Pregnancy Symptoms

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Whats wrong with my bump

I've always had a very top heavy bump and now I'm 35 weeks and it's just getting worse. It's super uncomfortable, almost split into two solid parts at the top and refuses to round out, staying flat at the front with a droopy bit at the bottom....its taking up all my available space. I can hardly sit down without it ...


Hey 🙂

I’m 28 weeks 4 days, is it normal to have sharp shooting pains down below this early in the third trimester? Thank you 🙂


loose bowels

TMI but is loose bowels a genuine sign of impending labour? ive had extremely loose bowels the past 2 days, but im not eating anything that would give me loose bowels if that makes sense. my bump has dropped extremely low down and im getting crazy lightning crotch when walking and cramps in my back. i cant tell if t...


How to deal with painful cervical checks?

So I’m a first time pregnant parent and I had my first cervical check about a week and a half ago to find out I was 2 1/2 cm dilated. Then this Monday I had another one to find out I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I didn’t want a cervical check done, but I also wanted to know where my body was at so I agreed to ...



Im a huge Kardashian, Jenner fan. And I watch there routines daily. Can someone explain to be how they have so much energy. For example they wake up at 4am and workout at 5am before there kids even get up and all day they are spending with there kids and doing photoshoots and events and travel and there up super lat...


Top tip

If ya’ll are suffering with calf leg cramp at all .. I’ve found magic solution. I saw it stated a few times and I just didn’t believe it. But my god it ends the cramp instantly As soon as the calf cramp begins, jump up and stand on that leg. With your full weight. It feels like your leg won’t take the weight b...


Not felt kicks yet after 20 weeks?

I know they say you could feel kicks anytime between 16-24 weeks, but most people say they feel kicks by 20 weeks. I’m 21 weeks and 5 days and I haven’t felt any kicks yet. My placenta is not anterior. Anyone else not feeling kicks after 20 weeks?


Severe abdominal pain

Hi, Sorry for the long story but I’m a worried mummy and looking to see if anyone has had a similar experience to me. Im 29 weeks pregnant with my second baby and I started having abdominal pain last week. The pain was all over my belly. I had felt like I had been battered and it was all bruised and every movemen...



At 7 weeks I was feeling really nauseous but got about 8 weeks and it’s just gone and it’s almost like I don’t feel pregnant anymore probably sounds silly only thing still making me feel pregnant is painful boobs



13 weeks tomorrow, second baby & I have an anterior placenta but I am CONVINCED I can feel flutters this evening, I remember the feeling well but the fact I have an anterior placenta is making me question myself? Has anybody else started to feel movements yet?


Going from vomiting 10x a day to nothing ?

Obviously I should be happy that I’m not suffering anymore but it’s kinda worried me how sudden it’s eased up ,I went from vomiting multiple times a day to actually being able to keep food down


Anxiety at night

Does anyone else get crippling anxiety on a night knowing you’re going to be woken every hour. It makes me sick to my stomach and can’t even eat my dinner😢 I just can’t shake it


Standing position

Can you hold your baby in a standing position at 4 month old


Weird Cramps

So every time I turn in a certain way, I get really severe cramping. It doesnt feel like a period cramp, it’s more like I’ve pulled or twisted something and then after about 30-60 seconds it settles down. It’s only on my right side and closer to my hip than anything else. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?


Moving belly!

Over the last few days I think I’ve felt my first movements. I had previously been unsure but it definitely feels like it now. I’ve also noticed that I can see my belly moving but have been told it’s too early for it to be the movements that I can see. What are your thoughts or experiences of this? First pregnancy 1...


I still have morning sickness

And I’m 14 weeks. I have to remember to eat as well because not eating also makes me throw up? It’s not as bad as the first trimester, but is it possible I’ll be one of those women who are tortured with sickness the whole time

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