Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
My little one (3 days old) is seemingly still hungry after his 1oz and I was wondering if in the next few days if I should up him. What are the signs to look out for?
Just a bit of advice/guidance please. My 6 month old has porridge for breakfast and has pureed food for dinner. He loves his food and I have no worries. Is he too young to start finger foods, and if not, what can I give him? I am absolutely terrified of him choking and planning to book a baby first aid course purely...
My 2 year old is gonna be so 3 years old in March. He weighs 50 pounds , also a picky eater and I shared custody with his dad whom also has bad eating habits. I cook everyday and make healthy foods but he doesn’t like eating it sometimes. Usually prefers a snack and I only give him 3 meals and 2 snacks. But he’ll ge...
Tonight, I made my 3yo a nice, well-balanced dinner. The moment I placed it on the table in front of her, she explodes into a tantrum because she instead wants oatmeal. I try to get her to eat a little of the food, and I say she can have oatmeal when she eats a little of the food in front of her. More tears and yell...
Boy mom here, not sure what I’m doing wrong but my boy will always have his silverware in his hand and use his other hand to eat with, when he was younger he ate with his baby silverware so I am lost lol
My daughter eats EVERYTHING ! She literally does not get full yesterday before bed she threw up so bad and refused to eat . Today she only had oatmeal for breakfast juice and water for liquids not seven drinking her milk 😩 what’s going on
I've been mentally preparing for this meal for a week! 😃 I always wonder where y'alls kids are when you're making these elaborate meals that you post 🤔 ......mine was NAPPING! She tried to wake up too early (20 min cat naps are becoming a thing 🙄) but momma said no ma'am!! 🧏🏾♀️
My 7 month old is refusing all solids. He’s never liked them. Just not interested. Purées & table foods. Any tips?
Hey all! My baby loves to eat rice so I gave her some of my leftover rice while I was eating lunch without even thinking about it. Then my brain remembered that leftover rice has risks for bacteria growth. The rice was left out for at least an hour or two yesterday before I put it in the fridge. Now I’m freaking out...
I feel like my baby is the only one thats not eating yet 😭 I’ve tried multiple things, and feed her twice a day. But no progress, I see babies having full on meals at this point. I need advice
Sorry, I've had a scan through some old posts and can't find a recent one! Update me on your milk/food schedules please!! X
Anyone else’s babies still just not interested in food? My little girl is 7 months old and I’ve been trying to wean her since a week before she turned 6 months but she just isn’t interested 99% of the time?? I feel like I’m doing something wrong! I’ve been serving her purée’s and BLW options but she just isn’t inter...
Guys I feel completely defeated . My son Hates food! He barely eats! He has never really beed an eater. But he has a total melt down if we even start to get his highchair ready. I've tried to just sit with him and feed him but he again has a huge melt down like it's the end of the world. I don't know what to do, I...
If your baby refuses the dinner you make would you make them something else?
My baby boy is two and doesn't eat enough, have you got any tips and tricks for increasing food and nutritional intake in the day Thank you
Anyone else just not having the best time at weaning? he just makes this noise 90% of the time! Anyone else have this noise too?!
The last 3 days all he’s had his weetabix in the morning (kept it down). He is drinking now and again but not as much as normal. He’s throwing everything else up he eats even if it’s a yogurt. He’s now refusing to eat completely. Do I take him to be seen? He’s fine in himself. His naps in the days are longer he’s be...
How are your littles eating habits? Is it normal for them to decline with the interest in food. He used to be a decent eater but now he is mostly eating any kind of noodle, fries, bagels and breakfast food. I do try to offer other things but it hasnt been successful. Do your littles still in a-high chair or indepe...
What are snacks your toddler loves when out and about? Feel like we buy the same stuff on rotate.
My 2 yr son is very very picky eater and drink lots milk. So I cut off his milk right now for him to eat more food and try new foods. We have been following meals schedule and snacks in between not like before he eat little snacks all day long. He refuses to eat anything new, not even touch or trying . He keeps sayi...