C-section infection and thrush

Ok so my c section scar got infected at 5 weeks pp I took a course of antibiotics Felt it was still discharging so took another swab and found out it has two types of bacteria still there which can be treated by a two types of antibiotic but 3-4 days ago my vagina has been stinging, itching, overly sensitive, turns out the first course of antibiotics has given me thrush The doctor has said the new antibiotics will basically make the thrush way worse and more painful as it will keep killing bacteria in my vagina I’ve patted my wound just now with a tissue and there is still a little discharge coming out, my wound isn’t red or anything (included pic) I don’t know what to do! Do I take two more course of antibiotics and deal with the thrush getting way worse or do I take the tablet to treat thrush and monitor my scar and keep washing it and drying it each day hoping it heals on its own
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Mine did this, I ended up not taking the antibiotics and just monitoring it myself and it’s all fine now

@Lauren thank you so much for responding I really wanted to know if other people managed to fix it without antibiotics

While I was pregnant, I had an abscess in my abdomen and I went to the hospital and took intravenous (IV) antibiotics. A few days after I came home I developed thrush. I went to urgent care and since I was pregnant the doctor there didn’t want to give me antibiotics, so I was prescribed chlorhexidine mouthwash instead and it went away in 5 days. Antibiotics aren’t the only way to threat thrush, and besides, you’d need an anti fungal for that anyway

@Ciera thank you so much for your reply, the antibiotics are to treat the c section wound but would make the thrush worse! So it’s more about whether I can go without antibiotics to treat the c sec wound x

My scar opened up and got infected quite bad 3 months pp and I had both course of antibiotics which didn’t work and in the end I saw a nurse who gave me iodine patches and dressing and I kept it covered at all times, this basically made it dry up and heal completely. I was previously advised to keep it uncovered but that made things worse! I found that the cold setting on the hair dryer after a shower also helped. Hope it heals quickly for you!! X

Mine has been like this all week, they swabbed it but nothing came back. Asked for a nurse to put a dressing on and the gunk was coming from a stitch that my body was rejecting so she’s removed it and put a plaster on. Ask to see a nurse for a covering instead of a doctor just in case x

why don’t you use a canesten pessary for the thrush?

@Libby it’s not about treating thrush it’s about the fact the two lots of new antibiotics will make treatment pointless as will make it worse again x

@Ellisha didn’t know you could get it re covered again ! X

@Zara I didn’t either, I wish someone told me sooner tbh I’d have gone straight away. They gave me extra so I can change and clean at home and go back on Tuesday to check it all to see if it’s healed. It’s definitely worth checking with a nurse as the doctor didn’t even see the stitch just the hole and made me feel bad about it x

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