Toddler & Child

From potty training and tantrums to foods and activities, we’ve got you. Read stories from real women about raising toddlers and discover our expert advice on development, activities, behavior, and more.

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Am I asking too much of my husband ?

I'm a FTM to 3 month old twins. Unttil now me and my husband have shared nearly all aspects of caring for them (feeding, changing, housework, everything), so I know I'm extremely lucky. However, all of the invisible labour of reading up and planning how we care for them, create routines, look out for milestones etc,...


What have our babies been eating?

Just for fun. What have our babies been eating today. Today my baby refused his food for his morning feed. But he maybe made up for it at his afternoon feed 😂😮 (see 1st comment for the aftermath) On the menu we had tomato pasta, apples, Greek yogurt, biscotti biscuit and cucumber sticks.


1700£ in nursery fees with funding🤯 but how is that even possible !!

I Really feel like crying. I have a 3 years old and a 11 months old, so 30h + 15hours + tax free childcare, and yet this is how much I have to pay and will have to pay more the months of half term I just got a job offer where I will be making 2000£ / months I was excited and though it was a decent salary but real...


Am I being selfish?

My other half works between 8.30am and 5.30pm, he comes home and has a cuddle with our 6 month old for all of 5 mins and then says he's going on his game for an hour. I have our son all day everyday (pretty much so everything for him at a weekend too, i absolutely adore our son) and never does he ask me if I want a...


This shit is so funny to me!

As I watch the gps tracker I've placed in the car go further and further (Now 3 cities over) I can't help but laugh when I call and he says he left work to go get food 😆 And how he'll be working late 🙃 Can't wait to see where he ends up! 👀 ..Yes, The fact I had to put a tracker in the car already proves I don't…


Cheating husband

Hey everyone. Need to vent/advice. I've just caught my husband cheating for just short of 18 months. I'm his second wife (if that matters) and have just had my first baby, his 6th 11 weeks ago and he's been trying for another with me and I'm just so angry. I'm just seeing red and want to cry but don't want him to kn...


Lost my temper :(

Ladies, I need advice. I lost my temper at my 3yo earlier today. He wouldn’t listen or stay in his room at quiet (nap) time, and then he knocked over a lamp and a fan, and half-flooded the bathroom and I lost it. Partially because I was tired and partially because he never does that. My husband is definitely the str...


when to feed

hey guys so my little is on purées for the time being because i have ✨anxiety✨ but whenever i feed him he gets bored after 3 or 4 bites, i know i have to make sure he’s had milk at least 30 min to an hour before, but what are other signs that he’s wanting to eat the purée and a little bit hungrier for it ? also he’s...


Vent Session

I feel like SAHM’s that are somewhat dependent on their partner or completely dependent on their partner get put in a tough position. Having a partner that acknowledges and appreciates everything you do is a SAHM is a blessing but having a partner that acts like everything you’re doing is easy hurts. I had no choice...


Husbands business trip

My husband is going on a 2 week overseas business trip just him and a female colleauge. I have seen messages from her in the past which I haven’t been happy with like asking him to take her into work all the time and things like that. We all work at the same place and she doesn’t talk to me even though we worked in ...


Rice cereal

When did you guys start your baby on rice cereal? In there bottle and spoon fed. And what size nipple did you use for the rice cereal ? My daughter is 3 months old she constantly wants to eat. She eats anywhere between 6 to 8 oz a feed. I feel like the rice cereal will fill her up a little more she makes really good...


Nursery planning!!

All measurements accurate and to scale, what do we think?? Don’t think there’s floor space for a nursing chair unless I wait on some of the storage


Husband and coworker

How would you feel if you found out you husband bought cigarettes for a coworker after he had just promised to stop smoking cigarettes? So I went through my husband’s laptop and noticed his coworker had asked if he had fags and he said no and he asked if she did and she said no, then he asked her to meet him up in ...


Daycare Drop off Help

My son has been going to daycare for almost a year and we’re still having meltdowns when I drop him off. There’s a lot of tears - it only lasts a few minutes after I leave, but as i am leaving it’s heartbreaking. Does anyone have any tips or ideas to make drop off easier for both he and I? TIA


Tasting food

My LO is 6 weeks, I know we are a long way off them trying foods but is anyone else ever tempted to rub foods on their lips just for a bit of taste variety? 😂 Realistically, would it be OK to do so? Ie rubbing an apple on their lips for him to lick the flavour 😊


Poor excuse of a Mum at the moment!

This is really bad but even doing the smallest thing now exhausts me, just existing for my toddler is all I can muster up at the moment. We’ve not been out of the house in over 2 weeks! A week of that was spent poorly with Covid though. All it’s been is screen time, favourite snacks, and letting my 2 year old trash ...

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