Pregnancy Scans

Ultrasounds can make a positive pregnancy test a reality. Discover real stories from real women and explore expert advice on all things pregnancy scans and ultrasounds.

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Gender thoughts

I’m 16 1/2 weeks pregnant. I had a private gender scan at window to the womb at 15 weeks two days and was told the gender in the room, which was what I was happy doing However, in my opinion, none of the scan photos look like the gender they’ve told me People write their opinions on what gender they think this is ...


estimated baby weight?

Hi all, had my 36 week scan today & baby is estimated to be weighing 6 pound 4 at the moment. How much did everyone else’s babies weigh at 36 weeks?


4D scan at wttw ??

Hi everyone, I just booked a 4D scan with Window to the Womb for next week when I’ll be 28 weeks pregnant. The receptionist asked for my due date, which is October 24th. According to their system, I'll be 32 weeks next week, but the NHS says I’ll be 28 weeks. She asked me to come in earlier because they won't be ...


20 Week Scan

Had my 20 week scan today at 19+6 and baby girl is such a fidget that I have to go back next week for the measurements they couldn’t get😅 everything they did see they said was perfect and I even got to witness her yawning, got a clear shot of her toes and an even clearer understanding that the jabs I’m feeling are…


Percentile meaning?

Hello, first time mum here. I’m 27weeks, and last week my midwife said baby was measuring at 50 percentile but I didn’t ask what that means?? All she said was that baby was measuring correctly for the gestation. But what is percentile and what does it mean?


5w5d scan (EDD 23/03/2025)

Thought I’d share my scan that I had today with you guys! I know it’s not much to look at but we saw a flicker as a heartbeat and my pregnancy has been confirmed as viable so I’m chuffed to bits. My miracle 🌈 baby coming March 2025 💕🫶🏻


Awkward scan photos

He’s so awkward we can never get a good scan picture 🤣 will happily give us the middle finger though.. we have our hands full with this boy honestly 🤣


Private Gender Scan

What’s everyone’s opinions on private gender scan- I heard it’s more intimate and special as they spend more time with you but I also don’t want to “rush” through and find out weeks before!! Basically I could go private at 15 weeks (2 weeks away EEK!!) or NHS one will be at 20+4 so not for over 7 weeks!! I’m rea...


10 month old with kidney infection

Hello I’m looking to see if any other mamas have been through this before I’m absolutely terrified my daughter has been in hospital for a week now she has a kidney infection we then found out the kidney infection was one thats resistant to antibiotics and her kidneys where very inflamed as she had a ultrasound so sh...


Some help/advice please

So I had my 10 week scan today (I’m scanned regularly this pregnancy because of a complications before), this appointment was mainly just to check there is still a heartbeat which thank god there was. Now, I am aware the baby is still growing as I’m only 10w 1 day but from what I could see I couldn’t see any leg bud...


Is 1 oz small for a 25 week baby

I just had an ultrasound a few days ago and my daughter is measuring at 1oz is that small for her


Twin Pregnancy

Hey everyone! Just been for an early scan at 6+6 as I had some bleeding and cramping, and it turns out we’re having non-identical twins! Complete shock to us, as we weren’t even planning for the one baby let alone two😂 but we couldn’t be happier. Babies’ hearts are beating away and all in the right place which is…


Still in disbelief

How anyone has a wrong gender scan before?? What does everything think it is?


Endo first consultation with gyne

I have my first consultation tomo with a gynaecologist regarding my suspected endometriosis I’ve just started my period and they mentioned a possible examination - is this necessary?



This sounds like a silly question but is it okay to wear a dress to a scan? Or do they prefer you wearing trousers. Got a scan coming up and the weather will be getting warmer


12 week scan next week!

I have my 12 week scan next Tuesday and I’m SO ANXIOUS! I wasn’t like this with my first pregnancy but this one has had me anxious the whole time I’ve had my last scan at 9 weeks and everything was fine! Symptoms have improved since 10 weeks still have mild nausea and tiredness no energy! But I just want this scan o...

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