Labor & Birth

Giving birth is wild. From contractions to water births, hospital bags to c-sections, here’s what you need to know. Read real stories from real mamas and explore expert advice on what to expect during labor and birth.

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Birth announcment

My 10th August baby became a 19th July baby! born via Cat3 emergancy c-section At 14:03 weighing a tiny 4lbs 15ozs at 36weeks +6 Birth story: Attended an ultrasound scan on the Thursday to check if baby was head down ready to be induced on the Friday however they had discovered my placenta was shutting down and b...


Sex 4 weeks and 5 days post C-Section

Had intercourse last night at 4 weeks and 5 days PP following C-Section. I was only 6cm dilated prior to section, and had stopped bleeding by the time we did it. It felt great, no pain at all. Any experience with this? Girl just needs some reassurance that it's all good.


My son, Luke!

My Luke arrived on Sunday, 7/21/24 weighing 9 lbs 3 oz, and 22.25 inches long (41 weeks pregnant). After 24+ hours of labor, he debuted via Caesarean. This baby was never planning to come out vaginally- I had a strong feeling but followed my dr’s orders. I went in for an induction at 2 cm dilated. His head was sti...


C section at 38 weeks 2 days

My elective C-section is booked on 38 weeks 2 days because of a breech presentation. Is it too early for the baby to come out, his current weight is 3kg at 37th week completion and everything is normal. Will he face resperatory problems because we are planning to have him at 38weeks 2 days?


Trickling waters

How do you know if your waters is trickling? I went to the toilet 2 hours ago and there was a wet patch in my knickers, and then again just now. I don’t know if this is my waters or not, so want to hear other peoples stories of how they knew or when they realised?🤣 please help x


Orgasm after a c section

Ladies!! I had a section 5 weeks ago, I've had a hematoma but I'm feeling so much better now, I don't want to risk sex but I realllyyy want to orgasm, let me know how it went for you? Was it painful, enjoyable etc. A girl has needs 🤣 and I'm ready for them to be met!!


Reduced movements and induction

I know that at most hospitals if you have 3+ episodes of RM it’s typical they offer an induction from 38 weeks, i’m having an elective c section and i’ve had 4 episodes of rm but no mention of moving my date, just wanted to know peoples experiences?


Canesten pessary

Apologies for slight TMI in advance 😅 I got prescribed the pessaries for a 3 day treatment. I thought my waters were leaking, went up to the assessment unit to be told I have a slight infection. (No pain, no itchiness or anything) Anyway , I didn't use the applicator as didn't seem safe considering how low baby…



Out of curiosity. Anyone who’s had the prostin gel when being induced. How long did it take before baby was born?


32+3 and mucus plug fell out

My mucus plug fell out and I called the dock toe, but they sent me to the nurse. The nurse said it’s to be expected and tried to calm me down. I’m not having any other signs of preterm labor right now but this is my first pregnancy where I’ve made it past the first trimester and I’m terrified. They’re supposed to ha...


Homebirth on pathway D/high risk

I was out on pathway d/high risk pregnancy track after my 20week scan due to my arterial Doppler resistance (worry about blood flow from placenta to baby). I was really hoping for a home birth and am kinda terrified at the thought of being on the delivery floor at the hospital. Has anyone gone ahead and had a home...


Anyone have success with having their waters broken WITHOUT Pitocin?

Curious if any Mamas did this to get things going!! Or a sweep plus breaking waters.


Mt. Sinai West Delivery

Hi! Has anyone delivered at Mt. Sinai west recently? I was curious if there are shared rooms after giving birth or if everyone gets a private room.


C section

Hey girlies! I go in for a c section Tuesday! This is my first baby, so im curious on what to bring in our hospital bag. Especially for c section!🫶🏻 super nervous and just wanna make sure i have everything and what essentials did yall use to help w healing ❤️‍🩹


Help c-section mamas

Hi I’m a first time mom and my due date is July 28th I went to the hospital Wednesday morning for planned induction I wasn’t dilated at all and had to have.two different induction medicine the one that last 12hrs and they stick it in you its tampon like and then the 4hrs one that dissolves inside you I labored for 1...



Anyone else already struggling with the idea that your complete identity is going to be surrounding your baby at this point? I am having to give up my office, my desk, my bedside table, etc for baby stuff and normally I don't mind... but it's making me realize that there is some grieving for my life "before" and the...

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