Bad mental health day

I am down not feeling well today. Typically pregnancy stuff. I have asked my boyfriend to be nice to me and he came into our room destroying it and then asked when am I cleaning the apartment. I am on bed rest due to how high risk I am. I am doing what I can when I can. I am recovering from an eating disorder and I use to cut as well and I would pop pills. All I can think of now is cutting or taking too many of something because he is coming at me in a not nice way. I just want to die...
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Hugs hugs hugs Journal. Type in notes. I'm sorry you are feeling down. I'm sorry your boyfriend is being disrespectful. Set some boundaries. know that what you are doing is enough. You're responsible for keeping yourself healthy for yourself and for the new life growing inside your body. Try to search for positive affirmations. You'll have time to clean a When baby arrives... And then again NOT because baby will require so much time. It's okay to leave tasks undone or tell bf what you need for him to do. If he doesn't agree or seems it's soooo challenging to do. Set the boundary that If he wants it done then do if not then tell him to ignore it because it's not important to you at this time

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Yeah I have been doing most of this but he goes off more than I would like. He has his own mental health issues and I see when he doesn’t get his way I have to do it to avoid conflict

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