter dusters than are just for them. I also use natural cleaning products so l let her spray and wipe.

Mine is only 2 and will help me put clothes in the washer/dryer and put things in the trash. She loves to sweep!

I hand off the swiffer things, I have a big 360 that I use to dust but the kids get the little mini one, a swiffer broom , wash rags and a spray bottle of water to clean tables , windows etc.

I got a small handheld vacuum and my so loved using it to help clean. He’s 2. I also just lower my standards a bit when he wants to help with something. The way he puts his clothes away is not how I would do it but I leave it because they are on his shelf at least. He loves emptying the garbages ( we have a small one in each bedroom and the bathroom and he dumps them into our kitchen garbage. He loves taking out recycling with daddy and he’s great at putting cans in a bag for the bottle deposit or moving the glass bottles into our recycling bin outside. I’m going to have him unload the silverware from the dishwasher next because I know he can sort it and he has a trip trapp that he can push into the kitchen to use as a stool. He loves washing windows and mirrors as well or wiping off his table. We use force of nature so it’s totally safe for him to spray and wipe.

My daughter holds the dust pan while I sweep, puts laundry in the washer and dryer (I hand her the clothes haha) and she sits on the counter while I cook and "guards" the food.

At that age, they would help me measure things when I bake. Here's 1 cup, I need a half cup, can you fill it halfway? Fractions have never caused them stress since they were first introduced as sugar and flour 😆

My daughter helps rinse off non glass dishes, she loves to help me mop, helps me put clothes into the dryer, organize and separate her toys into the toy bins & tries to help me fold laundry. I’m enjoying it as much as I can cause once she gets older I know she won’t want to help lol

I do laundry and I take the clean clothes out them on the rug and she hands me one piece of clothing at a time and after every third piece of clothing I give her a high five and she loves it


Look up "Montessori practical life skills for toddlers" on YouTube. It will show you a lot of different things and give some awesome advice.

Enjoy it while you can my mom says. Once they hit the teen years you can’t get em to do anything 🤣💕

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So adorable!

My 2yr old helps with everything. He even operates the microwave by himself with supervision.

My 3 year old is super helpful too. Some things she does ; set table, wipe up any mess on table she's left after dinner. Sweep up with dust pan and brush. Give a dry cloth to dust or wet cloth to clean bottoms of doors and skirting boards, use attachment on hoover. I liet her put underwear away when putting washing away and let her try folding a few things or get her to find matching socks from odd sock bag. She loves helping make food! If it's a frozen fish fingers kinda dinner I let her put them on the oven tray lol she can hold the bag for peeling when doing potatoes. I let her pour her cereal. I know you can get special tools and mini kitchens to encourage kids to be independent in all of it but that's not something I can afford or have the space for but I would if I could x

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