Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

Whats wrong with my bump

I've always had a very top heavy bump and now I'm 35 weeks and it's just getting worse. It's super uncomfortable, almost split into two solid parts at the top and refuses to round out, staying flat at the front with a droopy bit at the bottom....its taking up all my available space. I can hardly sit down without it ...


Birth announcment

My 10th August baby became a 19th July baby! born via Cat3 emergancy c-section At 14:03 weighing a tiny 4lbs 15ozs at 36weeks +6 Birth story: Attended an ultrasound scan on the Thursday to check if baby was head down ready to be induced on the Friday however they had discovered my placenta was shutting down and b...


Orgasm - High Risk

Hi! Sorry for the TMI but I have just had intercourse and climaxed twice. I all of a sudden started having a lot of pressure and pain in my pelvic area and around my labia. I am pregnant with twins so am at risk for pre-term labour. I am really worried and wondering if anyone else has had this. It almost feels ...


Feeling worried ☹️

I've been have growth scans as my baby is measuring a little small. He was following the bottom line but at today's scan he's down dropped below so I've been referred to fetal medicine. I am so worried that something could be wrong ☹️ has anyone else had this? I'm 32 weeks today, they said if he doesn't pick up at t...



This sounds like a silly question but is it okay to wear a dress to a scan? Or do they prefer you wearing trousers. Got a scan coming up and the weather will be getting warmer


August baby became a July baby! 🩵

Our beautiful baby boy made an appearance on the 23rd July, at 38 weeks, weighing 8lbs 6oz! Couldn't be more in love with him!! 🥰


Hey 🙂

I’m 28 weeks 4 days, is it normal to have sharp shooting pains down below this early in the third trimester? Thank you 🙂


Gender thoughts

I’m 16 1/2 weeks pregnant. I had a private gender scan at window to the womb at 15 weeks two days and was told the gender in the room, which was what I was happy doing However, in my opinion, none of the scan photos look like the gender they’ve told me People write their opinions on what gender they think this is ...


Sex 4 weeks and 5 days post C-Section

Had intercourse last night at 4 weeks and 5 days PP following C-Section. I was only 6cm dilated prior to section, and had stopped bleeding by the time we did it. It felt great, no pain at all. Any experience with this? Girl just needs some reassurance that it's all good.


loose bowels

TMI but is loose bowels a genuine sign of impending labour? ive had extremely loose bowels the past 2 days, but im not eating anything that would give me loose bowels if that makes sense. my bump has dropped extremely low down and im getting crazy lightning crotch when walking and cramps in my back. i cant tell if t...


estimated baby weight?

Hi all, had my 36 week scan today & baby is estimated to be weighing 6 pound 4 at the moment. How much did everyone else’s babies weigh at 36 weeks?


C section at 38 weeks 2 days

My elective C-section is booked on 38 weeks 2 days because of a breech presentation. Is it too early for the baby to come out, his current weight is 3kg at 37th week completion and everything is normal. Will he face resperatory problems because we are planning to have him at 38weeks 2 days?


My son, Luke!

My Luke arrived on Sunday, 7/21/24 weighing 9 lbs 3 oz, and 22.25 inches long (41 weeks pregnant). After 24+ hours of labor, he debuted via Caesarean. This baby was never planning to come out vaginally- I had a strong feeling but followed my dr’s orders. I went in for an induction at 2 cm dilated. His head was sti...


Feeling defeated and not listened to

So my due date is 13.08, my c section is booked for 12.08 (39+6). I’m having an elective due to a traumatic emergency c section in 2022. I’ve been in the hospital 5 times in the last 2 weeks. 3 episodes of reduced movements, 1 episode of bleeding and 1 episode of severe severe cramping and low low blood pressure. ...


4D scan at wttw ??

Hi everyone, I just booked a 4D scan with Window to the Womb for next week when I’ll be 28 weeks pregnant. The receptionist asked for my due date, which is October 24th. According to their system, I'll be 32 weeks next week, but the NHS says I’ll be 28 weeks. She asked me to come in earlier because they won't be ...


Percentile meaning?

Hello, first time mum here. I’m 27weeks, and last week my midwife said baby was measuring at 50 percentile but I didn’t ask what that means?? All she said was that baby was measuring correctly for the gestation. But what is percentile and what does it mean?


20 Week Scan

Had my 20 week scan today at 19+6 and baby girl is such a fidget that I have to go back next week for the measurements they couldn’t get😅 everything they did see they said was perfect and I even got to witness her yawning, got a clear shot of her toes and an even clearer understanding that the jabs I’m feeling are…


How to deal with painful cervical checks?

So I’m a first time pregnant parent and I had my first cervical check about a week and a half ago to find out I was 2 1/2 cm dilated. Then this Monday I had another one to find out I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I didn’t want a cervical check done, but I also wanted to know where my body was at so I agreed to ...


Trickling waters

How do you know if your waters is trickling? I went to the toilet 2 hours ago and there was a wet patch in my knickers, and then again just now. I don’t know if this is my waters or not, so want to hear other peoples stories of how they knew or when they realised?🤣 please help x


Reduced movements and induction

I know that at most hospitals if you have 3+ episodes of RM it’s typical they offer an induction from 38 weeks, i’m having an elective c section and i’ve had 4 episodes of rm but no mention of moving my date, just wanted to know peoples experiences?


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