Jealous of me spending time with my own mother and sister

Just need a vent! My MIL can come across quite overbearing but in a really nice way, like she's trying to be helpful. Most of the time we get along but I can't help but sense she doesn't like when I spend time with my own mother and sister. For example, I went for an afternoon tea at the weekend with my mum and sis. It was a mother's day present and we had it booked for a while! I don't need to tell my MIL my plans or when I meet my family, I just get on with it. She usually texts every few days which is fine, but since my SIL seen my Instagram story of our afternoon tea day out, she hasn't been in touch. I get a real feeling she's jealous I have a great relationship with my mother, and why the hell not?! That's my life! And not for her to control. If I hadn't posted on social media, they wouldn't have known. My SIL had viewed the photos and she messaged me saying her brother (my BIL) rang her to tell her. Like why?!?!?! Absolutely none of their business! I don't care where they go or what they do! 😂😂 am I being over sensitive here?! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Absolutely not being over sensitive...hit the nail on the head when you said you don't have to tell her when you see your family. In fact, you don't need to tell her about any of your plans. It's your life, not hers! It's always the bloody MIL 🤦‍♀️

Let her be jealous. You are allowed to have a life that doesn’t involve her.

Yeah, that's weird. I would've been like, "sorry, am I missing something, why is this news that prompts phone calls to family members? I don't get it. Its my family"

That’s weird. That’s your family, why wouldn’t you hangout with them and why would you have to tell them in advance what you do.

I mean are you sure that’s why she hasn’t messaged you. Could she just not feel like it

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