Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
baby should have measured bigger since it means i got the 3+ (at least 5 weeks) at 4 weeks 2 days??? 🤔
I had a private reassurance scan today as my anxiety has been horrific the last few weeks. Everything was really positive apart from the sonographer mentioned some excess fluid behind the baby’s neck. I’m already aware this can be a sign of abnormalities such as Down syndrome and has led me into a full panic. H...
Hi ladies,went for my 32 week scan today.. my daughter is over the 95th centile and breech. They’ve said if she doesn’t turn by 36 weeks I’ll have to have a c-section. Would they do the c-section at 36 weeks or will I have to wait till 38/39 weeks?
I had my 12 week scan today - 3 days ahead which is great and everything looked perfect even saw what looked to be markings of a boy which was exciting! But baby was extremely wriggly and refused to stay still for even a second even through a transvaginal scan. I also have a tilted uterus which makes it difficult. A...
So I got a scan today I’m 32wks + 2 and they said my baby is measuring small, He is measuring 3 pounds 8 oz. I heard from many other people this is normal and nothing to worry about but the doctors are making a big deal saying I now need to come in weekly and asked if I wanted to take a blood test for an infection. ...
Has anyone had a growth scan just before giving birth and if so what did they weigh? I had a scan today at 38w+4d and baby is measuring 7lb4oz !
Hello! I had a scan at 6 weeks and there was a strong heartbeat. I had one miscarriage before where there was never a heartbeat. So this was a big relief. The embryo however they said was very small. Only 0.16mm or 1.6mm I forgot exactly … now I have a next scan coming week for my ‘8 weeks’ and I’m worried the embr...
I found out quite abit later with my little boy last time about 8 weeks so was able to have a private scan straight away and hear a heartbeat etc which I found really reassuring. This time we have found out at 5.5 weeks ish… and I’m finding it really hard waiting for a private scan to check everything is ok… I’ve fo...
13+3 weeks at this scan!
Has anyone heard their baby's heartbeat yet? With my last pregnancy I heard my son's heartbeat around 9 and a half 10 weeks and I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and still haven't heard it
Has anyone had experience with swollen lymph nodes on back of babies head? It feels as if my LO has one, i’m gonna get it checked at the doctors tomorrow but looking for some peace of mind for tonight 😬
Had my 12 week scan today but the baby wouldn’t behave and lie on its back for long enough for the midwife to get all the measurements needed and some clearer pictures so back again in two weeks! What do we think girl or boy?!
Hey there! I wanted to see if anyone has made their first appointment to see their OB yet. I made mine for December 20th and by my LMP, I should be about 7 weeks 5 days. Is that too soon to make the first appointment? With my first I was around 10 weeks but I wanted to get in sooner as we are going to announce at Ch...
Has anyone used Ultrasound care in Liverpool? How was your experience there would you recommend?
I have noticed a lump within my overhang but above my scar on my left side feels like a golf ball. I do not have this on my right side. The right side is soft and normal. I have terrible health anxiety and I’m so so scared. It’s my second section and I don’t recall having this with my first. I’m going to call the GP...
What do we think? 12+4 scan
I had my 34 week ultrasound on Friday and I'm feeling so guilty. I haven't eaten as well as I should this pregnancy and now my baby's stomach is measuring twice the circumference of her head. Her tummy is in the 99th percentile while the rest of her is somewhere in the 40-50th 😔 I feel like a selfish, bad mom for…
Has anyone had a chest xray & VQ scan for possible blood clots? They have assured me its minimal risk but im so anxious about it😬
New to this app hey :) I’m currently 8 weeks, first baby, so excited but bundle of anxiety too haha. Trying to just take it one step at a time. Happy to chat to anyone! Like a few others I’ve seen so far, planning to announce on Xmas day. Anyone got any nice ideas? I have an early 8 week scan today someone recommen...
I’m an over thinker which unfortunately kills me🥲🥲🥲 I keep looking at my ultrasound and abnormal ultrasounds that I find on google