
Hi my little ones six months he’s been on purées since 4 months due to a milk intolerance and not gaining as much weight on just the milk but now he’s turned six months my HV is telling me I need to start giving him food such as toast and apples (her suggestions) but I’m scared he’ll choke? He’s on the chunky purées and manages fine but has anyone got any advice on weening please
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Thankyou! I’m just worried it’ll snap off and he’ll choke on it with him not having teeth

@Lauren babies don’t need teeth to have solid food. Their gums are very hard & they’re able to chew using them. Also, babies need to eat solid foods so they learn how to move food around their mouth safely ect rather than just swallowing purées. My little boy is now able to push food out of his mouth if he has to much/had enough x

Download the solid starts app it tells you how to prepare food correctly. Also the Facebook group- weaning the blw way x

@Jasmine aw he’s absolutely gorgeous Thankyou for your help

@Amy Thankyou! I’ll definitely do this x

I’d also suggest familiarising yourself in what to do if a baby does choke on food - at least then you’ll have the confidence that you could deal with worst case scenario ❤️

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