My daughter was born at 30weeks, and was 13weeks in hospital. She needed oxygen for 12 of those weeks. She came home tube fed, but is now a feisty though skinny, 3yr old.
My little lad was born 32 + 5 and spent 3 weeks in hospital! Xx
My daughter was born 6 weeks early with no complications just needed her to grow and she had some bradycardia while feeding so she needed to have no incidents for 5 days straight. She was in the NICU for 5 weeks.
Delivered at 29 weeks, brought home at 38 weeks. My son came home with a heart monitor bc of the bradys - best part is I was able to sleep knowing a monitor would go off if he didn’t breathe. Never had a scare!
Delivered twins at 24 weeks, brought my daughter home 128 days later (just over two weeks after due date) my son came home after 165 days (one week off being 6 months) but then ended up in for another week. It’s a super long journey but it’s all worth it in the end. Ones on oxygen the other ng tube, I think it depends on if there has been any issues.
My daughter was born at 27+4 weeks and we stent 82 days in the NICU
My son was born at 25week and 4days he came home at 4 and half mths... Every premmies r different x
My daughter was born at 24weeks and we were in the nicu for 5 months
23+6 we stayed in for 130 days so 4 1/2 months.
My baby was born 28weeks she spent just shy of 10 weeks in nicu x
My baby was born at 30+5 and was in the NICU for 6 1/2 weeks.