Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
I send my son(2.5yrs) to a nursery (3 hours a day) and I noticed 2 new 19-20 year old boys helping in the nursery. I dont know why but i got this weird feeling around them, especially one of them. I observed him playing with another child and twirling her hair in his fingers while the other one had a boy in his lap....
My husband has never shared much of his emotions , he keeps his mobile locked, laptop locked i haven't opened his laptop by myself in our 4years of marriage. He haven't said the password even though i asked him . Recently he goes out telling he wants to shop meat during night time after 10pm he has done this a cou...
My birthday today, decided to take my 3 .5 year old to a farm. All was going well, she waited in any que for feeding or touching animals, no problem. We enjoyed the activities there and the rides in the fair ground. 2 hours in, we are ready to leave. She asks to sit on this Peppa pig car near the entrance which you ...
Am i right to be angry at this? My son was unwell two weeks ago and recovering last week. He was well by the Thursday but i waited until Monday to take him back to a baby class. About half way into the class a child who was coughing came over to where i was and their mum followed them over saying ‘oh don’t mind him...
(Hint) a plant
I really hate to ask for help on here because I’m usually really good at communicating, but I am almost 32 weeks pregnant and my heads in overdrive! First of all my boyfriend smokes weed, which I’m obviously not happy about but he did say he would stop before the baby is born, well we are weeks away from meeting o...
My kids dad and I separated almost 2 years ago, I was tired of doing everything in the house / with the kids and working while he just played on the console when he wasn’t at work. We never went on dates or even outside really, not much of a sex life and he wasn’t a present father for the children. Fast forward to n...
My partner and I got into an argument and he mentioned how he’s not going to come home from work and clean, cook, be a “babysitter,” etc. I told him that all that is being called a dad is. Work is work and when he comes home, he’s a dad. Somehow that upset him, idk why. I’m not asking him to cook or clean every nigh...
Baby going to nursery the end of April, he will be 10 and a half months! I’m so upset but I need to go to work, as I won’t get funding till the end of the year if I have anymore time off. Anyways I’m just so upset I’m basically on here for encouragement haha. I literally haven’t left him with anyone apart from my hu...
I’ve organised to meet up with a family member who’s extremely narcissistic I want to face them and tell them how much they’ve put me trough along with discussing very important information that ties us both together. Does anyone have any advice or tips for how I deal with the situation? I plan to be straight to the...
Little one’s grandad (father-in-law) is taking them for first solo “day out” together in the car - they have zero plan, just going to see where the day takes them... Husband is very against me “micromanaging” but I think it’s important that we give some info (e.g. by suggesting times for naps and food, how to put on...
I’m having a c section on Friday. It’s our first baby and we’ve been trying for 3+ years to finally have our miracle baby. My MIL has just told us she is planning to sit outside the hospital all day on Friday until we say she can come to meet the baby… obviously this baby is a big deal for her too (first grandchil...
So I am a 21 year old soon to be mom. Currently 40+2 weeks. My husband went to his home country to be in the military there and had some medical issues resulting in him bring in a coma and possibly losing his memory. We found out about baby when I was 10 weeks or so, 2 weeks after he left to his country. I am possib...
Okay so I need to vent about this my sister in law has a problem with me and idek why. I haven’t seen my niece in months and I really miss her☹️ her excuse last time we spoke was that I want to act like her mom but in reality I’m not trying to I have a kid of my own and tbh babies just love me 😭 everywhere I go…
I'm a single parent with a non existent co parent. I buss my ass to provide and take care of my child. For some reason, I have an older sister and mother that feels, what I do for mine, I have to automatically do for hers. The difference is, her child has another parent that is active and present that takes care of ...
First my daughter is 4 months old my husband comes home and he's sitting there eating watching our oldest daughter play with kinetic Sand and next thing I know as I had our youngest in the back trying to get her to go to sleep I guess my daughter had peed outside of her diaper and it was my fault I guess then I gues...
I miss working & actually having money but I refuse to send my baby to daycare. Something being around my partner & our pets just irritates me so much. I get jealous that he gets to have adult conversations at work and I’m just always at home, it makes me feel socially awkward at this point. He also gets to clock o...
Just getting this out there trying to distract myself.. I might be crazy but my husband had to work night shift this week. Ive never slept without him and hes always been so active in our daughters bedtime routine. I dont know how shes gonna go down, hopefully she just doesnt realize or is tired enough to just go to...
My husband’s porn addiction made me very insecure and self conscious about myself. I caught him and he stopped completely. He says he’s very sorry and he was addicted to it. When his history randomly popped up while I was using his phone once and I questioned him about it. He asked me to forgive him and he will nev...
My husband has had a range of mental health issues since he was a child that no one ever addressed. 5yrs ago in marriage counseling he ignored our therapists suggestions for more counseling and therapy. For years we’ve had the same fights bc of him refusing to work on his health and now it negatively impacts me and ...