Weaning struggles

Posting anonymous as I feel a pretty bad mum. I feel do sad and like I have let down my baby, I was so so excited to start weaning I have tons of books the lot....but unfortunately due to health issues (not putting enough weight) BLW was not the right path for us as solids are required to push weight so went into spoon feeding. I have given her random finger food to go with it but not like actual meals and certainly not letting her choose what to eat or play as I have been obsessing with "she has to it" please don't come at me with food is for fun as that is not the case for us. My point is she is almost 8 months and I feel like I'm feeding the same 4 things over and over and feel so overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Even the books I'm not in the mental space to try them. Anyone got any tips?
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Don’t feel bad - you are doing as much as you can 🥰 Is it possible to give her what you are eating? Just lumper? I didn’t do BLW and did purées as that’s what I was comfortable with, I’ve started to give more and more finger foods but it’s so much easier giving him bits of what we are having. To be honest I struggle with what to give him at lunches!!

To be honest except for dinner I am also not eating the best, either not eating or just something quick like noddles or sandwich. She only has breakfast and late lunch at the min so our proper dinner is dinner when she is gone to bed. Maybe that's why I'm struggling but I just don't know how to start cooking things for both of us.

Google NHS weaning recipes. They have lots of good ideas on there. I was only spoon feeding purees for lunch and dinner and doing porridge for breakfast but in the last few days my baby has tried toast and egg cups. I went with spoon feeding but would also let him play with finger food - mainly broccoli and sweet potato. Avocado is also a good one. For breakfast even though its porridge each day I add in a pre made pouch of fruit or yoghurt to mix it up. Although they can be expensive the pouches are good for different ideas and they get lumpier as you go up in age range. The melt puffs are also great finger food alongside purees.

I m struggling with the same. Only recently I realised that we can give them mashed banana, avocado. I usually give porridge aptamil and mashed banana for breakfast, then carrot/potato purée or his favourite chicken Sunday roast from Heinz , and then youghurt. Sometimes courgette purée. Struggling with what else to give

Also just make sure you are getting the three meals in - some days when I don't feel like eating at 4pm or 5pm I just do something super simple or a pouch just so he has had three meals. You are not a bad mum for spoon feeding - my baby was a bad sleeper so I was hoping weaning would help which meant I was more concerned with getting food in him than him playing with it. His sleep is so much better so I'm happy to stick with spoon feeding for a bit longer.

Another tip :) I follow two instagram accounts which do really simple recipes for babies - eatingwithzion and messybunmotherhood Really varied ideas and especially eatingwithzion she emphasises you can puree the dish to suit your baby.

@Katie you’re honestly heaven sent!!!!! Thank you so much for the tips🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

Don't feel bad, my son also has a few foods he eats but in his case it's because he is quite picky. What I do for him is cook a big batch of one puree he likes, portion it and then freeze. This way I have food for about 5 days until I have to cook again. Breakfast is usually porridge with peanut butter and some berry (he seems to love those), and I again make a big batch of porridge and then just use my blender to blend in the peanut butter and fruit in the morning. Other than that we give him some toast when we eat or some small finger foods, but those are more for fun. He really loves his purees and now drinks very little milk (2 bottles x 180ml) but he is gaining weight well (has always been on the 90th percentile and still is)

Hey looks like u have had loads of great advice above but I wanted to say I’m In a similar boat . My LG wasnt putting on weight so I paused BLW and mainly spoon fed but let her grab the spoon and have a play sometimes . I’ve started offering more and more finger foods alongside it . She loves fruit and certain things like tuna on toast , not a fan of veg still. Tonight out of the blue she has started picking up spaghetti bolognese and eaten quite a bit , I’m so proud of her ! I think one day it just starts to click for them. What I started to do was just do porridge or wheatabix for breakfast with fruit aa finger foods , then for dinner I would do an option of finger foods either something we had the night before that could work, or I would make something simple like tuna pasta , tuna on bread , salmon , veggies , but I would always spoon feed a purée also. 😊 xx

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