Breech baby

Any one else 32 weeks and baby is breech? Any advice to help get this little baby turning would be appreciated, I really don’t want a c section so she needs to be head down by my 36 weeks scan and I’m 32+3 😩
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Don’t panic! My baby has been breech this entire pregnancy and now he’s head down and I’m 33 and 2 days xx

Pretty much the exact same as me! I’m 32 weeks today, my baby girl is breech and I’ve got 3cm extra fluids .. also planned a vaginal birth and worried of a C section 🥲 The hospital told me if a baby is usually breech, they can actually induce you/ pop your waters and flip the baby from the outside of your stomach .. if this is something you might want to ask? Not sure on the success rates/ complications of this so definitely ask. I was hoping to do this but because of my extra fluids i can’t unfortunately. Hoping everything goes well!

I’ve also heard it’s very common for babies to flip later on in pregnancy so there’s plenty of time lovely xx

@Evie I’m hoping she will turn, she keeps going head down at midwife appointments and then I go for growth scans and she’s breech 🤦🏻‍♀️ Thankyou I hope my little girl turns! Im glad your little boy turned! Xx

@Alexandra Leigh I’m terrified of a c section, I have a scar from when I was a baby and had an operation to save my life and although I’m grateful it saved my life I just hate it, everyone today at the hospital that I saw asked about my scar and I just hate it, so I really want to avoid another one! 😩 I will definitely ask about that when I see my midwife next and see if they have any statistics for it! Oh no I’m sorry I hope your baby turns head down! It’s so worrying! I hope everything goes well for you too!xx

@Leonna it’s called an ECV, there’s information on the NHS website. It looks like it’s not always successful but may be worth a try. But I completely understand your worries, labour is a scary thing anyway regardless if it’s your planned way or not! Thank you lovely, I’m sure it will work out for us in the end xx

@Leonna It’s completely fine if baby is in breech position at32 weeks! You still have time and I have many babies turn just before giving birth! You can actually give normal delivery with breach baby if you have trained midwife or doctor. I would highly suggest to do exercise for to turn baby head down. You can find them on YouTube!

Hope it help! Nida Certified Thompson Method Breastfeeding Practitioner Instagram @empowered_mothers

@Nida Manan Thankyou so much! I was looking at this exercise! Thank you that’s really reassuring! I’m hoping to be able to have a natural birth I will definitely seek more advice from the nhs is she is still breech! Thankyou so much! That’s really helpful and reassuring!x

Don’t stress my little boy was breeched around this time hopefully 🤞 she will naturally go back down do lots of walking maybe that will help but tbh I didn’t do anything different to my normal routine

@Leonna you are very welcome my lovely x Doing an absolutely amazing job! Stray relaxed and do these exercise regularly. I gave home birth couple of months ago! My baby was slightly turned but head down due to which my labour wasnt progressing. My midwife helped me doing that above exercise and the other was me on my fours and she grabbed a cloth like scarf and wrapped around my tummy and wiggled it after that my baby turned and labours started progressing fast x

It is possible for them to turn her! Ask a midwife at a later appointment or simply go to labor and delivery.

Pretty much exactly the same as me! Had a scan on Tuesday at 32+3 and baby is still breech. If they haven’t turned by 36 weeks they’re going to try an ECV to manually turn baby. My consultant told me to have a look at a website called ‘spinning babies’ which has tips on how to get baby to turn naturally x

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