Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.


37+1 and finding that several times a day im having stomach pains ( not contractions most likely BH) but sometimes it feels like baby’s head is so low down I can’t stand, lean forward or walk for ages. Finding it incredibly hard unless I’m laying down all day. Is this just the way it is towards the end ????


Last trimester feeling like the first

Am I the only one who’s getting those first trimester symptoms in my last trimester 🥹 second trimester was soo calm barely anything unbearable. But now in last trimester and I feel sick most the time, acid reflux is at its worst, boobs HURT, Insomnia and constipation 😭 with endless pee breaks



I’m 34 weeks now getting closer to my due date I’m starting to worry whether I’m gonna be able to do this alone as my bd left me early on in pregnancy I haven’t really thought much about being alone but recently my anxiety is so bad and living alone with a new born is very scary to me as I know I will worry a lot I ...


Anyone else freaking out

Anyone else freaking out about being this pregnant and feeling like you’re unprepared and losing yourself as you become a mom? I’m scared and sad and stressed


9w3 days ! Too early to tell? Just for fun what do we think

🩷or 💙



I’m at my ten week count down how many weeks do u have to go


Any PCOS/Endometriosis moma’s here?

I recently found out I am five weeks pregnant and my GP doesn’t really seem to care that I have PCOS/Endo. He said the hard part was getting pregnant and now I shouldn’t worry. I do worry though, I’m worried that something bad will happen like ectopic or losses. I’m scared to google too much because I’ll worry more....


Has anyone refused the GD test before?

I really don't want to have my GD blood test. I'm struggling to sort out childcare along with having to work afterwards (I do late shifts in the week) and being there at 7am feels so impractical (I understand why due to not being able to eat) Has anyone ever refused it or been given an alternate method to check?


Braxton hicks?

Have you started getting Braxton hicks yet? I’m seeing my doctor today and will confirm, but I am Braxton hicks started last night. I have read/ heard it can start as early as 20 weeks, but usually a 3rd trimester game, I am 25 weeks today. In the last 12 hours or so I have noticed about 5-6 episodes of my uterus...


Weight gain

I know obviously I’m expected to gain weight but I’m just hating my body at the minute. I’m okay with my baby bump because I feel like that is supposed to be there with where baby is growing but my arms looks flabby, I have back fat and I’m just hating every bit of my body. I just want to cover up in big baggy jumpe...


Walking after a meal

Hi, I just worked out that if I go for a walk right after breakfast my sugar levels don’t spike. My breakfast was quite straight forward. Wholemeal toast, half avocado, scrambled egg (only one) and a coffee. I normally have a kiwi but I didn’t today. I went straight for a walk after and then took my blood which was...


Travelling whilst pregnant 8 weeks

So I phoned EPU just to see if I can get a reassurance scan as we had a miscarriage in March.. I’ve been booked in for next Thursday morning and we travel to Poland for a family wedding at night.. the receptionist then said to me you do realise the risks of another miscarriage are higher when your travel that early ...


Fetal movement

The last two days, I noticed less fetal movement. First time mom anxiety is getting to me. Anyone else experiencing this? I’m 25 weeks. Contacted my OB but haven’t heard back yet.


Gender Reveal!!

I got my NIPT test results back today! I’M HAVING A GIRL!!! 😭😭❤️❤️ we really thought a boy but either way we are over the moon happy! For other momma’s who might be waiting it took 9 days total waiting for my results.


Pop goes the weasel

We’re just about done y’all. How y’all feelin? How many weeks left? Due 9/4 < 6 weeks for us 🩵


IUGR and when they decided baby needs to come out

Hi 👋🏻 mommas. Today I am 32 weeks and 5 days and had a growth scan this morning. Little man is measuring a week behind besides his head circumference. I have a planned c section scheduled for September 9th and I will be 39 weeks 2 days. They want me to do weekly biophysical profiles and NSTs starting in 2 weeks. I…


Sneak peek test accuracy

My Panorma test came back! Low risk and I’m having a baby boy so the sneak peek test was accurate!!!


Body problems

My whole pregnancy so far I have been very unhappy about my body and my scar (not from c section). But today I got my maternity pics back and I am happy I stepped out of my comfort zone and just enjoyed the day we had.



I’m 31+1 and baby has been giving me some really low and strong movements tonight. The strength is out of character for baby…. Should I be worried or do I just need to relax and enjoy? First time pregnant at this gestation and everything is panicking me


Scared of the newborn stage

Hi ladies, I’m 38 weeks and having an elective c-section soon. I also have a 2.5 year old keeping me on my toes!! I’m so excited to finally meet our second baby but also remember the gruelling newborn stage only too well, the sleep deprivation with my first was truly horrendous and sent me into a big PPD spiral and ...


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