Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Wake windows

Hi all. I’ve been driving myself crazy the last week with wake windows. Trying to follow what it says online for a 1.5 hr -2 hr wake window but then only getting 30 min cat naps and then my baby is tired again around 30-40 mins later. I came across this and found it interesting that you should shorten the wake windo...


Sleep position

So it’s been drilled into my head to sleep on my left side which I’ve been doing through out but I’m at a point now where I physically find it so hard to sleep on my left side. I’m suffering with such bad bad lower back pains (pelvic girdle) and the only position I’m finding comfortable is sleeping on my right witho...


Sleep during the day and night

I understand all babies are different but how long is everyone’s baby’s ‘in bed for’ for the night and how many naps and how long are they? Currently my girl has around 3 naps a day, first nap is usually 1hr 30 to 2hrs long, second one around 2hrs to 2hrs 30 and third is about an hour. Obviously this isn’t spot on e...


Baby in pain after feeds - advice needed

So my little girl is almost 5 weeks old and for the last two weeks, she’s been extremely unsettled at night and seems almost in pain/very uncomfortable when I’m trying to wind her. She arches her back, cries uncontrollably and can’t get back to sleep because she ends up with the hiccups. She’s also being sick someti...


Newborn nighttime routine with partner

My baby is 2 weeks old and my partner goes back to work tomorrow - I wondered how everyone splits nighttime duties with their partner when one of you is working? I am breastfeeding but have been expressing aswell so he can help with some feeds. As the baby still needs to feed every 2-3 hours, he is planning on stayi...


What can I do???

My 14 month olds bedroom is adjacent to by elderly neighbours bedroom(we live in a terraced house) and every morning at 5am their alarm goes off and wakes him. We can’t get him back to sleep after so now he always wakes at 5am - it even goes off on the weekends 😫. The thing is, I think our neighbours are hard of…


Sleeping in their own bedroom

Hi , my LO is 5 months, and I was wondering if any of your babies are sleeping in their own bedroom already or when will you do the transition. Also, he still wakes up twice every night for feeds. Thank you 😊



Anyone else’s baby sleeping 5 hours in the night? My little girl is 2 weeks old and feeds every 2-3 hours in the day and then will go to sleep anytime between midnight and 2am and the wake between 5am and 7am! The health visitor wasn’t concerned as she’s above her birth weight therefore not needing to wake up for ...


Night time nappies

So my little boy has started to sleep through every night. He sometimes wakes in the night and if he does I’ll change his nappy. If he doesn’t, he will have his nappy on for 12-14 hours and it’s almost always soaked through when he wakes up. We’ve tried night time nappies in the size up and he’s still soaking throug...


Sleep training 5mo

I know this is a controversial subject, so please be kind. I suffer from PND and know to help myself, help my daughter and be a better mum and partner, I need my daughter to learn how to self settle. Has anyone used either cry it out or some sort of controlled crying/controlled patting? If so please can you share y...


Sleep regression hell and worry

So my baby woke up around 4am this morning and still hasn’t had a nap since then. 9 hours and she just won’t sleep I’ve tried everything Should I be worried ?!


Screaming in sleep

My daughter keeps screaming in her sleep. Crying & moving around. It’s like she doesn’t even know I’m there when I’m comforting her. She’s 14 mths old. She also wants to feed ALL night. I don’t understand why she’s screaming in her sleep, I try to comfort her before giving her milk right away as I’m trying to drop ...


Sleep Routine & feeds

My LO currently has a bottle at 6pm, goes down in her next to me crib. She then stirs for a bottle at 10pm, feeds and is down until 8am. I want to cut out one of her feeds, so merge the 6pm and 10pm. But no idea how to do it. Ideally she would feed at 7-8pm and then down for the night. Any suggestions?


Anyone else’s baby still having 3 naps a day?

If we’re just having a home day, my LO normally naps at 9, 12 and 3/4 roughly


Laying on back

I have always been a side sleeper so sleeping is not an issue currently 22+5 and I usually lay on my back in bed to scroll on my phone before turning over and falling asleep is that OK to do or should we not be laying on our backs at all


Dummy Troubles!

Hi all, A friend is having a nightmare with her 5mo sleeping through the night as she is constantly needing to put a dummy in - the broken sleep has her at her limit. If she stirs for it and she left her to self soothe, she wakes fully crying and only a feed with bring her back to sleep. Does anyone have any tips...


Sleeping more in heat?

Is anyone else’s LO sleeping more during the hot days? Mine has been asleep most of today, I’ve had to wake her for drinks which she does and drinks a lot but then straight back to sleep. It’s boiling in our house, we have windows open and dress her light and airy but wondering if it’s that? She seems fine otherwise.


What time does your little one go to bed and wake up?

Mine is about 5pm to 5am 😴 even with a later bedtime, he will still wake up about 5am 😭



How am I suppose to do 8 feedings a day if baby wakes up every 3-4 hours ? She’s 1 month 1 week old or it doesn’t matter at that age and just feed on demand


Learning to self soothe

This might sound like a silly question but my baby is EBF, and is fed to sleep and wakes up hourly and the only way he’ll go back down is boob. Will he eventually learn to self sooth on his own? And his stints will gradually get longer? Or do I need to teach him, let him cry? I’m exhausted and start work in 3 weeks ...


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