Child Development

Your babe is not so little anymore! From potty training to teething, we’ve got you. Explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas on Peanut.

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Molars are coming out… help!

My 14th month old son is waking up at night crying like 4-5 times. I believe it’s his molars because he puts his fingers in his mouth. I’ve tried oragel and the chamotille drops but it’s not helping. I’ve had no sleep for over a week now. Any suggestions??


Can I give baby calpol for teething he has only just turned 2 months?

He has been so unsettled all day. Crying non stop and he keeps rubbing his mouth. Earlier he was asleep on me I had a massive wet patch of dribble on my tshirt, he is a baby that rarely cries so I definitely think he is teething. I know it says you can use from 2 months but I’ve only used it when he had his injectio...


Hey anyones lil one still not potty trained? I have tried to potty train my girl a few times. I thought we cracked it one day as she had some accidents but would still quickly sit on potty when poo or wee was coming out but then the day

After she didn’t want to sit on the potty anymore and I keep asking her and she says she doesn’t want to go on potty and I even bought her a peppa pig toilet seat but she doesn’t want to sit on there either. Anyone else struggling?


Potty training not going well

Just wondering if anyone can help or normalize. My LO will sit on the potty but as soon as she feels the need to go she gets upset and asks for a nappy. I've put a nappy in the potty as an interim step and she will go when desperate but she'll be upset whilst weeing then fine straight after. She also holds her poo a...


Is it a cold sore?

Over the last day the corner of my mouth has been sore and stings, I have tried to keep it clean and just thought I had hurt it or it was irritated. I have never to my knowledge had a cold sore so not sure if it's this? I know I need to wait and see if it blisters and then I'll know but what do I do if I have never ...


Potty training

Anyone else’s child just not interested or ready? My child will sit on the potty sometimes. I ask him several times a day if he wants to sit on it- mostly just says no. He is still very content to sit in a pooey nappy and not say anything. Feeling like I’m behind where we should be


Potty training

My son will not go in the potty. I have a small one for him. He did once about 3 months ago. He took his diaper off and went pee. He was proud of himself. Now I can’t get him to go at all. Advice would be appreciated.


Potty training 2 year olds

So my daughter will be 2 in September and I will be starting to potty train her. Any advice? We live in a small house so bathroom is too small for an individual small potty.


When are we potty training

I have no clue


Potty training!

In need of advice, I want to start potty training over the 6 weeks but I’m not sure where to begin and I’ve been told so many different things by different people I’m now just confused. I’ve bought the pull ups that are supposed to help them realise quicker when they’re wet to encourage them to use the potty/toilet ...


Teething chart

Has anyone got that picture which shows what it looks like in stages when a tooth is due to come through / erupts please? It details how long each stage takes and has pictures of the gums 😂 sorry I couldn't be more helpful 😂 TIA x


Teething tips please

So my baby is almost 3months and I think he might be teething. Excessive drooling, fussiness, hands in mouth, biting/chewing & he can be quite aggressive. He seems so uncomfortable sometimes. From the experienced mamas .. what works??? I’m all ears 🥺


Continuous Accidents

Lately whenever I leave the house for a couple hours, either for an appointment or to get groceries, my Great Dane either pees or poops inside. I can't necessarily bring him with me to these things and with how hot it is outside, I can't leave him there either. He's also severely terrified of any crate due to being ...



Baby is almost 4 months and looks like his teeth are coming in 😭 how long does it take for them to come through?? About 2 weeks ago he was in so much pain but it has seemed to plateau


Potty training 2 year old.

Has anyone potty trained? I just started today with my daughter and I don’t know how to feel. I just want to give up lol 😭😭 she’s so smart but she keeps having accidents and then comes to me and says she peed herself. But like how can I get her to realize she needs to pee before she just does it on herself?!?


Potty training

How are we all getting on? ☺️ Just wanted to come on here and say to you all that it will happen if it's not working out yet. Try not to worry and take your time 💖 this isn't my first time, so one thing I've learnt from my eldest was to not rush it, don't push it, make sure I'm also ready so they know they can do…

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