Community Posts, Tips & Support on Third Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Third Trimester.

Pregnancy support belts

Any recommendations on pregnancy support belts? Particularly for 3rd trimester


Pregnancy pillows!

Ladies I am almost 28 weeks and I still end up rolling into my back when I sleep, I’ve looked at so many pregnancy pillow but I find choosing overwhelming! Also I need one that doesn’t take up so much space there’s no room boy bf to sleep with me in bed. Any recommendations? I was going to get the Bella moon 3 in 1 ...


Pregnancy stuff…

Hey guys! Just wondering if anyone had bought anything specific for your pregnancy yet? I’m 14 weeks and kind of feel like I’m not really doing much or being very productive! I have some apps that have checklists of things I should be buying but haven’t got anything! For example; I keep seeing posts about pregnancy ...


Pregnancy Pillows

Any recommendations on a good pregnancy pillow? Looking on Amazon but they all seem very similar and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations as 15 weeks and can't get comfy and waking up on my back most days🥺xx


Pregnancy pillow

What brand is best? I need sleep🙌🏽🙌🏽


Pregnancy pillow

I am struggling to avoid lying on my back or right side during my second pregnancy. Does anyone have any recommendations for pregnancy pillows that might help?


Pregnancy pillow

Hi all! Has anyone got any pregnancy pillow suggestions?


Breastfeeding pillow

Suggestions on one that will be supportive? I've seen people suggest mybreastfriend but it is a bit expensive... would consider it if more people suggest it! Context: I've tried stacking pillows / cushions and it just doesn't work too well for us. My little one was born 9+ lb haha. I do the rugby hold so ideally s...


Any recommendations for a cooling pregnancy pillow?

Hello! I’m an unrepentant back sleeper. I know I need to get myself used to sleeping on my side (17weeks!) 😬 but all the pillows I see out there are gigantic and make me sweat just thinking about it. Any recommendations/suggestions?


Toddler pillow recommendations

My little boy is showing signs he's ready for a pillow, what pillows are you using? There's lots of choice and have no idea what would be best for him.


Pregnancy pillow recommendations

Does anyone have any pregnancy pillow recommendations? ☺️


Pregnancy pillows

What pregnancy pillows is everyone buying? Keep waking up with a funny feeling stomach from laying on my side with no support x


Pregnancy pillow

Does anyone have a recommendation for a pregnancy pillow that will actually stop me rolling onto my back? I’ve got the dreamgenii one but I’m still waking up on my back on top of the small back part! Thanks in advance!


Pregnancy Pillow

What pregnancy pillow do you guys have?


Yorkshire Puddings!!

Does anyone know if you can have Aunt Bessie Yorkshire Puddings when pregnant?! They say they have egg in them. I am craving Yorkshire Puddings so much haha.


Where do I buy a pregnancy ball from?

Looked online but most are just ‘gym ball’, not sure if they’re different but do look the same 🤣 Any website recommendations?


Pregnancy pillow

Has anyone already bought a pregnancy pillow I’m only 7+4 days and I’m struggling to sleep at the moment my back is killing! I feel like it’s pre mature to get one so soon but sleeping is very uncomfortable already because of the extreme bloat x


Nursing pillow

Anybody have recommendations. I find that the Bobby pillow i have to put pillows under to bring baby higher and it hurts my back since I’m leaning to baby. So looking for something else.


Pregnancy pillow

Has anyone purchased a pregnancy pillow yet? I've been looking at the Bella Moon one, but just not sure if it's worth the cost at nearly £100!


Pregnancy pillow recommendations

Hey! I’m currently 8wks4days and already finding it uncomfortable to sleep, getting hip pain in particular when I sleep on my side, so starting to think of getting a pregnancy pillow already. I’ve had a look online and don’t even know where to start! lol Anyone have any recommendations?


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