Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Blood from injection site

Baby girl had her first jabs today and I’m shocked to see how much blood is on one of her legs where she had the injection. Anyone else had this? The other leg is fine


Positive induction stories!

Had a growth scan 32+5 today, and baby boy is a big baby boy 😂👌🏼 so consultant has suggested if he continues to go as he has so far at my next scan at 36 weeks, she strongly suggests an induction at 38/39 weeks. His estimated birth weight at 40 weeks is approx 9lb6 which was actually a lot better than I thought 😂…


9 weeks PP found out some upsetting news…

So I went for a scan today as I’m still bleeding after birth and turns out I have a very small fibroid on the lining of my uterus. Which was never there during or before pregnancy. The lady doing the scan said fibroids do grow. I’m feeling deflated as I would like more children soon and the whole fibroids thing is u...


20 week scan

we aren’t finding out the gender just wondered what people’s thoughts were. Boy or girl?


Do NHS write the gender at your 20week scan?

Going for my 20 week scan with the NHS soon and me and my partner wanted an intimate gender reveal and have the midwife write down the gender for us on a piece of paper. Recently I heard from someone NHS won’t write down the gender but will only tell you verbally. Had this been the case for others?


Scan date

For those that have had their first midwife appointments, have you had your scan date yet?? I had my booking appointment a week Wednesday, I’m 11 weeks today and still yet to have a date through.


Exactly 6 week scan??

EPU are wanting to see me tomorrow for a scan due to the pain I’ve been in, I’ll be 6 weeks exactly. Anyone got good experiences of hearing heartbeat at exactly 6 weeks??


Midwife Scan Referral

How long did it take for you to receive your NHS scan referral after your booking appt with midwife?


Newborn hearing test

Anyone else’s newborn not pass the initial hearing test? We’ve been told to book a follow up in a few weeks incase it’s fluid build up. Anyone else had this?


Concerns around internal scan

Has anyone ever had concerns that an internal scan could affect pregnancy? We’re IVF (ICSI) and had a 6 week internal scan with our last pregnancy, and lost the baby shortly after. They were using a new machine and jabbed around for quite a while, leaving me uncomfortable following. Worse still I was on progesterone...


13wk scan

Girl or boy? Any guesses 🩷💙


20 weeks today and anatomy scan!!

I haven't had a scan since 9 weeks! Sooo excited to find out if we're expecting our 3rd girl or if this will be our first boy! Im feeling baby move a little here and there. All I need to know is that baby is happy and healthy! 🙏 Wish us luck! 🩷🩵


Lack of development

Had some spotting on Wednesday. Went for a scan at an EPU. They could see a sack and a yoke but no baby. They've booked me on for another scan next Friday but I think I just didn't make a baby. I'm broken and I haven't even got to the miscarriage yet. Any advice for my well being or physical pain when it starts?


38 week midwife appointment - cervical checks

First time mum here and can’t seem to find the information online. At my 36 midwife appointment baby was engaged and super low, she doesn’t think I’m going to make it to my midwife appointment next week (very aware this might not be the case😂) so if I do make it to my appointment next week can I request a cervical…


16 week appointment Tuesday

Hi ladies Can anyone remember what happens at the 16 week appointment? Is it just urine, blood pressure, weight? Blood test? Can't remember if they start measuring tummy at this one? Would be thankful if anyone knew, I always like to know exactly what's going on. Thankyou!


Singleton Hospital 12 week scan

I’ve got my 12 week scan tomorrow and the letter from Singleton said to take £1 coins to pay for extra scan photos. Is this still the case? And do you get any free? X


Big on scan

Yesterday I went for a growth scan. For awhile now they have been saying he is bigger than normal. I should be 32 weeks today. The results of the scan is 36 weeks today. They estimate baby is 6 lbs 9 oz already. We go to talk to the doctor today. Has this happened to anyone? last pregnancy was over 14 years ago...


Im wondering when all the next scans are

So I'm 34 weeks pregnant , I have my appointment later today but I just can't wait to ask midwife when all the next scans are , so what weeks get the next scans ? So I can get a rough guess to have bd get the days off for the scans, he would come to all appointments but he can't take that much work off since my days...


Boy or girl? 🩷🩵

12 week scan, what do we think?


Anatomy scan

Can anyone tell me what the “limited” means next to both of the kidneys? Everything else says normal, just the kidneys say limited.


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